Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read and review this book before publication.

I love me some Amanda Lovelace. I have all of her books and gifted my mom a copy of The Witch Doesn’t Burn in This One. Think of her poetry like a mix of therapy and affirmations, delving into her most private thoughts and feelings. You get something out of her words, and it’s the very important message that you are not alone.

she followed the moon back to herself is more in line with Lovelace’s Women Are Some Kind of Magic series. What I like most about her books, and this one in particular, is that we get to see her grow as a person book to book. She has become a beloved character whose story is ever changing and evolving. The artwork throughout the book is stunning in its details, subject matter, and color palette.

Now for the hardest part of my review. I’m going to preface this by saying that I intend to purchase the physical book when it comes out because I do love it. But I feel as though while Lovelace has grown as a person her writing has not. We’re “told” more often than “shown,” and the diction is beginning to feel recycled and common. We get hints of growth, certain poems that just sucker punch the crap out of you, but they’re just hints. I’m teaching my high school English students about direct and indirect characterization, and this book has majority direct characterization.

Lovelace’s poetry, however, is very accessible for younger people and those who may find traditional poetry to be too dense and hard to interpret. I definitely recommend this book be read.

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As the years have gone by, I find myself more and more disappointed with Lovelace's poetry. In my opinion, her writing has not evolved, and I can't even tell the difference between any of her collections anymore. So many of the poems feel recycled and just more of the same. I had a hard time not rolling my eyes at some of the cliches, and just wishing for something different or more fleshed out. I think this is the last collection I'll read by this poet, her poems just aren't for me anymore.

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A lovely little poetry collection that mainly features self-love and self-confidence. The content of each poem varies but it leaves you feeling inspired. I’ve always found most of Amanda Lovelace’s poetry to be relatable and empowering. However, I didn’t relate to the content of this collection as much as I have in her others. I still do appreciate the poems for what they are. I also love the illustrations included within. Overall I enjoyed this short and sweet poetry book. Thank you Andrews McMeel Publishing for providing an eARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I did enjoy the poetry in this book, but do feel like it wasn't as great as her previous books and her writing has matured or moved since her early works. I still resonate and relate with a lot of the poetry, but I felt it was incomplete and I wanted more.

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I’ve loved Amanda’s previous poetry but I have to say this one just didn’t grip me as much.
It felt more like incomplete diary entries than collections of poetry.

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This is a beautiful poetry collection.

It’s a healing journey of self discovery with some sapphic, astrology, and feminism goodness mixed in.

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Amanda Lovelace never disappoints. The way she writes.. it’s all so beautiful! Every poem she writes is so full of emotion that I absolutely love.

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This set of poems is the author stepping into their power and accepting themselves for who they are regardless of how other perceives them.
Having said that, I feel weird saying anything negative about it, if it's their truth. I did find it somewhat repetitive of what's been done beforehand, and did feel that a few bits were added for the "edge" factor (swearing that felt forced rather than naturally occurring).
Over all a good collection, perfect for one going through a metamorphosis themselves.

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Amanda Lovelace is one of my favorite poets. She's fierce, feminist, and it feels like she just GETS you. I've read several of her other books, and while this one wasn't my favorite, I did really enjoy it. It's so quotable and makes me feel brave and alive and grateful. And that cover? GORGEOUS.

like a moth

she makes it her mission
to find the light in everything.

no matter how short
her life may be.


How freaking inspiring is that??

I received this ARC courtesy of NetGalley, in return for my honest review.

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For this being my first poetry collection from Lovelace ~ I would read more of her work! I thought the writing felt sassy and I really loved that. For me I like poetry that speaks more about the beauty in the mundane so that may be why this didn’t hit entirely for me ~ however there was still a good bit that I really enjoyed and will look back on.

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I loved this so much - I could see myself in so many of the poems and it felt like often times the author was able to put to words feelings I haven't been able to

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I always turn to Amanda Lovelace's work when I'm a reading slump because without fail she brings me out of it. Sometimes you just need to read some badass feminist work! This was no different, I get so excited to read anything she puts out.

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First, a huge thank you goes to the author, Amanda Lovelace, the publisher, Andrews McNeel Publishing, and NetGalley for the great privilege of being able to read a digital copy of She Followed the Moon Back to Herself, which I feel is a beautifully touching poetry collection that feels both personal and universal. Each poem paints a vivid image of a woman rediscovering herself in a world that often tries to blur our identities and sell them back to us at the steep cost of our mental health and emotional stability. Lovelace’s words are sweet and empowering, full of self-love and growth, and many of the poems can easily serve as affirmations for daily reflection and practice.

The illustrations are just as powerful and complement the poems perfectly. They add another layer of meaning to the journey. The illustrations and poems blend in symbiosis to create an experience that is deeply emotional, empowering, and relatable. There is a youthful writing style that will make it very accessible and enjoyable to a younger audience. But the more mature themes of self-acceptance, authenticity, and embracing one’s flaws can be appealing to pretty much anyone.

If you’re in the process of finding yourself or seeking a bit of light in your own journey, She Followed the Moon Back to Herself is a positive, affirming read that will resonate with you. If you'd like a book full of wonderful affirmations and reminders of your strength, this one is for you!

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I love Amanda Lovelaces books so very much! This poetry book while different from her usual fairytales feels more deeply profound and more humanoid in nature. The imagery painted throughout the poems is a macabre mess of inner turmoil and how to come back to oneself. I loved reading this poetry collection and I can not wait to get a physical copy to add to my collection.

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Thanks to @netgalley for the ARC of this book! I’ve read all of Amanda Lovelace’s books, so I was excited to see this on there. It’s not a thriller, but I couldn’t resist 🤪 This will be released on October 29th 👻

3/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️

#amanda #amandalovelace #poetry #newrelease #arc #netgalley

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I have been following Amanda Lovelace since they posted The Princess Saves Herself in This One, on Tumblr. I downloaded it on Kindle and was moved to tears. This collection feels like a culmination of all the growth this poet has gone through. You feel the growth, the change, the metamorphosis, and the hope. This is a great read, especially for her fans and lovers of her work.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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A sweet and empowering poetry collection that I definitely recommend for anyone in the process of finding themselves. The illustrations in this book are amazing and go wonderfully with the poetry.

Thank you to Netgalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Amanda Lovelace has created an ideal collection for the confused and new mind of the teenager. With accessible language and thought processes “she followed the moon back to herself” is a mind opening read.

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I have been a fan of Amanda Lovelace's for such a long time and am so thankful for how she keeps giving. Reading the note at the beginning how she was ready to walk away from poetry broke my heart and to think we would have missed out on "she followed the moon back to herself" would have been a tragedy. The beauty of it was her writing for herself but SO MANY of the pieces felt so personal to the reader as well. So much of it was validating and heartbreaking to know so many of us experience the same problematic behaviors--in others as well as ourselves. Here is to living authentically and lifting up other women when they have strengths or louder voices where we have none.

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Amanda Lovelace does it again! In her new poetry book, she followed the moon back to herself, she talks about growing and evolving and change. She talks about her happiness as of lately. I applaud her for this well done poetry book. This was much-needed!

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