Member Reviews

It hurts my heart to say this but Other People’s Weddings by Maisey Yates was a miss for me. I don’t think there has ever been a book written by the author that I didn’t love but this one just failed to grab me. The book features Poppy and Ryan and it bounces around a lot through different stages and events in their lives where they have crossed paths or interacted. I just couldn't get into the writing style for this one.

I’m sure not all will agree and that’s ok, it is what makes reviews our own opinions. And in no way shape or form am I saying I will never pick up another Maisey book. I am currently reading another and loving it, this one is a one and done for me though. The storyline and premise had potential for me, just fell flat in the delivery overall.

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I was conflicted about this one because I liked that it dealt with some complex character issues, but I also can’t stand miscommunication! A lot of romance novels have obvious miscommunication/oblivious characters, but this one had me shaking my head about some of the lack of understanding Poppy was showing about her own life and interactions with Ryan. I did like the flashbacks to the different weddings, but I also think they sometimes felt sudden and disconnected. Overall, I’d say 3 stars.

Thanks to NetGalley and Headline Eternal for this ARC!

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Thanks to Headline and Netgalley for this advanced copy!

I ate this book up on a work trip and really enjoyed it. It was fun and dang Ryan is intense! I think my only critique is the reliance on the fact that both of them felt abandoned as kids (valid), but they brought it up so much that I just kept thinking "stop telling me and start showing me". I didn't need all of the internal monologue about it or the discussion, it started to get to be repetitive. But I loved Poppy and Ryan and was invested in them. I'll definitely read more Maisey Yates!

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This is a book you want to pick up for that long flight! I love weddings and wedding cake, so this book had me at the title. We have all read this love story before enemies to lovers, but this one has so many heart strings, you can't help but relate. Sometimes in life our heart is so broken, and the walls come up you don't even realize they are up till someone starts to tear them down. This is that story, two broken hearted people, that need to see what love can really look like.

Poppy is a talented wedding cake baker, a bakery she took over from her grandmother. in a small town. She loves her life that she has crafted it out so carefully she will never get hurt. Well, that is until her boyfriend Josh of seven years breaks up with her, however it is a surprise, but she is not that broken up by it. What really has her not sleeping at night is why Josh' and her friend Ryan hates her so much. This story will take you through five weddings that Poppy and Ryan are together, her with the cake and Ryan the photographer. Taking you back, there are clues to when they knew there was attraction but every time they don't connect. Is there one soulmate for everyone and can fate put these two together long enough see it?

Thank you to NetGalley and Headline Eternal for copy of this story for my honest review.

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Other People's Weddings is cute story about weddings that has more to do with the vendors, which I thought was an interesting take. Ryan and Poppy were well-written, and I really enjoyed them together.

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Maisey Yates writes a Rom Com — and I am here for it! I loved the story of Poppy and Ryan — the slow burn kept the pages turning. This heartwarming, sexy, fun novel kept me laughing throughout. I look forward to reading more rom coms from this author.

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A funny and interesting take on weddings from the viewpoint of a photographer and baker who appear to be at odds with each other. When they review all the weddings they both participated in and how their interactions played out they realize the enmity might actually be attraction, but she was dating his best friend. Different story than I am used to from Maisey Yates, but still enjoyable.

Although I received a free ARC ebook from Net Galley and the publisher, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Weddings are the scene of disasters and excitement and this book was no different. The biggest faux passes and happiest moment all in one room are the perfect setting for a wedding disaster or success. These two enemies with a past were so easy to fall in love with and their chemistry was undeniable from the start. Forced proximity due to bridal party obligations made for a fun banter. I loved this book from beginning to end. Thank you for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Poppy is a talented wedding cake baker and the story follows her through the years as she navigates her complicated relationship with Ryan, the local wedding photographer, who also happens to be her fist love, but things ended badly and they have to keep seeing each other at all the weddings they work. It centrally focuses on Poppy’s life as she prepares for her best friend, Quinn’s wedding, and the feelings that that stirs up for her.
However, the miscommunication! Ugh the miscommunication! Yes they can reflect reality, the situation here was so frustrating at times because so much could have been avoided if they had Simple’s just talked to each other! I mean, that would have taken away the need for a story but dang at points it felt almost repetitive because it was just as simple as “hey y’all just need to have a conversation and this could all be resolved “ but that didn’t happen. Oh well.
I am a fan of Maisey’s writing and will continue to read everything she writes but this wasn’t my favorite of hers. While she definitely explores the love/hate line of a relationship and how one small change in the past could affect the future, I think I would have liked a little more acceptance on Ryan’s part and a little less demanding from Poppy.
Overall though, a solid read.
Thanks to Headline Eternal and NetGalley for this eArc in exchange for my review.

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In this book, we follow Poppy, a talented wedding cake baker, as she navigates the complexities of life, love, and friendship. The story spans years, capturing her relationships and the bond she shares with her best friend, especially as she’s about to be her maid of honor.

The characters are richly developed, each with their own traumas—issues of abandonment and adoption, adding layers of depth to their experiences. The author tells their journeys of healing and self-discovery, revealing how their pasts, once perceived through a lens of pain, are often more nuanced than they initially appear, and ultimately showing the power of acceptance and the potential for growth.

However, the misunderstandings and miscommunications always leave me a bit frustrated. While these types of conflicts can reflect reality, and I get they had their own problems and misconceptions, the prolonged silence between the characters going for YEARS could have been resolved if they actually talked. Despite this, the story remains engaging, and Poppy's journey can be relatable.

Overall, I found the book to be a 3.5 out of 5 stars. For me, it captures the complexities of relationships and at the end left me reflecting on my own perceptions of the past.

Thank you NetGalley, the publisher and author for providing me this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Other People's Weddings is a fun new romantic comedy by Maisey Yates.
I loved everything about this book. The writing, the characters and the storytelling was just incredible.
This book was fun, light, and easy going.

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I had my eyes on this book for a long while - my first time reading a Maisey Yates.
While I love the premise, the writing style is a bit choppy for my taste. Many short sentences. Quite repetitive, too. On the other hand, I really liked Poppy and Ryan. I skimmed the parts that weren't working for me to get to their interactions.
I'd still recommend it!

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