Member Reviews

1918 London. Fiona Figg is due to marry her dashing Archie Somersby. in a few days but after Kitty Lane has been knocked unconscious in the Jujitsu Club and suffering amnesia, Fiona, under many disguise's and receiving mysterious notes pointing the finger at the finance, she is now more confused than ever if marring her captain in the right thing to do.

Secrets, murder and betrayal make this story another must read in this series!

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Thank you to @rachelsrandomresources for my copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoy every instalment of this series and this was no exception, from foot fighting to amnesia to moles to suffragettes and assassination attempts, this has everything. Oh and gossip, and a wedding!

Fiona is caught up in a murder mystery and attack on her friend in the lead up to her wedding, sleuthing instead of getting her dress fitted and flower arranged. There’s also Clifford to help her along, and who doesn’t want to hear one of his hunting stories….. And Kitty, but not the Kitty we know and love from previous books.

I love the whole set up of these books, wartime London and the society gatherings in full force. Well written and wonderfully researched, there’s nothing better than a cosy murder mystery and intrigue to get comfy with.

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The Plot

Fiona, who is soon to be married, investigates after her friend and associate Kitty is attacked and someone they knew is murdered. Can she trust those closest to her?

The Review

There were some exciting disguises and interesting plot points. A busy plot with plenty of drama, not least in Fiona’s love life as a subplot.

Although I hadn’t read any other books in the series, the novel gave background information as to the connections and relationships between characters, but this was not overly drawn out. The historical details gave the novel a good sense of time and place.

As you would expect, Fiona and Kitty were modern, independent and intelligent women. I thought in the first half of the novel, Fiona could have gathered more clues, as there was a lot of action but not much reflection on the investigation. In the second half, the plot speeded up which kept me hooked into the narrative. I had to suspend my disbelief in parts, especially with the spy theme, which seemed at times, a little far-fetched. It was more of a spy novel than cosy crime. However, it made for an enjoyable afternoon read.

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Poison in Piccadilly is the latest Fiona Figg and Kitty Lane mystery. I've read them all.

Told with its tongue-in-cheek humor and with Fiona's penchant for fake moustaches never far away, this story is set mostly in London, with a quick trip to Ireland, and in a role-reversal, sees Kitty requiring Fiona's help. All the while, Fiona is supposed to be preparing for her wedding. As ever, torn between the man she's supposed to trail as he's suspected of being a spy and her soon-to-be husband, Fiona is never entirely sure who to trust as she investigates the latest mystery to fall in her lap.

With all of the series favorites and many unexpected twists and turns, Poison in Piccadilly is a fun read. For all its humor, I do adore the way this series effortlessly weaves a fictional narrative featuring historical people and events.

You're missing a treat if you've not tried a Fiona Figg and Kitty Lane story yet.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Kelly Oliver for providing me with a complimentary digital ARC for Poison in Piccadilly coming out September 14, 2024. The honest opinions expressed in this review are my own.

I really love this series! It’s perfectly cozy. I love the time period! Fiona is a smart and strong character. I was definitely happy to see some romance development after the last book. Some great decisions were made! I thought the mystery was really fun. I loved it! I’m excited to read more books in the series!

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys historical cozy mysteries!

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Another fantastic book in the series. The funny antidotes keep you glued to the book. I do recommend you read them order to fully understand the characters but it’s not necessary.

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"Fiona is set to tie the knot with her dashing captain" and the ride begins! Fun and mysterious with Fiona leading characters on a mystery tour. What a fun read. Thanks, NetGallery!

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Poison in Piccadilly is the latest cozy mystery in Kelly Oliver’s series. It was a great read. Pick this one up!

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'Poison in Piccadilly' by Kelly Oliver.
'What a surprising ending!!'
London 1918: Is Fiona Figg ready to exchange her sleuthing cap for a bridal veil?
Fiona is set to tie the knot with her dashing captain, Archie Somersby. But, while Fiona is busy planning her happily ever after, side-kick Kitty Lane and a group of judo-chopping suffragettes are kicking up trouble at the Piccadilly Jujitsu Club.
When Kitty is found unconscious in the locker room during a high-stakes competition, Fiona must forsake her bouquets and bridal gown to investigate. Her sleuthing leads to a posh lady’s luncheon where a mysterious death crashes Fiona’s wedding plans.
To make matters worse, the arch-nemesis of all things matrimonial Fredrick Fredricks is up to his old tricks, attempting to put the brakes on Fiona’s journey down the aisle. Will he succeed in tripping up Fiona’s wedding vows? Or will she finally say “I don’t” to the charming devil?

I've read quite a few in this series and I always enjoy them. This particular one had me gripped from the beginning. I'm a big fan of Kitty Lane so I'm happy she was featured a lot more in this book (along with Poppy Poo). The ending was a huge surprise.
If you're a fan of cozy crime and adventure then give this series a read.
Thankyou to NetGallery UK, the publishers and the author for letting me reading a copy in return for an honest review.

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Although it took me several days to finish reading this book Poison in Piccadilly, I found it to be a light-hearted, quick read. As always, Fionna Figg is quite an amusing character along side Kitty Lane, the erstwhile Fredrick Fredricks and the elusive Lieutenant Archie. Mix ups, poisons (obviously), hatpins and surprizes await the reader of this fun mystery-murder tale. What's more, I'm wondering if readers of other Fionna Figg and Kitty Lane books can imagine a married Fionna Figg! Ha, ha, potential readers will just have to indulge themselves to find out...

~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

September 2024

Disclaimer: This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by Net Galley and the publisher.

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This is a tough review for me. I first got into this series through an ARC for Murder in Moscow & then went back to start the series from the beginning because I enjoyed it so much. I've read all but two of the series now. I am glad I wasn't introduced to the series through this book as it is not, in my opinion, the strongest of the series. While there are things I enjoyed, and interesting developments with the characters, Fiona nearly drove me nuts. I found her so irritating in this book. She does some pretty silly things, even more than usual. Without giving spoilers away, I found her particularly grating anytime she was thinking or dealing with Archie. It was all a bit melodramatic for me. I love a good romance novel, but I prefer my cozy mystery romances to be much less melodramatic! I also wanted more chapters from Kitty's perspective. I found it very frustrating that Fiona & Clifford didn't believe Kitty for most of the book. I felt that Fiona's spying capabilities & intelligence in this book didn't match with the last one, although admittedly it is not fresh in my mind since I have read 5 other books in the series between reading it and this one. I will continue to read this series, but this was not one I particularly enjoyed.

Thank you to NetGalley & Boldwood Books for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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It's 1918 Fiona Figg is on leave for a month from the British War Office to arrange her wedding when her "niece" Kitty Lane is attacked during a Jiujitsu competition and has amnesia. We are treated to a roller coaster of a ride as Fiona and Kitty (along with Clifford and of course Kitty's furry friend Poppy) try to figure out who attached Kitty and why. This story is everything you could want in a mystery. It has spies, secrets, suffragettes, and plenty of twists and turns to keep you on your toes. I don't want to give too much away. You need to read it for yourself and enjoy every minute. I literally could not put it down.! This has to be the best cozy mystery I have read this year so far. I can't recommend it high enough!

Fiona's spunk, determination and definitely her love of disguises and spy gadgets make her one of my favorite sleuths. Kitty comes a close second with her spy training, foot fighting and love for her little Pekinese, Poppy. Clifford rounds this mystery solving trio and he's a gem too. There is also a love triangle. I have to admit I am Team Frederick Fredericks!

There were some unresolved events, so I hope that means that we are going to get another installment--pretty please!

Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood Books for the opportunity to read this and give my honest review.

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Fiona Figg finds Kitty's dog on the street by herself so she goes looking for her at the dojo where she is practicing. She finds her knocked out and she has amnesia. Then at a dinner a woman sitting next to Fiona is found dead in the bathroom with Fiona's hat pin stuck in her neck. Fiona is getting married to Archie and Fredrick is still showing up unexpectedly. She is suspected of the murder. This was a fun book and I recommend it.

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Special Agent Fiona Figg is preparing to marry the dashing but mysterious Archie Somersby—but an assault that leaves her partner Kitty Weeks with a case of amnesia might just derail Fiona’s big day. Helping Kitty regain her memory and track down the person who attacked her becomes Fiona’s top priority. Fiona’s nemesis, Fredrick Fredricks, is also in London. Not only is he a suspect in the attack on Kitty, but he’s also proving to be another distraction that might prevent Fiona from making it down the aisle on her wedding day.

Fiona Figg is always good for a quick, fun read. POISON IN PICCADILLY is an entertaining addition to the series. Fiona and her various costumes are always good for a laugh. Kitty’s amnesia was intriguing. It also gave the reader more background information on Kitty as she tried to remember who she is. Kitty has been a bit of an enigma since her first appearance, and it’s nice to finally get to know her a little better. The mystery surrounding Archie and his real feelings/intentions towards Fiona continues to be called into play, and the readers are once again left questioning his motives. With the unexpected twist at the end, I’m really looking forward to what happens next for Fiona, Kitty, Archie, and Fredricks.

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1918, London. Is Fiona Figg ready to exchange her sleuthing cap for a bridal veil?

Fiona is set to tie the knot with her dashing flyboy, Archie Somersby. But, while Fiona is planning her happy ever after, side-kick Kitty Lane and a group of judo-chopping suffragettes are kicking up trouble at the Piccadilly Jujitsu Club. When Kitty is found unconscious in the locker room during a high-stakes competition, Fiona must forsake her bouquets and bridal gown to investigate. Her sleuthing ;leads to a posh lady's luncheon, where a mysterious death crashes Fiona’s wedding plans. To make matters worse, the arch-nemesis of all things matrimonial, Fredrick Freddo, is up to his old tricks, attempting to put the brakes on Fiona's journey down the aisle.

Kitty Lane is found unconscious at the local jujitsu club, where she was training for a competition. Now, as a result, she has amnesia. This is a fast-paced and action-packed read. The characters are based on real people. It's mostly set in London, but we get a trip to Ireland. Fiona is on the trail of a man suspected of being a spy. Fiona is also torn between the man she is about to marry and the man she is following. This is the first book in the series that I've read, but it doles read well as a

Published 14th September

I would like to thank #NetGalley #BoldwoodBooks and the author #KellyOliver for my ARC of #PoisonInPiccadilly in exchange for an honest review.

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Fast paced female whodunnit (and why). Main character Fiona Figgs, working for the British War Office during WW1, tries to figure out who is behind the murderous attacks on her protege Kitty Lane. Kitty Lane suffers amnesia after the first attack and remembers virtually nothing, although there's something with MI5...
There's a dashing baddy (but is he really a baddy?) giving Fiona all the feels, whilst she should really collect her dress for her upcoming marriage to someone else.
It's part of a series but really easy to read as a stand-alone, as I did. I am very curious what will happen next though.

It was a fun read, I've learned quite a bit too, but really Fiona isn't all too clever and that got on my nerves now and then. Still an enjoyable read and yes, I want to read the next one :)

I received an eARC from NetGalley in return for my honest opinion.

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London, 1918: and Fiona Figg is preparing to wed the charming Captain Archie Somersby. But just as she’s dreaming of her perfect wedding, chaos strikes. Her trusty sidekick, Kitty Lane, and a group of suffragettes are causing quite a ruckus at the Piccadilly Jujitsu Club. Things take a serious turn when Kitty is found unconscious in the locker room, forcing Fiona to swap wedding plans for sleuthing once more.

As Fiona dives into the mystery, she finds herself at a posh luncheon where a sudden death throws yet another wrench into her big day. To make matters worse, her nemesis, Fredrick Fredricks, is back and more determined than ever to disrupt her walk down the aisle.

I absolutely loved this book. "Poison in Piccadilly" is a lively mix of humour, intrigue, and high-society shenanigans. Even though it’s part of Kelly Oliver’s “Fiona Figg & Kitty Lane” series, newcomers can easily enjoy this instalment without having read the previous books. With witty dialogue, clever twists, and a dash of romance, this book is perfect for anyone who enjoys a light-hearted historical mystery with plenty of surprises. Will Fiona make it to the altar, or will her detective skills once again take centre stage? You’ll have to read to find out! You won't be disappointed

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Wow. Hang to your hat as your start in this fast paced historical spy romp. First of all, it’s part of a series- you don’t have to have read the other books but it certainly would help. Fiona Figg is a fun and accomplished character and I love her relationship with her love/nemesis Frederick. There was so much going on with murder, espionage, personal treachery and an amnesiac mystery but it was a great escape from the real world. I read this in one night. Light hearted but action packed. First class!

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1918, suffragette, suffragism, pet-dog, situational-humor, verbal-humor, espionage, historical-figures, historical-places-events, historical-novel, historical-research, dual-narrators, murder, investigation, suspense, thriller, twisty, disguises, photographic-memory, intrigue, amnesia, relationship-issues, cozy-mystery, double-agent, double-cross, England*****

Welcome back to a version of The Great War agents of the War Office and MI5 Security Service that is a lot more fun than the real thing. Fiona is less in disguise this time and is seeing an aspect of her intended that is of the time but nothing she wants to live with. Kitty Lane gets afflicted with amnesia, learns an early form of kickboxing, and roots out villains. All this while I laughed my sox off!
The author's note at the end reveals much of the research done and the real people who inspired the characters in the story. Ellen Davis inspired by the real Eliza Davis Aria London fashion writer/gossip columnist. Sylvia Pankhurst is based on suffragette Estelle Sylvia Pankhurst who worked for more extensive women's rights than her mother and sister but also for workers' rights in England and Ireland. There's more and a bit of biographical material as well.
This can't be an unbiased review because this is one of my favorite series!
I requested and received a free temporary EARC from Boldwood Books via NetGalley. Thank you!
Pub Date Sep 14, 2024

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Come for the atmosphere, stay to solve the mystery! Fiona and Fredericks chemistry was a highlight for me in this book. It is written so you truly feel like you are in the period, like I was watching a Turner Classic Film! I think I’d prefer to have started from the beginning of the series, not realizing this wasn’t. You still could catch up however and prior reading in the series isn’t required, I just think it would be helpful

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