Member Reviews

I love the K-9 drama that comes with this series, and Blue (named because of his eye colour), a German shepherd, is one of my favourites FBI Agents. He’s got an awesome personality, from falling for Crystal, a Samoyed-Siberian husky mix, to befriending the sweetest of boys. His partner FBI Agent Evan McGarry is also a firm favourite of mine. Easy on the eye, and like all of these agents, dedicated to the job, a little bit too much maybe, but when you know the reasons it’s completely understandable. When his path crosses with Marcie Foxe things take a change that neither of them are willing to think about. Lots of action, a little romance. Child abduction is at the heart of this story, and I’ve got to say I was relieved when it wasn’t quite as sinister as it could have been. Both Evan and Marcie have personal experience with missing children, so this case affects them both in every way possible. Suspense that had me addicted from the get-go, and with a twist that I most definitely did not see coming. Every theory I had was blown out the window. I loved it.

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What a sublime five-star read. This blew me away, I have loved the first two stories in the K-9 Special Ops series, but this one had the extra special sauce that blew me away. I felt so much for Marile, there was just something about her history and how she stands who she is today, she shines through in this story, there are so many well written characters, but she is just the best. There are parts of this story that are troubling, but honestly, they are so well written that you know why its there, there isn’t an unnecessary hardship in this story, they are all true and needed. I must say I loved seeing Blue get what he deserved, its beautiful how it all comes together.

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Oh wow what a read, One you won’t want to put down until it’s over and then you can’t wait for the next one. If you like suspense, romance this one is for you. When a missing child is found it takes the trust of a women to get him to open up to the FBI. That woman has a secret of her own.

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Ultimate Justice
K-9 Special Ops Book 3
By Tee O'Fallon

I loved this addition to the special ops series by Ms. O'Fallon writes each person and their K-9 are completely in sync with each other. Evan McGarry is haunted by memories of his twin sister's missing status of 22 years. So he is perfect for the FBI CARD Team with his partner Blue by his side while searching for a escaped prisoner and find Noah a young boy who will help Evan and his team take down a couple who abduct kids to run their illegal farm business.
But Noah will also help Marlie a psychologist at the hospital who will over come her fears and loss of her own son to help him. Plus bring Evan, Marlie, Noah and Blue become a family each one really needs.

This is a non stop action story that will have you glued to the story til the wee hours of the morning. I wish I could give this book more than 5 stars because its so good. I can't wait for the next book.

Thank you to Entangled Publishing and Net Galley for letting me read this book

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This book was a great read! I had trouble putting it down! I enjoyed the thriller aspect as well as the romance vibes!

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Okay, I wouldn’t admit this to anyone I know, but sometimes you just need a good romance with a strong, handsome hero who will do anything to protect the woman he loves. Sigh!

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It's a fast-paced emotional roller coaster ride with some spice, a little bit of enemies to lovers mixed with an off-limits love & an alpha male meets a sassy, & strong heroine.

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Quite some intense elements present in this one, with child traffic and what not and I think Tee did an amazing job of implementing it into the story, and was able to write characters who were so well developed and had an enormous growth throughout the book. It’s so well done and I love that Tee’s not shy of putting the spotlight on difficult matters, while she’s able to have you still enjoy a very good story and developing romance.

As for the romance part, there’s also a well developed thing going on here with some pretty good steam and chemistry and I gobbled it all up. Couldn’t get enough of it. These characters were so good for each other in every way and I love that so much, especially when people are hurting like both of them… That they still find good and love in the world. Those HEA are worth everything and I love reading about it haha!

As always, I just love diving into a book written by Tee. Her writing is so wonderful and I love the combination of romance, suspense and of course the K9 dogs! It’s always palpable that Tee has hands on experience with the law and that she also does her research on specific subjects within law enforcements that she doesn’t have own experience on. I love it so much when an author puts so much work/research and love into a book. These books are really the perfect romantic suspense stories for me and I hope there’s lots more to come. Reading Evan’s story was absolutely great, despite the serious undertone present that can be quite brutal/heavy on the heart.

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It’s Evan’s turn!!!! I knew he had a lot of pain and grief, but man, he’s got even more than I anticipated. But so does Marlie. And she’s just as mired in the muck that holds you down as Evan is…until Noah comes along. Then she begins to get unstuck, just a little at a time, and Evan finds himself unsticking along with her, all while also wanting to stick with Marlie in a permanent way. But can he let go of his pain and grab onto a future? Or is he doomed to remain stuck and alone?

This is one that keeps you guessing. I had a few feelings as the facts became known, and I can say with zero remorse that I was right in one or two hunches, but the red herrings that this author so expertly tossed at me had me running down dead end roads more than once along the way. But I adored it all and wouldn’t have this tale go differently. Especially when the past finally joins the present in such a bittersweet, yet oh so hopeful, way.

I already want more of this series and more from this author. That’s how much her work sticks with you. You hit “the end” and find yourself immediately looking for what comes next!

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Ultimate Justice is the third in the K-9 Special Ops series and follows FBI Agent Evan McGarry as he is trying to find where a group of missing kids are being held as forced child labors. Noah, a runaway that was never reported being missing is found by Evan and his dog and partner Blue. They found Noah hidden in a house and drugged from his captors. One one of the walls are pictures of kids including Evan's sister Grace who disappeared when she was 12 years old. The reason that Evan became a FBI agent was to find out what really happened to Grace.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

A satisfying finish to the series. Evan has a monkey on his back – the disappearance of his twin sister. Marlie has closed herself off to much of life due to a personal loss. The coming together of these two creates a wild ride. He realizes that too much of his life has been influenced by his loss while she arrives at the same realization. The development of their relationship and the conclusion of the series is beyond satisfying. While there won’t be another book in the series, I look forward to the next book by this author.

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Ultimate Justice, the third book in the K-9 Special Ops series by Tee O’Fallon has all the intriguing and attention-holding elements that make up the perfect story to lose yourself in for a few hours…characters who draw to your emotions, a realistic and real storyline that has made headlines in our collective pasts, and a wickedly intelligent dialog that's peppered with an excellent mixture of wry humor, rapid-fire banter, and emotionally charged moments of susceptibility.

Ms. O’Fallon has once again used her gift of combining the little-known life (to the outside world) of the men and women in the Special Operation branches of law enforcement and given it a narrative with which to entertain and enlighten readers. The story is both a page-turner as well as a gut-clencher. The suspense and tension one moment drive you to the edge of your seat, while emotions are driving the heart through the deeper layers.

Hopefully, this is not the last that we have of the K-9 Special Ops series…if not for the men and women who make up this group, but for the K-9s who are the real stars!

This ARC book was complimentary…provided by NetGalley and the Publisher. I'm voluntarily providing my honest review.

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Evan is an FBI agent who is on a K9 team that finds missing children. He is also trying to find out what happened to his twin sister who went missing many years ago. When he rescues a young boy being held hostage by a group that uses child labor he sees a picture of his sister on a wall of the basement along with pictures of other missing children. While at the hospital to interview the boy he rescued he meets Marlie Foxe who is working as a custodian in the hospital, and she has formed a friendship with the boy. Her son had been kidnapped and murdered and she is now just trying to hide from people while she heals, Evan and his German Shepherd Blue and Marlie go on the hunt for the other missing children.

This was an excellent book by an author I enjoy. A bit of romance and a lot of action.

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A good (but heavy!) romantic suspense, so took a bit to get through. Definitely a focus more on the FBI plot with romance sprinkled in

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Tee O’Fallon does it again, she sucked me in and kept me in suspense throughout the entire story!

Marlie is a night shift janitor who has experienced intense trauma, making her withdraw from everyone and everything around her, including leaving her prior job as a psychologist behind. Evan is an FBI Special Agent on the CARD team with his K-9/best buddy Blue, making his life mission about finding abducted children, including trying to find his twin sister who disappeared 25 yrs ago. Noah is an 11 year old boy who Evan and Blue find being held captive in a basement where Evan finds a Polaroid of his twin as well.

By working together not only do they uncover a child abduction/forced labor cult-like ring, but they all help each other overcome their guilt and trauma. Evan and Marlie make the perfect pair, with Noah adding in humor along the way and a familial type atmosphere. Not only does a love story play out between Evan and Marlie, but Blue even finds hos perfect match in Chrystal.

Tee O’Fallon really created a storyline that encompassed it all: tragedy, healing, love, and humor. Be prepared to not put this book down and to stay up long past your bedtime!

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I can't explain what happened to me reading this book, I just know that I stayed up til 1am finishing it and have no regrets.

Disclaimer: This is book 3 in a series (kind of standalone though) and I did NOT read the first two before reading this. And I still had a fantastic time. The benefit of reading them in order is that you will meet two other central characters and their love stories rather than meeting them all after they have gotten together.

- FBI agent MMC x Former Psychologist FMC
- FBI man Evan has a K9 partner and works on the Child Abduction Rapid Deployment Team... aka hot
- Psychologist/hospital custodian Marlie has some deep abduction trauma but ends up being the one person the recently rescued Noah will talk to and is drawn into a massive abduction investigation
- I really love the dynamic between Evan and Marlie - they quickly learn a deep respect for the other, while acknowledging their priorities within the situation. PLUS they are like immediately attracted to each other and spend the whole book being like... are they hot or am I just really messed up?
- The ACTION in this book is insane, like the actual FBI scenes, the guns drawn, helicopter flying, door breaking action was so exciting and the main reason why I simply couldn't put the book down once we got to a certain point in the story
- This book deals a lot with child abuse, child abduction, trauma regarding abductions - those who were taken, and the families as well. It is handled VERY respectfully and maturely and I really loved it.
- The helicopter scene. DANG.
- Marlie + Noah's relationship and Evan + Noah's relationship was so sweet and I really feel like the depth of these characters contributed to how much I love them and rooted for them.
- I was honestly disappointed by Evan's approach to the Marlie relationship following the final major event in the book - he had that moment of realization and worry and then still acted like a fool causing the third act conflict?

Let's talk about the writing:
- I think this book was overall written very well. The author has personal experience in some of these fields, and that shows
- The phrase "True that" was used 4 times in this book unironically (yes, I counted) and honestly it was so funny. Like I used to say that all the time, but that phrase hasn't been used in normal conversation in years soooo yeah
- I'm sorry but using the word "nightie" like 6 times in the span of 2 pages right when they are about to hook up for the first time... is not as sexy as you might think it sounds. Do I have a solution? No. But the term nightie really just had me raising my eyebrows.
- The writing felt very natural, like it was easy to read and felt like a much quicker read than most 400 page books feel.

Thank you to Tee O'Fallon and Entangled Publishing for the eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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The story revolves around Evan and his K-9 Blue who work for the FBI on missing children cases. While working on a fugitive task force with his friends, he finds eleven year-old Noah drugged and hidden in the basement. They find pictures on the wall next to Noah that include Evan's sister Gracie who went missing twenty-four years ago. This starts off a huge case that will involve multiple departments and jurisdictions. He needs to start with Noah who is unwilling to talk to anyone other than the custodian, Marlie. It quickly becomes apparent that there is more to Marlie's story but he needs her help with Noah if he is going to uncover who took Noah and how it all relates to his sister. Quickly things become obvious that the people who took Noah will do anything to get him back before he can tell the authorities too much. Evan has to balance his attraction to Marlie with keeping Noah safe and finding out where the farm Noah was originally held at is located. There is a lot of fast paced action mixed in with some emotional times of both romance, healing and hope as well as sorrow, grief and mourning. The ending has a twist but also is filled with new friends, family and love. Truly romantic suspense at it's best.

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Evan has been looking for missing children since the day his twin sister was abducted. Twenty five year later and still no clues to who may have taken her. When a young boy ends up in the hospital after escaping his abductor Evan may finally have a small lead on what may have happened to his sister if he can get Noah to talk. The only one Noah will talk to is Marlie a custodian hiding from the world since his son was abducted and killed. When Evan suggests she become his temporary guardian Marlie panics but agrees to take on the task but will it be to much for her broken mind or will it bring her back to life. Can Evan finally put his sister to rest and will Noah finally get the family he wants. Thank you Ms. O'Fallon and Netgalley for the ARC copy. Cannot wait for your next book.

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One of the best romantic suspense books I've read in a while! Danger, intrigue, and amazing chemistry. I could not put this one down!

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Evan and his dog Blue are part of CARD, Child Abduction Rapid Deployment team. While looking for a criminal, Evan and Blue find an eleven year old boy locked in the basement. There are pictures tacked on the wall and one is Evan’s twin sister Grace. Grace disappeared twenty four years ago and that is what made Evan become an agent. Noah, the boy, is in the hospital and connects with a custodian Marlie. Marlie has been living under the radar for three years since her world crumbled around her. She is talked into taking Noah and being his guardian until they find out what happened to him. When someone breaks into her apartment and leaves a message for Noah, Evan moves them in with him. Marlie’s emotions are starting to come alive again but Evan doesn’t think he can be any good for her. His whole life revolves around finding his sister. When everything comes to a head, will Evan see what’s right in front of him?

I could not put this down. I was up until one in the morning reading. Sex. Suspense. Two people who have stopped living until they meet. The dog even gets a girlfriend, so adorable. Some edge of your seat action.

* voluntarily read and reviewed. Received copy from Netgalley *

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