Member Reviews

This is only my 2nd book I’ve read by Shari J. Ryan but I must look for more of her books. This riveting book starts out with a shocking admission and it just escalates from there! Makes me think what would I do in her situation? Then the ending …. Holy cow!!!!! What a shocking ending!!!!! I could not put this one down and I found myself racing to the end! I thought I had it figured out and nope I had it all wrong! Highly recommend!!! A favorite for 2024! Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this early release in exchange for my honest review. To be published September 23, 2024.

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Another excellent novel by Shari Ryan. full of suspense and twists and turns.

Excellent as always and I definitely recomend

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This talented author has written a page turner. Intrigue and mystery…red herrings…surprises…friends and family keep this story moving quickly. Realistic characters…curl up in a comfy chair and follow the journey of this family…don’t try to guessed the ending too soon. It is not easy. Thanks Netgalley.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book.

When Jessica receives an email from her high school best friend, her life is thrown up in the air. Izzy claims that her stalker from back then was none other than Jessica’s current husband. But there’s a twist. Izzy has been missing presumed dead for 22 years. So who is emailing and why?

Shari J Ryan take a bow. Without going into any spoilers, this is one of the best books of 2024. I have been on one hell of a journey with this book. Twists and turns galore. I have had no clue who I could or shouldn’t trust. Just when the ending seemed to be going in one direction, everything flipped. I cannot recommend this enough.

There are chapters from the present and the past, as well as diary extracts, as we slowly put the picture together. Genuinely never saw any of the conclusions coming. I have not been able to put this down, and just couldn’t wait to get to the end. It was exciting and I feel the tension even now on finishing.

Loved it!

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Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Jess is happily married to her second husband, Griffin. They have been together for 2 years and he is great with her two kids. But then she starts getting emails from her high school best friend, Izzy, who has been missing since high school, and who everyone presumed dead. The emails say that Griffin is the person that killed Izzy and Jess needs to be careful, which throws Jess's happy live into an upheaval.

Overall this was a good book. It is my favorite kind of book where people are hiding secrets from the past. I definitely didn't suspect what was actually going on. It got a little long for me in the middle but overall, I enjoyed it and would read more from this author.

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Thank you, NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review this early access book. I was HOOKED from page one. The twists along the way were crazy but, the big one at the end was WILD! I didn’t see it coming at all.

This book was so good and I can’t wait to read more of this author’s books.

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Thank you Bookouture and NetGalley for an early copy of My Husband’s Past. HOLY COW!!!!! This was crazy! You will NEVER guess the culprit, just insane. What a turn this story took, I never saw it coming. So, so, so good. A wild ride this book is. Get another book out Shari J. Ryan, you are Amazing! My head is still spinning over everything I read. I will give away too many spoilers if I start to comment on this book, just grab a copy and know you will love it.

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“My Husband’s Past” is a thriller by Shari J. Ryan. This book is mostly told in two timelines - the past (2001) and present. We follow Jess, divorced from Jack but now married to Griffin, with two children. Her best friend, Izzy, disappeared 22 years ago. In the past timeline, we follow Izzy - sometimes through her diary. One day Jess receives an email from Izzy, warning her about Griffin not being the person he claims to be. This sets Jess’s anxiety through the roof - what does her husband have to do with Izzy’s disappearance. While I found the concept of this book really interesting, after things were presented to the reader (and things picked up really quickly in the story), I found myself asking questions and taking a few leaps of faith as things lined up nicely - both in the past and present. I think, overall, the book was an interesting one, but it wasn’t my favorite by this author. However, I seem to be in the minority - so if you’ve read Ms. Ryan’s books in the past and liked them and/or enjoy interesting storylines about unsolved disappearances (without a lot of police procedures in the story), this might be a book that you enjoy.

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This was an addictive book that I couldn’t put down. It was a quick and easy read. The characters were well developed (side note I could not stand Jess). This book had me on the edge waiting to find out what happened. Although I had some of it figured out, I did not see many twists that unfolded the story! I felt the story just kind of ended abruptly, I wanted more!!

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OMG!!! What.Did.I.Just.Read!!! This book was Amazing! I have never read anything by Shari Ryan but she has most deservedly earned a spot on my go to author's list. My jaw is still on the floor after that mind blowing ending.

Jess is newly married to Griffin and has two children from a previous marriage. They all settle into everyday life and things move along smoothly. That is until an email from Jess' missing/presumed dead best friend, Izzy, makes it's way into her inbox, accusing Jess' new husband of being her stalker and the one that caused her disappearance. From that point on strange things begin occurring. From "seeing" her best friend to a house break in, Jess is left reeling. Could her friend be alive after all this time? Determined to find out what is going on she embarks on a truth seeking mission. Skeptical of the person claiming to be Izzy she continues to trust Griffin. But then she catches him in a lie....

This book had me hooked from page one. The storyline is masterful and the twists are so not predictable. I wished it went on longer but at the same time I had to know the ending. That is the sign of a really great book

Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for the advanced copy

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Book Title: My Husband’s Past
Author: Shari J. Ryan
Publisher: Bookouture
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Pub Date: September 23, 2024
My Rating: 4.5 rounded up
Pages: 322

Story alternates between now and approximately twenty-one years ago when Jess, Izzy and Natalie were friends in high school. Izzy was dating a guy she called Romeo but she kept him a mystery and never revealed his real name. Additionally Izzy never told him the names of her friends.
Izzy went missing the night of the senior class bonfire.

Present day Jess receives an email from her still missing friend Izzy. Jess’s immediately reaction is that this must be a prank as no one has seen Izzy since the night of the bonfire. –
The email message states – “Remember I was being stalked? My stalker is your husband.
You're in danger. Run. ”

Jess has been married to Griffin for a year; she was married to Jack for many years; they have two children- Abby and JJ. Things didn’t work out and they divorced. He is still in her life and is close to their children. Jess knows Griffin is a kind and caring person; a good husband a great dad additionally, he is highly respected as the school’s head master.

Jess also starts to thinks about the way he always asks about her childhood friends.

Story has me curious and then a lot was going on.
I don’t want to give anything away – if you like thrillers- trust me you will like this one.

The blurb about Author Shari J Ryan states ~ She is known for her captivating World War Two Historical Fiction, Women’s Romance Fiction, and gripping Psychological Thriller novels. Each series and standalone contains a wide range of dark suspense and heartbreaking emotions.

I am embarrassed to said that this in only my third story. I read and love "The Homemaker" and "The Perfect Nanny" was outstanding!

She did not disappoint with this thriller! Yikes! What an ending.

Want to thank NetGalley and Bookouture for granting me this early eGalley!
Publishing Release Date scheduled for September 23, 2023.

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A little over twenty years ago, Jessica’s childhood best friend, Izzy, disappears and is presumed dead, This twisty, gripping thriller starts with Jessica receiving a mysterious email claiming to be from Izzy. This book is like a wild ride. Every time you think you have it figured out, something else will happen that has you questioning everything you think you know. As the main characters and their pasts unfold, the twists are unexpectedly shocking.

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Thank you to Netgallery and the publisher for this ARC. The publication date is the 23rd Sept. What a nail- biting and addictive read with multiple twists and turns throughout!

Imagine thinking your friend is dead and then she emails you! As I read this book nothing appeared as it seemed and I didn’t know who to trust if anyone at all! It was a jaw dropping thriller a perfect book for thriller fans!


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Wow. This is a twisty compulsive thriller from Shari Ryan. I was in a book slump until I read this book. Jess, Izzy and Natalie all were best friends from kindergarten. During their senior year bonfire, Izzy disappears never to be found or heard from again. Izzy was dating a mystery man at the time who she kept separate from her friends.

Fast forward 22 years. Jess has married Griffin. She has 2 kids from a previous marriage to Jack. All is well in Jess's world until she receives a mysterious email from Izzy. Jess is terrified and cannot believe Izzy is still alive. The email came from Izzy's very old AOL address. In the email, Izzy says that the person who kept her prisoner is none other than Griffin, Jess's current husband. Then the game of Jess falling apart begins.

This book is so well written and so immersive. I liked all the characters and everything was so believable. You must read Shari's explanation of where the idea for this book came from. The twists are frequent and just enough to keep you reading on and on. I couldn't wait til the end to see what was what. I found the ending satisfying and it tied up all the loose ends. Wonderful job Ms. Ryan.

Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for the ARC. I greatly appreciate it and highly recommend this book.

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Jess starts getting emails from her dead friend, Izzy. Izzy is warning her that her stalker is actually Jess's husband, Griffin. All of a sudden, Jess catches Griffin in a bunch of lies and doesn't know what to think. This book grabbed me from the beginning, but then seemed a little slow in the middle. I did not guess the ending, although I had some ideas that certain people weren't so innocent. Great writing! Great twists and suspense. Def read this if you like thrillers.

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This is the second book I’ve read by Shari. This book was so addicting. Jessica and Izzy have been best friends since they were little. Jessica becomes jealous when Izzy gets a boyfriend. One night Izzy goes missing and is never found. Jessica always assumed she was dead but then she receives an email from Izzy. She thinks it’s some kind of prank, especially when the email says she shouldn’t trust her husband, Griffin. Is Izzy really alive? Jessica decides to get to the bottom of it. I must say this book was definitely a jaw dropping psychological thriller. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. I didn’t know who could be trusted. There was just so much suspense! I really enjoy Shari’s writing. This book was so good. I’d definitely read it again! Thank you NetGalley, Bookouture and Shari for the ARC!

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Jess and Griffin are happily married, BUT they both are sharing secrets.
Jess’s best friend, Izzy disappeared twenty years ago, so everyone assumed she was dead. No one ever heard from her again. She gets an email from Izzy that Jess’s husband Griffin once stalked her. Jess was under the impression they did not even know each other.
Jess knew Izzy was in a toxic relationship before she disappeared but his name was not Griffin, but whomever the boyfriend was he kept her away from her friends.
Nothing is as it appears, as the twists keep coming. Get ready for a bumpy thriller. This was RIVETING for me.
Thank you Bookouture for this gifted eARC.

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Wow! I have been in a bit of a reading slump lately. Nothing has been keeping my attention and focus. I just needed to read a well written thriller with a twist.
I don't want to spoil anything but this was a very engaging read. As the reader you don't know who to trust or who anyone really is. Jess, Griffin, Izzy, Jess's ex. Very entertaining read and satisfying ending. Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC. I really enjoyed it!

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Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for this Advanced Reader’s Copy of My Husband’s Past by Shari J. Ryan due to be published September 23, 2024.
Jess’s best friend, Izzy, disappeared twenty years ago, and Jess thought she was dead. When she receives a mysterious email from someone that says she is Izzy, Jess is not only confused, but terrified. The email says the person who stalked and kidnapped Izzy is none other than Jess’s current husband, Griffin.
Who can Jess believe? Is this really Izzy or someone playing a cruel joke? Does she know Griffin as well as she thinks?
This one kept me on the edge of my seat – I never knew who to trust – Jess, Griffin, Jess’s ex, Jack. I, literally, could not put this one down until I found out what happened – and it was absolutely jaw dropping! It was not at all what I expected – a true edge-of-your-seat thriller!
I see there are many more books by Shari Ryan – now I will have to check them out since this one was so good!
#NetGalley #ShariJRyan #Bookouture #MyHusbandsPast

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Grabbed me from the start.
Great mind boggler!
Fabulously well written characters.
This really kept me on my toe's.
My thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for my copy.

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