Member Reviews

Join Sergey as he gathers insights from world-leading health entrepreneurs, scientists, doctors, and inventors, providing a comprehensive look into the future of longevity in two horizons:

The Near Horizon of Longevity identifies the technological developments that will allow us to live to 150—some of which are already in use—from AI-based diagnostics to gene editing and organ regeneration.
The Far Horizon of Longevity offers a tour of the future of age reversal, and the exciting technologies that will allow us to live healthily to 200, from Internet of Bodies to digital avatars to AI-brain integration.

In a bonus chapter, Sergey also showcases 10 longevity choices that we already know and can easily implement to live to 100, distilling the science behind diet, exercise, sleep, mental health, and our environments into attainable habits and lifestyle hacks that anyone can adopt to vastly improve their lives and workplaces.

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