Member Reviews

I enjoyed reading Coming Home to Starr's Fall by Kae Hewitt. You will fall in love with all the characters. I received an ARC of this book courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and given freely. Happy Reading!

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EXCERPT: Seven miles outside of Starr's Fall, according to her GPS that was thankfully still working despite a less than stellar phone signal, the van gave a last gasp and then an alarming death rattle, before it rolled to a defeated stop. Laurie had had, at least, the foresight to jerk the wheel so the van came to its inglorious end on the shoulder of the road, away from traffic. Still, this was not good. Not good at all.
She sat in the driver's seat and stared up at the bright blue sky, trying to recover her optimism. Also trying to figure out what to do, because she still had no phone signal and she couldn't see anything, anywhere, besides trees and sky and warm, golden sunlight.
Max, sensing that things were not as they should be, clambered into her lap and put his paws up on the window. Laurie stroked his wiry fur and marshalled her thoughts.
Seven miles was too far to walk, bit at least it was a beautiful day, and she was in a beautiful place. She could lock up the van and walk down the road until her phone got a signal or she came to a house and could ask to make a phone call. Then she could find a garage to call, get the van towed, take a taxi into Starr's Fall . . .
Briefly, Laurie closed her eyes. It wasn't impossible, she told herself, but it still felt hard, several laborious steps she really didn't want to have to take at this particular moment in time when she wanted things to be, if not easy, then easier. Easier than they had been for most of her life, not that she was about to throw herself a pity party.
But today was meant to be her new start, the first chapter of the book of her life she was longing to write. Having adventures. Making friends. Maybe, if she was brave enough, even learning about her own history. It was all meant to happen here, in Starr's Fall, except she wasn't even there yet, and this did not feel like the kind of prologue she wanted to have to the book of her life. Far from it.

ABOUT 'COMING HOME TO STARR'S FALL': Welcome to the town of Starr’s Fall, where Autumn can feel like it goes on forever, and two people have a chance to fall in love… The leaves are falling, with a crispness to the air, along with the scents of coffee and pumpkin spice, past a half-empty street of shuttered storefronts and a bandstand that has seen better days…

Just like the whole town of Starr’s Fall, thinks Laurie Ellis – as she and her beloved dog Max head to collect the store keys. Maybe she has seen better days, too, but she’s certainly ready for a new start—and to leave her past behind. Still Laurie wonders whether she made a terrible mistake in coming to lovable but shabby Starr’s Fall. Will she even find customers for her pet store and bakery, never mind a community to welcome and accept her?

Not according to Joshua Reilly, the handsome but grumpy manager of the bookstore across the road, who claims he’s never heard of anything so ridiculous as a bakery for dogs.

But Laurie remains stubbornly undeterred. She’s starting over, right here. Not least because she has another secret reason for being here… one she isn’t telling anybody, at least not yet, as it involves her own tragic past.

What she doesn’t yet know is that a clue to the mystery is hidden deep in Joshua’s bookstore. And he doesn’t yet realize that Laurie herself might be the key to mending his own battered heart… for Laurie and Joshua and the whole town, it’s going to be a fall to remember.

MY THOUGHTS: I picked up Coming Home to Starr's Fall because I love Hewitt's historical writing, and while I liked this, I didn't love it.

The premise is great, as is the setting, but there's some essence missing from this story that I have found in this author's other books. Sentences are often overly long, meandering and, occasionally, pointless. In fact, there were whole paragraphs like that.

Character development is minimal.

I did enjoy the thread about Laurie trying to trace her mother and the associated thread with Henrietta Starr. These were the most interesting parts of the book for me but were underdeveloped and almost completely overshadowed by the romance thread, which I could have done without.

Overall, this is a quick, easy and perfectly pleasant read with a very predictable romance. I guess I expected more . . .


#ComingHometoStarrsFall #NetGalley

THE AUTHOR: Kate likes to read women's fiction, mystery and thrillers, as well as historical novels. She particularly enjoys reading about well-drawn characters and avoids high-concept plots.

Having lived in both New York City and a tiny village on the windswept northwest coast of England, she now resides in a market town in Wales with her husband, five children, and two Golden Retrievers.

DISCLOSURE: Thank you to Boldwood Books via NetGalley for providing a digital ARC of Coming Home to Starr's Fall by Kate Hewitt for review. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own personal opinions.

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Coming Home to Starr's Fall is a start to a new series by Kate Hewitt. This author writes many kinds of stories, but her contemporary stories are some of my favorites. A fresh start for Laurie Ellis and her dog as she begins a new venture with a pet store and pet bakery. This story is also a sunshine verse grumpy with store neighbor, Joshua Reilly He needs a new start too in his perspective on life. Then there is a mystery to be solved, a heart to be mended and a fresh outlook on life for the community.

I enjoy the opposites attraction between Joshua and Laurie. The community is much like my own small town, needing some revitalization, making this story believable and true for so many areas. A great introduction to the new series.

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This was a fun beginning to a new series. I loved the small town and autumn season setting. I honestly loved all the characters and enjoyed getting to know each one.

It's a heartwarming and cozy read for anyone who enjoys a closed door small-town romance.

Laurie moves to Starr's Fall for a fresh start and to find a place to call home. She finds herself opening up to new friends and the small community of Starr's Fall, not to mention the grumpy bookstore owner across the street.

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It is a community-centred romantic tale about a young woman searching for her identity and wanting to create a life rich with friends and a supportive community. Laurie has had a tough life so far, but when she receives an unexpected legacy, she decides to start a business in a small town. The attraction of Starr's Fall is that she may have a familial connection there, which she wants to explore. It's an emotional story but peppered with humour and romance. I like the complex and distinctive characters, the world-building of a believable small town, the mystery and the friendships Laurie makes. This story also has a gentle romantic thread between Laurie and Joshua. that helps them learn to trust one another with their secrets and allows them to become the people they should be. I like the detail; there is even a town map and the believable community dynamic.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher.

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While things aren’t picture-perfect in this quaint town, I appreciated that it wasn’t your typical small-town romance—it had its own unique twist.

Laurie is such a sweet character, dealing with some deep trauma from her past, and I really enjoyed following her emotional journey. Her slow-burn romance with Joshua was tender and heartwarming, with just a few sweet kisses, making it a closed-door romance that felt wholesome and genuine.

We get to watch while both characters work through their own past hardships and grow not only together but as individuals. This is honestly a sweet read, set in a beautiful town that was just what I needed after my surgery. Something light to get lost in. If it was still summer I would say this would be the perfect beach read. However since fall is coming and the setting is so perfect I would suggest reading this in a cafe with your favorite pumpkin spice drink.

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Laurie Ellis has upped sticks to move to Starr’s Fall, she’s hoping her novel idea of a pet store and pet bakery will put her on the local community on the map. She first meets handsome but grumpy bookstore owner Joshua who thinks her idea for her shop is ridiculous but there is more to Laurie moving to the town and hopefully she can find out some mystery’s from her past,
Great cosy book loved this from a great author.

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This book was pretty good. It was hard to get into at first but as the book progressed it was pretty good.

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Coming home to Stars falls is a beautiful book, set in Autumn, it’s a book filled with happiness, friends and memories.
Laurie is just starting a new chapter in her life, she’s moving to a small village in Connecticut to open a shop, it’s Autumn so leaves are falling from the trees, the apples are ready for cider and the pumpkins are ready. Her car breaks down, but lucky a resident of the town comes to help her out. Max the pup is a favorite with everyone.
I really enjoyed reading this book, the characters are fun, yet have their own ways. The story shares the sadness of Laurie’s childhood, but in adulthood it’s blossoming. The story wraps up well with forgiveness and happiness. A emotional 4.5 star read.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for a copy.

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I received a free electronic copy on NetGalley in exchange for a review.

This is my first time reading one of Kate Hewitt’s books. I was drawn to the New England setting and the small town charm.

Laurie Ellis and her adorable dog, Max, move to Starr’s Fall hoping for a fresh start in life. Although I loved the atmosphere and community, I was not totally invested in the romance. I think there could have been a bit more banter as it seemed like not enough tension built up between the two to convince me that the love interest was an actual grump.

Otherwise, it was a cozy read. I started this book looking for a Lorelei-Luke like romance but instead found myself caught up in the subplot and in Laurie’s search for family. I’d be interested in reading some of Kate Hewitt’s other work.

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I love her series The Inn on Bluebell Lane. So I was super excited for a new start to a new set.
Coming Home to Starr's Fall by Kate Hewitt was utterly charming.
I loved reading this book,
The characters were easy to get to know. The writing pulled me deep into the story and setting.
I will definitely be on the lookout for more to come.

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Laurie decides to start a new life in Starr’s Fall, Connecticut. She is hoping to find connections to her past. Along the way we meet a host of characters, but it never gets confusing. The author does a great job of setting up the perfect fall feelings. While this is a feel good, Hallmark type book, I appreciated the fact that not everything turned out perfectly which gave the book a more realistic feel. A great fall read. 3.5 stars

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Loved the small town setting with the cozy fall vibes. It is not a cheesy fall romance, the book dives deeper. I really enjoyed the story but I felt the ending was a bit rushed. Looking forward to reading more of Starr’s Fall.

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You know when a book hits the spot at the right time? Well this book was for me, and no, I'm not just talking about the romance it has (which was beautiful) but about how it made me feel seeing Laurie and her little friend Max get their forever home, every scene in which she realizes that little by little she's belonging to the small town of Starr's Fall, that she's winning Joshua's heart (the town grump), that she's finally having friends, but the best thing is the feeling of discovering herself which I think is the important part of this book, which definitely left me wanting more. The story is simple but full of so much feeling that I just had a smile on my face while I was reading it and yes, the ending left me a little "what the hell?" but it made sense of everything Laurie goes through to get to where she is. All the secondary characters were lovely and I can't wait for the next book set in this beautiful town.

📌I received an e-arc through netgalley, and this is my honest opinion/review of it.

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This book was so Gilmore Girls coded- I loved it!

Laurie moves to Starr's Fall and is met with a community of people who treat her like the family she's always dreamed of having. As she works to open her own pet store (and bakery), she gets to know the grumpy man across the street who is the owner of the town's bookshop. Time will tell how their lives change for the better in Starr's Fall with each other.

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I adored this book, it’s absolutely perfect for this Autumnal season, described in the book perfectly, the leaves are falling, with a crispness to the air and scents of coffee and pumpkin spice..
The story follows Laurie Ellis’s arrival to the town of Starr’s Fall, she is so hopeful for her future, a fresh start opening up a pet and bakery store with her gorgeous dog Max. She’s never had anyone she could rely on before, she hopes to build lifelong friendships and with the warm welcome of Annie among others it’s looking hopeful.
Even an encounter with Joshua the grumpy owner of the bookstore across the road doesn’t deter Laurie, she remains stubbornly undeterred.
This is a beautiful story of hope, healing, disappointment, new beginnings. Laurie holds a secret which brought her to this town, secrets which her new friends help her to uncover.
Kate Hewitt is a new author to me and I can’t wait to read more of her book now.
Thank you NetGalley, Kate Hewitt and Boldwood Books for this ARC, all opinions expressed are my own.

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What a lovely love story!
This is the first book in a new series. I am looking forward to reading the next book!
Main character, Laurie, has decided to take her small amount of belongings and her dog Max and move to Starr’s Fall, She has personal reasons for picking this particular small town. Once she arrives, she meets grumpy bookstore owner Joshua. He has his reason for being so grumpy. Just like Joshua, she has her own reasons for being secretive about herself.
Can they find true happiness?
Can they overcome the hurts and struggles from their pasts?
I enjoyed reading this cute, heartfelt and cozy book.
Thank you to NetGalley, Boldwood Books and the author for the opportunity to read this book for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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This was an awesome little felt like a Hallmark movie read until the end. Stay tuned till next time kids…..

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Thank you so much to Netgalley and the publisher for my review copy.

This was a wonderful romance with a great plot and memorable characters. A very enjoyable read.

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Thanks to the Publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.

I enjoyed this book, the setting of the story is in a small town in New England,

Laurie whose life has been spent in the care system, has no friends or family has now packed up her worldly goods and with money she’s been left by someone she knew is to open a pet shop with a bakery for pets.

The only friend coming with her is her dog. When she arrives in Starrs Fall, she meets her neighbour and they don’t get off to the best starts. Slowly their relationship develops.

Then, she decides to search for her mother, the reason she came to this town. When she finally does meet here it’s nothing like she thought it would be, her mother isn’t nice to her and has no intention of getting to know Laurie.

I recommend this book.

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