Member Reviews

Thanks so much to NetGalley for the ARC to read in return for a review. This was a really unique and magical little book and something I would have eaten up as a kid. It is a little bit of a difficult book to put in an age category, and that might not help it. I could absolutely see adults thoroughly enjoying this as I did, and am almost tempted to buy a copy when it's released for my mom and aunts, who I think would enjoy it as much as I did, especially. my former park ranger aunt. The background information and inclusion of many mythological origin stories for the flowers makes this definitely a book that you can learn a few things from, even as an adult. But at the same time, the little creatures make it feel like it's geared toward a 7-9 year range. But they would have to be a very special kid to appreciate something gentle and delicate and sophisticated like this, in this age. The illustrations are wonderful: they're whimsical and creative and cute: but they are not monsters. Creatures, is a more appropriate word in my opinion. But perhaps our understandings of that word monster are just different. With so much information and so many pictures, I could see the right kid poring through this book over and over, each time finding something new. This is definitely a book worth purchasing a copy of versus borrowing, because of it's potential for rereading.

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I enjoyed this cute book about how flowers would look if they were monsters. It was very cute and informative. The monsters were adorable. Well written and illustrated. Perfect for children and lovers of flowers.

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I received an electronic ARC from Helvetiq through NetGalley.
A whimsical look at a wide variety of flowers. Le Men provide facts and history for each type then holds younger readers' interest by turning them into monsters incorporating each flower's name (ex. Monstertiums, Lavendogres). Told in short paragraph style so elementary level readers can easily follow the information and the fantasy. I appreciate the artwork that captures both the real flowers and the mythical monsters. A fun family read for gardeners or those who want to learn more about flowers.

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If Flowers were Little Monsters is such a perfect children's book! The author provides a short history and biology of different flowers and incorporates a fantastic method to keep children interested in the book! Claire Le Men uses different parts of the flowers she writes about to create little flower monsters. This is such a wonderful way to get kids involved in the plant's anatomy while also providing them the opportunity to use their creativity to create their own little flower monsters! It would be a great addition to any teacher's classroom library.

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This book is adorable & unique. I have never read anything like it. Children and adults will find it delightful. Be swept away in your wonder of flowers and imagine them to be little monsters!

In a too serious world, this whimsical book taught me things about the flowers I love, and made me slow down to see things I haven’t seen before.

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