Member Reviews

Thank you so much to Netgalley and the publisher for my review copy.

This was a wonderful romance with a great plot and memorable characters. A very enjoyable read.

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Thanks to the Publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.

I enjoyed this book, the setting of the story is in a small town in New England,

Laurie whose life has been spent in the care system, has no friends or family has now packed up her worldly goods and with money she’s been left by someone she knew is to open a pet shop with a bakery for pets.

The only friend coming with her is her dog. When she arrives in Starrs Fall, she meets her neighbour and they don’t get off to the best starts. Slowly their relationship develops.

Then, she decides to search for her mother, the reason she came to this town. When she finally does meet here it’s nothing like she thought it would be, her mother isn’t nice to her and has no intention of getting to know Laurie.

I recommend this book.

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A perfect read for this time of year - full of warmth and with that wonderful cosy feeling.
From the Fall festival to Max’s Place the whole of Starr’s Fall seemed the perfect place for Laurie to begin again and I loved how the whole town was immediately a home for her. Her history is an emotional one, and I was so pleased to see her start to find her place in life at last.
All the characters were brilliantly introduced and it was obvious from the start that Laurie and Joshua would be good for eachother. I’ve a hopeful feeling that we’ll have more stories about some of the other characters as Kate Hewitt invites us back to Starr’s Fall again.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book so much, what a beautiful cover!! I loved Laurie and Joshua's relationship and how it slowly developed, I would of liked to have know more about Laurie's mum so hopefully this book will become part of a series.

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Such a cozy read, perfect for the start of autumn. It is a beautifully crafted small town romance with characters that I really loved reading about, even grumpy lol. Thank you so much to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for this arc of Coming home to starr’s fall by Kate Hewitt.

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I truly loved this novel. It was ideal for a cozy autumn evening. The story, set in a small town, left me eager to delve deeper into the characters' backgrounds and the community. I was particularly fond of Laurie and Joshua's relationship. I always appreciate a book that features a bookstore, even if there's a cranky character involved. Reading this book felt like returning home. I highly recommend it for anyone looking for a delightful small-town romance.

Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for providing me with an ARC of this novel for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this novel. It was perfect for a cozy fall night feeling. It is a small-town romance making you want to continue with their story to see more of the background and the town. Love Laurie and Joshua's relationship. I always love a novel with a bookstore involved, even if it is a grumpy man. This book you feel like you're coming home. I would highly recommend this book for a great small-town romance.

Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood Books for this ARC.

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📚ARC Review 📚

Coming Home to Starr’s Fall ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Laurie moves to the small town of Starr's Fall to set up a pet shop/bakery. She’s hoping to start over and move on from her past. On her first day in town, she meets Joshua, the grumpy bookstore owner across the street, whose cat won’t leave her dog along. They both live above their shops so it’s hard to avoid each other.

This was such a cute, fall read. A clean romance with great characters and side characters. The romance is a slow burn as they work through their past with each other’s help. I did feel like the ending was a bit rushed but overall, it was a good. Fans of Gilmore Girl will like this one!

This book will published on September 18, 2024. Thanks to Netgalley and Boldwood books for an advance copy. This is my honest and voluntary opinion.

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Laurie and her dog Max move to Starr's Fall to set up a pet shop. Although this is set in small town America there is a lot of similarities with what is happening here in the UK, with town centres full of boarded up shops. I admire Laurie's courage in starting a new life, there are reasons for her choosing Starr's Fall which are gradually revealed. Add a grumpy bookstore owner for a touch of romance, welcoming residents which show the advantages, and disadvantages, of living in a small town. This is the first in a new series set in Starr's Fall and there are some storylines which are set up for the next book(s) and I look forward to finding out more about these.
I received an advance copy of this book from the publisher through Netgalley, however this did not influence my review of the book.

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This was a cozy fall vibes contemporary romance with a grumpy MMC but the focus really is on the FMC who was a foster child, moving to the sleepy town of Starr’s Fall to start over and hoping to find her biological mother. That theme is a current running through the entire book with a small amount of love story and closed door romance and found family themes. This was a very short book and I felt like the ending was rushed a bit and the romance took a back seat. I would have liked more of the love story but it was still cute and cozy, perfect for the fall season.

Thanks to Boldwood Books and @netgalley for this e-arc in return for my honest review.

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This is definitely a sweet CLEAN read.

Firstly, it definitely gives the fall vibes that every romantic fall girl needs,

Second, Laurie owns a dog BAKERY! That’s right a bakery that makes treats for your fur baby!!! Who cannot fall in love with Laurie for this alone?

Lastly, yes the book can be slow at times. It’s sweet, innocent, and so endearing. Laurie’s past is sad and she is so so deserving of good.

Ultimately this book is great for closed door readers. It has some minor romance but nothing too serious. Like I said earlier, it’s endearing.

Welcome to your new fall read!

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I received an arc from NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.

This book had small town vibes and I loved how welcoming the towns people were. Laurie made the best of her life circumstances and didn’t let her past hold her back. She opened up to Joshua and he also responded to her kindness. Loved their connection.

I wish we would know more of the mother’s circumstances for doing what she did and what about the Father? Just felt a few things were left unsaid. Maybe it will come further in the series?
3.75 stars

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Laurie has moved to Starrs Fall to open a pet store.
She’s also looking for her Mother. On her first day in town she meets Joshua who owns the bookstore across the street.
This is a quick book which I almost read in one day.
It’s set in a nice location with a good story. It has some clean romance too. It’s another good one by this author

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Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for the ARC of Coming Home to Starr’s Fall by Kate Hewitt.

This was a new author for me, but the line under the title stating “perfect for fans of Gilmore Girls” is what drew me in. I will say I struggled a bit giving this a 4⭐️ review as I did expect something more as a fan of Gilmore Girls…but all in all, I did enjoy the book. The romance between Laurie and Joshua as the both work through the one things was very sweet. It was a very clean romance, so something a little different the spicy romances that all the rage right now. I’ll say as a GG fan, I kept wanting to read the town as Star’s Hollow, so that threw me off. Other than the very close town, and small town vibes, I didn’t see a lot of similarities. And maybe one could argue that Joshua’s grumpy was similar to Luke’s. Overall not a bad book, just not what I thought I was getting. And definitely set up for the second in the series!

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My friends and family who know me well know I’m a major Gilmore Girls fan! I am always looking for shows and books that give me that same small town feel. This book did just that! While it was a pretty easy read and nothing too fascinating happened, it really was such a sweet, heartfelt book that I couldn’t put down. I long to live in a place like Stars Falls where the community supports each other and where dreams are made into reality!

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This was a 3.5-3.75 for me. Love the town of Starr's Fall, definitely gives Gilmore Girls vibes without it being too similar to the show like other books are. Overall it was a cute fall read, got me in the mood for cozy vibes and chilly weather! The only thing that wasn't my favorite was the ending seemed rushed. I'm sure since there's more Starr's Fall coming we'll have answers to questions, but it just felt a little off to me. I definitely recommend reading this if you're looking for something to read while curling up next to the fire place this fall!

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Cosy ✅
Small town ✅
Fall vibes ✅
Grumpy sunshine ✅
Perfect for Gilmore girls lovers ✅

A perfect read to get you into the autumn mood.
This book follows Laurie and Joshua. Laurie is new to Starrs Fall and has a positive optimistic approach to life. She is opening her own business ( a pet store and bakery) and is also searching for her long lost family.
Joshua is a grumpy bookshop owner who grew up in Starrs Fall and after leaving for a few years has returned and he’s not too happy about it.
Can both of them find home in Starrs Fall?

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As the weather changes this was the perfect read to welcome Fall. Laurie has packed her things and her dog Max and moves to Starr's Fall to open a Pet shop - bakery. Yes, a bakery for Dogs! and everyone in Starr's Fall has the same reaction - "What now? Baked goods for Dogs?". Eventually everyone warms to that idea. The book is full of great characters and each one of them is important to Lauries story.

It's a feel good book that also tackles some sensitive content but in a very nice way. I really enjoyed it and my mind needed the break from the usual thrillers I read.

Thank you Netgalley and to the author!

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Laurie Ellis is moving to Starr’s Fall, a town no one moves to anymore. Still, she has her reasons and rents a shabby storefront in the downtown to open a dog bakery and pet store. She is going to call it Max’s Place after her sweet dog, Max. Max is all Laurie has other than her optimism.

When she arrives, she meets various townspeople and is welcome by all with the exception of Joshua. Joshua (a.k.a. The Grinch) runs the bookstore across the street. They both live above their shops and can’t seem to avoid each other or make peace. No one in Starr’s Fall has heard of a dog bakery, but Joshua is the only one that tells her her dream is ridiculous.

The town of Starr's Fall totally gave me Gilmore Girl energy! This novel was so good - there was romance, friendship, aging parents, a struggling town, and the grumpy-sunshine trope! You can’t help but root for all the characters in Kate Hewitt’s latest novel Coming Home to Starr's Fall.

Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood for the opportunity to read this book ahead of it’s publishing date.

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An easy read with great characters and a wonderful story to get lost in.

Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books. ~I was given this book and made no commitments to leave my opinions, favorable or otherwise~

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