Member Reviews

I was dying (pun sort of intended) to dive back in, and see what would become of Ellie, Thom, Moze, and poppetry. Munro didn’t disappoint in the least, bringing another vivid, dystopian piece of the saga to life before my eyes. I didn’t think it was possible to dislike someone so much after knowing them for such a short time, but Sasha just gets under my skin so easily. It’s her callousness towards the poppets, especially Moze, someone I’ve come to really care for over the course of the last two books that does it, I think. I was rooting so hard to see the trio reunited, and be victorious against poppetry (no spoilers about the ending, though)! I found myself completely trapped in Ellie’s world, from the first to the last page, and it felt a bit odd to return to my own each time I had to set the book down. A brilliant set of books, and you absolutely need to start with book one to have a complete grasp of everything going on, but it’s a story you won’t want to miss!

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