Member Reviews

3 stars out of 5.

I thought this book was just ok. I never really got invested in any of the characters and thought the mystery in the beginning wasn't explored fully. I did love the descriptive writing of Hobby Island, it sounded beautiful. The plot fell flat for me and I found it hard to pick the book back up to continue reading. I do love the cover of the book though, it is so vibrant and colorful.

In The Summer That Shaped Us, Jeanie wins a golden ticket to Hobby Island for 2 months. She invites her daughter Luna and her granddaughter Artie to go with her for the all expense paid vacation. Luna lost her husband a year prior and it has been hard on her and Artie to get through the tragedy so this vacation is much needed. Jeanie is also going through some hard times but that is what Hobby Island is for. All 3 must try and go through changes to come out stronger on the other side. New friendships are made and possibly new romances (or old ones from that matter).

Thank you Netgalley and Avon and Harper Voyager for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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It took me a few chapters to dive into the story. The story is about a crafting competition on an island. There's way more to it. It's also about family bonds and mending them. Lost love rediscovered. Sabotage, swindling, betrayal, healing, and forgiveness. The colorful ladies who live on the island need to be in every women's life.

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I thought this was a cute, fun read! I loved the relationship between Luna, Jeanie, & Artie and felt that it accurately depicted how conflicted and hard relationships can be within a family. I enjoyed seeing the growth in each of these characters throughout the story, too.

I did feel that Hobby Island was a little too perfect for my liking and it made it unrealistic as a reader. I kept waiting for a shoe to drop because of how perfect everything about the island was. I loved Paul and how sweet he was, but he was a little too perfect, too. His “secret” could have been explored a little more to share with readers that nobody is perfect.

Overall, I enjoyed this book and would recommend for lovers of a quick, fun romance read with a little spice & a focus on found family and rekindled family ties.

This was my first ARC to read and review and it is one I will never forget. Huge thank you to the publisher and author for allowing me to read and leave an honest review.

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I am torn with this one. On one hand I want to visit Hobby Island!!! On the other I'm feeling meh about the story and some of the characters

Overall, The Summer That Shaped Us was a delight to read! I did find the "mystery" that seemed so important in the beginning and the whole reason people were brought there to be an annoying piece of the story honestly. I liked most of the characters as well.

Thank you Netgalley and Avon for the opportunity to read this advanced reader's copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was pretty good. It had the themes of love, friendship, loss. It made me think and it was fun having a little mystery thrown in. I liked the feeling of being on vacation that this book brought out.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for this complimentary ARC in exchange for an honest review!!

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It was a good book to read but at first it was really hard to get into and the whole mystery in the beginning to not be mentioned at all til the very end of the book was kind of pointless. I loved seeing how the relationships were being fixed and got to have a happy ending. I did enjoy but wouldn't re read this book.

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I’ve always wanted to read this author. The story description peaked my interest and I found it a thought provoking read. The resort for crafter on Hobby Island was my kind of dream location. I’m very partial to the Gulf of Mexico area and have visited there very often. I just need to find this exclusive retreat with rainbows and clouds of blooms. The islands owner, Eloisa, is quirky, wise, fair and generous. She imparts wisdom and sets the stage for her guests to conquer obstacles. A grandmother, her daughter and teenage granddaughter are visiting for the first time. Each of them is burdened with past emotional trauma. The island focuses on self-reflection, affirmations, sort of new age vibes. There is some mystery, steamy romance, coming of age, new beginnings and coming to terms with the past. All of the characters were interesting, as were the crafts. Not everyone at the retreat has good intentions. Some have not embraced the goodwill and have evil, spiteful souls. I shed a few tears, laughed and reflected on my own life as I read. Forgiveness, self-worth and acceptance were some of my takeaways. Overall a delightful book.
Avon/HarperCollins (via NetGalley) provided an Advance Reader Copy of “The Summer That Shaped Us” by Lori Wilde, publication expected 04/22/2025. These are all my own honest, personal thoughts and opinions given voluntarily without compensation.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Avon for the opportunity to read The Summer That Shaped Us by Lori Wilde. I loved visiting Hobby Island and can't wait to go back!

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A beautiful story of finding love, friendship, and forgiveness. This story teaches so many small life lessons in a multitude of ways with a small mystery that makes you want to keep reading! You see the story for 4 different woman at 4 different stages in life, with 4 different lessons to learn. Such an amazing read!

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The Summer That Shaped Us
by Lori Wilde
Pub Date: Apr 22, 2025
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
From New York Times bestselling author Lori Wilde comes her newest story about three generations of women, an island with an air of mystery and magic, and one summer that changes everything—perfect for fans of Jill Shalvis and Susan Mallery.
Enjoyable read with likeable characters. I just didn't get into the romance which was more tell than show. Actions speak loudly.

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Quilter Jeannie wins a golden ticket to participate in a craft contest on Hobby Island. She is about to lose her house due to financial difficulties, and the grand prize of $100,000 could change everything for her. Jeannie is allowed to bring two guests, so she brings her recently widowed daughter, Luna, and her teenage granddaughter, Artemis.

Hobby Island is so much more than Jeannie and her family anticipated! It is a magical place filled with eccentric characters, a place for introspection, and a place for personal growth. Issues that have been swept under the rug for too many years are drawn out, causing pain, but eventually leading to forgiveness, freedom, and a better understanding of each other and themselves.

The Summer That Shaped Us was a delight to read! The main characters are likable and their stories are relatable. The island residents are quirky yet good to the core. Some sentences had an abundance of adjectives which took away from the story a bit, and some of the phrases used by the teenagers in the story sounded outdated, such as barf-o-rama and describing someone's shoes as too cool for school. All in all, I enjoyed the book and will read more by this author.

Thank you Netgalley and Avon for the opportunity to read this advanced reader's copy in exchange for an honest review.

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*The Summer That Shaped Us* by Lori Wilde is an enchanting novel set against the backdrop of a private island near South Padre, where magic, creativity, and healing coexist. This beautifully woven tale centers on three generations of women—Luna, her teenage daughter Artemis, and her mother Jeanie—who find themselves navigating deep emotional wounds in the wake of family tragedy. The heart of the novel lies in their journey to Hobby Island, an exclusive retreat for crafters, where billionaire heiress Eloisa Hobby provides more than just a creative sanctuary; she offers a path toward emotional restoration.

Wilde excels at bringing the charm of Hobby Island to life. The island, with its bright colors, tantalizing food, and refuge for wildlife, feels like a character itself—almost magical in its ability to soothe and nurture. This idyllic setting contrasts with the characters' inner turmoil, providing a perfect escape while also acting as the canvas for their healing.

The novel masterfully explores themes of grief, family dynamics, and the ways in which creativity can mend broken hearts. Luna is a pragmatic mother struggling to rebuild her life after losing her husband, while her daughter Artemis, a fierce and independent teenager, copes with the loss in her own rebellious way. Jeanie, the grandmother, is a sensitive artist with her own set of struggles, adding depth to the multi-generational narrative.

What truly sets this novel apart is Wilde's deft hand at portraying complex relationships. The tension between the women is palpable at the start, with Luna and Artemis feeling skeptical of Jeanie's eccentric nature and the mysterious Eloisa. But as the summer unfolds, they each learn to lean into their vulnerability, slowly coming to trust each other again. The gradual healing and reconnection between these women, against the backdrop of Eloisa's unobtrusive mentorship, are both heartwarming and realistic.

Eloisa Hobby is an intriguing character, serving as a quiet, almost mythical guide who gently steers the women toward their emotional breakthroughs. The golden ticket invitation is symbolic of the chance for a fresh start, and Hobby Island becomes a crucible for personal growth. Wilde's subtle inclusion of crafting as a metaphor for rebuilding one's life—stitching together the pieces of a fractured heart—adds a meaningful layer to the story.

Overall, *The Summer That Shaped Us* is a poignant exploration of love, loss, and the power of creativity to heal. Lori Wilde has crafted a touching, atmospheric novel that reminds us of the importance of family, forgiveness, and finding beauty in life’s most difficult moments. This book is perfect for readers who enjoy heartfelt stories of emotional growth set in a magical, escape-worthy setting.

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I really enjoyed reading this book. It reminded me so much of a TV show I used to love, “Fantasy Island”. It was very easy to get caught up in the lives of these characters and I could not wait to continue reading to see how the story progressed. The story was so much about second chances, and finding the power of forgiveness. it was a very enjoyable book. Thank you NetGalley!

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Lori Wilde always amazes me with how beautifully done her books and stories are always written. The characters feel like friends, the setting feels like home, and the storyline just pulls all of your heartstrings. It was just such a darling story. I highly recommend!

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This was such a wonderful story with such well developed characters. It made me smile, laugh, cry and feel sad. It was a well written with a wonderful plot that developed beautifully as the book progressed.

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Billionaire heiress Eloisa Hobby, built Hobby Island, a resort for crafters of all kinds. Her aim is to be a guide for people who are struggling, so she sends out golden tickets to people she wants to help.

Jeanie receives the golden ticket unexpectedly, so she takes her daughter Luna and granddaughter Artemis (Artie) with her for the two-month vacation. Jeanie has recently made questionable decisions that may cause her to lose her home. Luna, who recently lost her husband, is broke. She found out her husband had a huge gambling problem that caused her to lose everything, so she and Artie are living with her mother. However, Jeanie hasn’t told Luna she may lose the house.

Everything comes to light in their stay on Hobby Island. There is a $100,000 prize being awarded for the best artistic achievement contest, and Jeanie does her best to win so she can save her house.

There is so much going on in this book, but it all works, and I really enjoyed it.

Thank you to Avon Publishing, for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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First time with this author. Took some getting used to. Interesting cast of characters each had their own voice. Looke& at past and present. All in all a good read. Author has been to the island before and has set up future visits.

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Jeannie get invited to a quilting competition on Hobby Island, she takes her daughter and granddaughter. lovely setting and good characters.

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From the first page, I was transported to the magic of the island, Hobby Island. I want to move there myself! This book was simply magical. The themes of forgiveness and coming together as women tend to do was what drew me to this book. A a fan of Lori Wilde, having read other books of hers I knew I was in for a treat. But I admit, this may be my top favorite book of hers. Can't wait to go back to Hobby Island.

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this was a cute cozy quick read luna and paul are really good characters the book has a good theme. so sweet and uplifting thank you so much net galley

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