Member Reviews

A beautifully illustrated book with a story that has a moral at the end I would gladly read this to my younger students. A boy sees a fisherman go out every day and every day the boy meets him and asks if had caught any fish. The fisherman always says no, but tells him how wonderful his day was. The boy is puzzled until one day he sees the fisherman has caught a beautiful fish and more the fisherman says. There are no more fish on his boat. As the village celebrate with a wonderful fish dinner, the boy finally understands as he watches the fisherman sitting and enjoying the happiness of his village. Remember it’s not about catching the fish, it’s about enjoying the moment

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The boy watches every day as the fisherman comes home to the shore. It is a beautiful tropical setting and while he is out fishing he has adventures with sea creatures (even a mermaid!), but he almost never brings home any fish. The boy doesn't understand why the fisherman is always happy even though there is not a fish in his boat. When a fish is finally caught there is plenty of food and everyone joins in to have a party to celebrate together.
The simple illustrations by the author are brilliantly colored, and fun.
Well suited for reading alone or WITH someone of any age including ESL, and great for gifting to anyone, but especially to a school, or your public library! (Even if you live where there are only inland lakes to be fished!)
I requested and received a free temporary digital advance review copy on Adobe Digital Editions from
the author as independently published via NetGalley. Thank you!
#Fishing #Imagination #FunWithFriends #KidLit #KidLitArt

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This is a beautiful and vibrantly illustrated picture book set on the coastal region. It is the story of a young boy and a fisherman from his village. Intrigued by the fisherman going out on his boat everyday, the boy asks the fisherman when he returns to shore, what he caught. Each day the fisherman tells him he didn't catch anything but tells him about his other adventures of the day instead. Why continue to fish when you never catch anything, the boy wonders? Then one day the boy witnesses the fisherman finally catching a really big fish. This catch means the people of his village get to enjoy a fish dinner in a very festive celebration. Still intrigued by the fisherman, at the feast the boy notices the fisherman is the happiest and most content of all the people. Now the boy understands why the fisherman fishes.
This s a sweet little book for younger children, attempting a message that may not translate to children. Still I think it’s an enjoyable read.

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A young boy wonders why a fisherman continues to fish every day even though he keeps coming home empty handed.

This is a lovely book with beautiful illustrations. It’s bright and colourful. There’s a fun fantasy element to it when the fisherman tells the boy stories about his day.

The story teaches you to sit back, take time and appreciate your surroundings. And how the greatest joy can be derived from giving to others and seeing their happiness.

Thank you to NetGalley/the publisher/author for this eARC.

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What a darling book! My four kids absolutely cherished this read. I was amazed how cute this story was and the illustrations were precious. So well done!

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This children's book features the story of a young boy and a fisherman from his village. The boy asks the fisherman everyday what he caught but the fisherman tells him he didn't catch anything and tells him about his other adventures of the day instead. The boy wonders why the fisherman continues to fish. However, when the fisherman finally catches a really big fish and the village enjoys a fish dinner that evening, the boy sees the fisherman’s joy and understands why he fishes.

The book tells a beautiful little story fit for younger children, set against a vibrant seaside backdrop. The colorful and lively illustrations provide plenty for children to explore. I would recommend it for a young child around 3 years old.

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I really enjoy reading this story about the boy who want to know why The fishermen fished.

It's a colorfull, full of life and happiness story.

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Thanks NetGalley for the ARC!

My 3yo liked the book. Especially when The Fisherman caught a big fish. The illustrations were captivating for her age too.

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