Member Reviews

ARC kindly provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

For the first time I have rated Amanda Lovelace’s poetry collection higher than 3 stars. I adore this book as it centers of self-love and embracing your flaws. It uplifts you to be more confident with yourself and never letting others mock you.

Simple yet impactful.

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I was given the opportunity to read this beautiful book of poetry before it released. This is a lovely addition to Amanda Lovelace’s 9 previous poetry collections.

Each book has been crafted to display genuine emotions and provide readers with an opportunity to delve into their own thoughts and feelings. I personally appreciate poetry and Amanda Lovelace's skill in creating relatable experiences that resonate with readers.

Cultivate deeper bonds and transform lives through the power of written words, fostering empathy and understanding.

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First of all the illustrations were STUNNING! I’ve read all of Amanda’s books and her words just have a way of speaking right to your soul in the ways you need it most! I loved the spiritual aspects of this piece and the messages of empowerment! Definitely recommending to others!

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As someone with two moth tattoos, I love the moth iconography. My favorite poems were "now, if anything, she thanks them for the lessons.", "it's just that she's a scorpio.", and "celestial are they.". Poems regarding the grief and acceptance of losing friendships, acknowledging the lessons learned, and the importance of looking at people or situations in a different light are all topics that I love reading about in poetry. The queer representation and reflections are really appreciated as well.

Unfortunately, I didn't like or relate to most of these poems. The only reason I'm going into detail about what I didn't like is because I think many people will love these poems for the exact reasons that I dislike them. The poems flow along the same stream as Taylor Swift and Colleen Hoover fans do. I truly trust that Lovelace wrote these from the heart, but to me, the topics/ideas written about are overplayed and ostentatious. They give off a "Look What You Made Me Do" and "Who's Afraid of Little Old Me" vibe that just does not work for me at all. These poems covered important topics that should be talked about and reflected on, they just weren't done in a manner that I personally like.

Thank you to NetGalley, Andrews McMeel Publishing, and Amanda Lovelace for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I think some of the topics covered here are important and relatable, but this lacks the depth I look for in poetry. It felt more like a diary with scattered thoughts and feelings than actual poems. 13 year old me would've ate this up, but 30 year old me would much rather read Mary Oliver. Thank you Netalley for the ARC.

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This book feel like a first aid from every women. Every page you open gives you a boost of good energy. It takes you back to your own unique self. It's so empowering! It's full of love and acceptance. It's magic.
Don't expect Robert Frost poetry from this book, but expect a key to woman's soul, expect feeling good.
I am anxious, ADHD, scorpio, feeling really under the weather in the past year- thank you for reminding me who I am. I have found some of my lost pieces thanks to this book.
I love the illustrations in it and cover of the book. Pink and green have been my favourite combination this year!
I will definitelly need to get myself a physical copy of this book, and carry it everywhere.
Thank you for eARC.

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In a wild turn of fate, Amanda Lovelace published work that's entirely convivial (that's not a backhanded compliment, I love her poems regardless). Unless I've missed another collection that is wholly buoyant though, this is a fairly new vibe for her and I'm definitely here for it.

My only complaint is the continuous mention of astrology. I'm not sure it's fair to consider it a real "complaint" though, because I know going into anything by Amanda that it's going to mention astrology.

{Thank you bunches to NetGalley, Amanda Lovelace and publisher for the eARC in exchange for my honest review!}

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Thank you NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing

I think you can really see the growth in her writing in this one. I do prefer it so much more over her previous works. It is a good poetry collection to read when you are on your healing process and in your love yourself era.

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First thank you to NetGalley without you I would not be able to read this book.

Second, I loved this book so much I found so many poems that I loved. I felt I related to some of the poems. My favorite was that’s just how it goes sometimes. Because let’s face it that is life. When you read it you will relate to so much of it. At least that’s how I felt.

Third, go buy this book.

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While there are certain aspects of this collection of poetry by Amanda Lovelace that I can appreciate, I've found that I don't care for poetry that is overly personal in nature. I prefer to be able to relate to the poetry that I read and this was not a collection I could relate to at all.

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I have always loved Lovelace's work. I find myself feeling a lot of the same feelings as she does and she explains it so well. As someone who struggles to put my thoughts and feelings into anything that makes sense I really appreciate how she captures it. Always a fan and super happy I had the opportunity to read this.

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Such a beautiful collection of poems!

Firstly, I LOVED the illustrations, they are stunning and deserve a review of their own in all honesty. This whole book felt so thoughtful and intimate from the dedication at the beginning all the way through to the last poem.

Amanda’s honesty cuts through so clearly in this collection and there are some really vulnerable and raw moments. Saying this, I was amazed by how respectful they are when talking about negative experiences involving others and the peace they have found with the good and bad they’ve encountered.

This book is dripping with maturity and character growth and the butterfly illustrations make sense because I really felt an evolution of perspective throughout the poems.

I also admired the contrast between big, heavy topics and simple humble gratitude of hazelnut lattes - this felt like a real story told through the medium of poems and that comes through so strongly.

Structurally, it would’ve been nice to have sections (empowered, weak, brave etc) as some of the poems were organised together with similar themes and it became repetitive if I didn’t know that this section was going to be about self empowerment or family relationships etc.

Also would’ve loved some more work on Amanda’s relationship with her craft as that was mentioned in the intro so it would’ve been nice to see that fleshed out a bit more.

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I just ADORE Amanda Lovelace, she never disappoints with her authenticity. I so appreciate her ability to emulate and articulate real life human struggles. This collection feels like a chat with a dear friend, reminding you of your own power and beauty. Amanda’s poems inspire and uplift, making you feel seen and understood. 💖 Her words are simple yet profound, lessons of pain, resilience, and triumph. This book is a heartfelt reminder that we all have the strength within us to save ourselves. Absolutely loved it!

I am obsessed with the cover and all the PINK! I can't wait to purchase a physical copy - so beautiful!

Thank you NetGalley, Andrews McMeel Publishing, & the author for my ARC!

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I haven't read from Lovelace in a while, and to be honest, I expected her writing to be a bit more mature after all these years. I think the topic is great, I appreciated how it followed a healing storyline, and their metaphors are great, however, the majority of the poems feel like Instagram captions with "Who's Afraid of Little Old Me" by Taylor Swift as the attached song to the post, which is perfect for some people, but isn't my kind of poetry

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I’ve been a big fan of Lovelace since “The Princess Saves Herself”. I was SO excited to see a new collection from her and immediately read the entire thing. I think what I am discovering is that I prefer the angrier/sadder poetry vs the “I’m healed and positive about life” poetry. The collection was good and there were a few I saved that really hit home but the majority of the collection just unfortunately did not do it for me. I’m so happy that Lovelace is finding their peace and healing from the trauma they’ve endured but I guess I’m just a sucker for things that remind me of mine.

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Amanda Lovelace’s works will always hit for me and this was no exception. I think it’s that Amanda has deep and important messages, but the fairytale and whimsicalness intertwined gives a sense of lightness and hope to even the darkest of themes. I feel like I could trust her with my innermost feelings because she’s trusted us with hers. Although I don’t know that anything’s gotten to the level of their very first *for me,* I loved the self discovery and building up of others that were reiterated throughout this collection. The aesthetic of this one was also great for me; I loved the lunar themes of the illustrations.

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It’s always a bit difficult to review poetry collections, as there are some poems that really hit home and others that are just meh.
Overall, I always enjoy Amanda Lovelace’s poems and this one is no exception. I forever love the imagery and emotion put into each poem and I just enjoy this style of poetry.
Highly recommend, especially if you have enjoyed their other works.

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This is another wonderful addition to the poetry collection by Amanda Lovelace. I greatly appreciate all the imagery in her poetry and look forward to each book. I would highly recommend this collection.

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There were poems in there that really hit home with me. I love her style so much. I already have this book pre-ordered for the library I work at. I can't wait to share it with library patrons.

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