Member Reviews

Chris Offutt’s Mick Hardin novels have their ups and downs for me. I loved the first in the series, The Killing Hills, and then I seem to appreciate all the odd-numbered ones more than the even ones. The Reluctant Sheriff is the fourth to feature Mick Hardin, an ex-Army CID officer. He returns home to the hills of eastern Kentucky, steps in to help his sister, Linda, who is sheriff. But, now that she’s laid up, recovering from a gunshot wound in the line of duty, Mick’s filling in as sheriff. I like Mick. I love the descriptions of the hills and backcountry of the area. But, the divided storyline with one set in Kentucky and one set in Corsica, didn’t work for me.

Mick’s the only law enforcement in the area, and he’s reluctantly drawn into a shooting at a local bar. He has a different interpretation of the crime scene than the local police chief, whom he’s able to work with. But, he was drawn into the case because of personal connections that make him uncomfortable. When several other men are killed, Mick’s able to find a connection due to his knowledge of the area and the people. But, he needs help, and he hires Raymond Kissack, a retired Marine, as his deputy.

He’s forced to hire a deputy because he sent the previous one, Johnny Boy Tolliver, to Corsica. That’s where Mick always intended to retire, but problems in Kentucky interfered with his plans. Johnny Boy, a fish out of water, eventually learns to cope in Corsica, but finds himself caught up in someone else’s problems there.

The descriptions in The Reluctant Sheriff are exquisite. Offutt’s writing is always beautiful. I love his descriptions of Mick. “He’d always maintained a sense of decency and honor, even through his own pain, and he refused to compromise that part of himself.” During a firefight that brings characters and plots together, Mick’s sister, Linda, thinks about “A side of her brother that Linda had never seen – the coldly efficient battlefield soldier.”

Offutt can define a setting or a character in just a sentence. Although I’d read all the books in the series, the storyline with Johnny Boy Tolliver lost me. The book came together, but I didn’t need or care about that section of the book. Give me Offutt’s descriptions of eastern Kentucky, the people and the hills. That’s what I’m looking for in The Reluctant Sheriff.

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I have read several books by this author and they have all been very well written, this one was no exception. This is the fourth book in the series, but I believe you can read it as a stand alone. Mick Hardin has taken over for his sister Linda as the sheriff while she recovers from a gunshot wound. Mick is called to a scene where a local bar owner was shot, using his really good powers of observation he's able to pick up clues that the local police have missed (like that the guy was shot inside the bar not out). Mick decides that his brother has to relocate to Italy due to his apparently attracting attention from some very bad men. Mick is also renovating his grandfather's cabin someplace he wants to eventually live by himself, that cabin becomes the scene of a gunfight against some men who are looking to rub out a person, but if collateral damage is done, so be it. The southern country really comes to life in this book, I could really get a sense of what it must be like to live in such a small town where everyone literally knows everyone else and their business. The story goes back and forth between Mick and his brother, it was very well done. I would recommend. Thanks to #Netgalley and #Grove Press for the ARC.

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Chris Offutt’s The Reluctant Sheriff is an amazing installment in the Mick Hardin series, blending Southern atmosphere with crime fiction to deliver a gripping tale set in the atmospheric hills of eastern Kentucky.

We follow ex-Army CID officer Mick Hardin, who reluctantly steps in as sheriff after his sister, Linda, is injured in the line of duty. Mick, who has been eager to escape the small town of Rocksalt and retire far away from murder, is now forced to confront not only the mundane squabbles of the townspeople but also a murder that is a bit too close to home.


Writing Style: Offutt’s writing is smooth and easy to follow, making it accessible without sacrificing depth. The vivid descriptions of Rocksalt and Corsica allow readers to visualize the world clearly, crafting an immersive experience.

Character Development: The novel excels in creating layered, relatable characters. Offutt effortlessly develops Mick’s personality, revealing much about him through first-person narrative without over explanation.

Atmosphere and Setting: The novel captures the mood of Southern noir beautifully, emphasizing the environment of a small town. The tension between Mick and the town’s history is palpable, and Offutt makes excellent use of setting to reinforce the dark undertones of the narrative.


New Readers May Feel Disconnected: For those unfamiliar with the Mick Hardin series, the backstory might feel incomplete at first, as the novel doesn’t rely heavily on exposition. However, it’s a minor issue since Offutt does provide enough hints for readers to grasp Mick’s core motivations.

Side Plots : While the main plot around the murders is engaging, some subplots, such as Linda’s recovery and the business tycoon’s interference, could have been given more attention.


The Reluctant Sheriff is a compelling crime novel that skillfully balances character development with a well-constructed mystery. While the story does not stand out in the genre of crime thriller, it is still an interesting read that a fan of of mystry thriller will not regret picking up. Offutt’s ability to build tension and craft a strong sense of place makes this novel a standout in the Southern noir genre.

Thus it is recommended for those who enjoy slow-burn mysteries with rich character development and a gritty, immersive setting.

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I enjoyed the book with a bunch of interesting characters. Should definitely start at the beginning of the series. I would have been able to follow the 2nd part of the story much better.

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The Reluctant Sheriff by Chris Offultt.

An engrossing read about Mick Hardin, a veteran who steps in as Sheriff for his injured sister. Annoyed - annoyed with the job, annoyed with his family, his ex-, the petty issues of the local citizens... Suddenly he is facing three unexplained murder. Engrossing, the book focus is on Mick and the setting in Eastern Kentucky which acts another character.

On the other side of the world the reader follows the evolution of another character that has no role in advancing the main plot of The Reluctant Sheriff but (I assume) enhances the series arc.

Thoroughly enjoyed the book but feel as though the experience would be enhanced if I had read the entire series.

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Another great book in this series. It’s fast paced, well written with well developed characters. I can really recommend this book.

Thanks to the author, the publisher and NetGalley for the copy.

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Thanks for the ARC! Got through this one quick. The setup of Mick being forced into a sheriff position to fill in for his injured sister, despite wanting nothing to do with it grabbed me quick. The setting of the hills of Kentucky worked really well for this sort of crime story, and the characters all were fully formed and easy to either root for, or dislike quite a bit. The story taking off and landing in Corsica was unexpected, but enjoyable, as it's not an area I knew anything about going into the descriptions. Good book, and excited to check out more by Chris Offutt!

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Offutt does it again. I've loved every one of the Mick Hardin novels and this one fits in nicely with the oevre. There's mystery elements, thriller elements, and even spy elements--a mashup that could've been fatal literary-wise in a lesser writer's hands. Offutt, though, manages to melt these disparate parts into a satisfying whole. The characterization is another standout, from Mick to Johnny Boy and everyone in between the characters come to life. Highly recommended!

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This was an excellent read! This is my first Chris Offutt book and am happy to say I will be reading more from him in the future.

His style of writing was smooth, easy to follow and was descriptive enough for me to fully imagine and create my own world of the two main settings of Rocksalt and Corsica.

His ability to develop and add depths to his characters felt effortless and was done without relying heavily on over-explained scenarios. Despite myself not knowing much about the main character, Mick, I was able to get a good understanding of who he is as a person thanks to Offutt writing everything he experienced in a first person narrative (something I am seeing less and less of in novels these days).

Even though it’s a long way away, I am beyond excited to read the next novel in this series!

#NetGalley #TheReluctantSheriff

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Mick Hardin is a very likeable character in a story that was just ok.
Mick is an ex Army CID officer who returns to his backwater Kentucky hometown to become
the temporary sheriff while his sister, the real sheriff, recuperates from a shooting.
The story is ok; he gets involved with local corrupt business people trying to establish footholds
in the town and mayhem and shootings abound.
The real interesting story is a second plot involving Mick's brother who is apparently living in exile on the isle of Corsica, having been sent there by Mick for reasons undisclosed. That is the really intriguing story within the story and the page turning part for me.
Here's hoping Johnny boy's story and the mystery of Corsica follows, with more of Sebastian, the Corsican mystery man.

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Mick Hardin never wanted to be sheriff. An ex-Army CID officer, he’s supposed to be retired or he was until his sister, Linda, was shot in the line of duty, requiring him to step in as interim sheriff while she recovered. Now he’s stuck in Rocksalt, the place he was most hoping to escape! Good book! This book had suspense, intrigue, action, murder, mystery, a great who done it and a few twists and turns! The story was interesting! I definitely recommend reading this book! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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