Member Reviews

I’ve been eyeing lovelace’s poetry for a long while now after finding her oracle and tarot decks, and I was so happy to finally pick one of her books up. I loved this collection. The poems invoked many feelings and brought tears to my eyes, and they were exactly what I needed. Fantastic book, can’t wait to read more from this author.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Literally so many good poems, if I could I would share so many on my socials. & I will definitely be buying this book for my daughter & the ARC copy I read on Netgalley is so beautiful. I felt it them in my soul.

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As always, I really enjoyed this collection of poetry from Amanda! Their writing always makes me feel understood and right at home in my life. I will forever read whatever she writes no matter what stage of life I am in. Their poetry is absolutely beautiful, and I never want the collections to end while I am reading them. While I was not able to connect to the entire volume, I understand these poems are about her growth as a person and i respect that.

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I wasn't over the moon (get it?) with this one, but I could definetly see the self-love and beauty in it. I love how it's unapolagetic.

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Beautifully book with very beautiful quotes.
Of course you can't with every poem but with many of them and I think there's something for everyone

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I've ready several of Lovelace's work and always appreciate the experience (indeed flagging at least a handful of poems to return to in the future) but almost always also find them to be a bit of a mixed bag. I'm no expert in poetry so only evaluate it based on my own enjoyment/ability to connect with the words and sometimes find Lovelace's work to be vague. Rather than inviting me in, the poems come across blunt and unfinished. I recognize the irony of not being able to describe it well myself, but I guess I wish tha tLovelace waded more into the specificity of the experience: instead of describing society, can you show me the imagery of it?

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Amanda Lovelace has created another book of beautiful and inspiring poetry that looks back on her life and the lessons she's learned. I loved it!

NOTE: The artwork was a little frustrating in the digital copy, but I'm sure the physical copy is gonna be absolutely gorgeous.

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Empowerment through sugar-laced words. About being authentic with oneself, practicing self-love, and embracing flaws. It blends a youthful writing style that would appeal to a younger audience with more mature topics, resulting in a widely relatable collection.

Highlights: pg. 31, pg. 55, pg. 73, pg. 99

My preferred poetry is a bit more al dente

Thank you, Andrews McMeel Publishing, for providing a review copy via NetGalley.

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Thank you Net Galley and publishers for letting me read an arc of this book in return for an honest review.

I enjoyed reading these short poems. They were nice and emotional at some parts. I really connected with what she was writing about her life. None of the poems really stood out to me as memorable but I could tell she wrote with her whole heart and soul. Overall nice poems to read.

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I wanted to love this and I'm so bummed that I didn't! It was my first foray into Lovelace's work although a number of her volumes are in my Goodreads TBR, I was so excited to come across an advanced copy that I read it straightaway, but I found that it left me wanting, unfortunately.

Poetry that is condensed into easily digestible stanzas at most, but more often than not sassy one-liners, doesn't take long to read, and for a 200-page book I was pretty dismayed that every second page was an illustrated filler page (with the same illustration throughout). There are pages of unique illustrations at the beginning and end of the book, though these wouldn't make me want to have the book on my shelf. Start to finish there's maybe 15-20 minutes of reading, and I don't feel pulled to revisit any of the poems.

I used to eat this style of poetry up (yes I loved Rupi Kaur yes I spent too much time in my formative years on tumblr) but a lot of this fell flat for me personally. Maybe I've just aged out of the genre, but I expected more from somebody's 10th volume of work, this could have been a teenager's debut and I wouldn't have known any different.

It does come across that the author found catharsis during the writing of this, and I love to see someone embracing themselves for who they are and loving themselves without apology, it's a shame I couldn't resonate!

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I remember reading her first few works, this brings the same energy into them. I loved the re-occuring themes. As someone going through an identity crisis I definitely resonated with a handful of these works.

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“She followed the moon back to herself” is a feminist, fat-positive, queer collection of poetry focused around self-love, growth and finding yourself and your own peace and happiness. While I love all of Amanda’s books, I especially enjoyed how this one mentioned all of the heavy topics she’s covered in the past but in the light of coming out on the other side and being better and stronger for it. It was such a positive and affirming read, empowering at its core and I ate up every bit. While I did slightly miss the fictional/storytelling lens they’ve used in their past works (I love when poetry has a story), I really enjoyed how we got to see directly into their personal experiences/thoughts/emotions firsthand and hopefully learn from them. Can’t wait to see what she does next!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for sending me an ARC of this book in exchange for an open and honest review! All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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For any female identifying person, a handful of these poems will feel like a soothing balm for the soul. To feel seen and understood for my existence through a mere paragraph of words is astounding. Amanda Lovelace’s ability to create a shared connection and understanding for readers is one of her gifts. I, for one am glad that she has not given up on poetry altogether like she mentioned in her introduction. I hope to read many more poems by Lovelace in the future!

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This is one of those books that makes me want to read Amanda's entire poetry catalog. she followed the moon back to herself spoke so deeply to me and my own personal journey that I felt like she was speaking directly to me in parts. So beautiful and uplifting, I would give it 1000 stars if I could.

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I absolutely love Amanda Lovelace's poetry books! This was beautiful and although I couldn't relate to every poem, I still understood and still connected to each one and for the ones that hit home I felt even more connected.

This was a beautiful poetry book and her words speak to your soul on a deep level!

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Amanda Lovelace once again drafts a poetry collection that speaks to the heart of everyone currently attempting to find theirself amidst trauma and change. As a 30-something, her voice and her narrative affirm many of my own fears and feelings, but, as always, her ultimate conclusion seeks to leave the reader empowered and convinced that they are on their own "right path". Her works speak universally to those who face insecurities and relationship trauma, and this collection is as strong as her previous works.

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I have never read any of her work before so she is a new author to me. Some poems I related to more than others but nevertheless could still appreciated the ones I didn’t. The artwork was a pretty addition.

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I love amanda lovelace and truly LOVED this poetry book. I am not sure how she constantly knows whats going on in my head and how she expresses all these thoughts. truly a beautiful poetry book.

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I can not tell you how many times I have recommended this author works. I started reading her poems when I was in a grey head space and I have never connect to someone work as much as I did hers.

This book was everything the other have been, they are tales of the hardship people have dealt with in a way that is raw and true.

It's an amazing read but please read the TW before you read it and make sure you are in a good place to read it as the poems are hard hitting if you aren't ready.

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ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange of my HONEST review.

Amanda Lovelace is one of the poets who made me start reading poems. It's been years since I last read a poetry collection, and reading her new piece made me love poetry once again. I forgot how one line can stir deep-sitted feelings within.

Must be a coincidence, but the content of this collection is exactly what I need right now. It's about finally learning how to accept and love oneself. Her poems are uplifting, encouraging, and it shows understanding in a deeper level. I can read this collection anytime, every time that I need something for boosting. It's so beautifully-written, so powerful, yet brutally honest, to the point that I can relate to each and every word.

Simple words. Complicated feelings. But it was direct, and it definitely hit the right spots.

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