Member Reviews

A lovely sensitively written book all about ADHD. Well chosen examples and descriptions of the challenges and triumphs of the condition. Will need to buy a copy of this book.

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I found the ebook hard to follow but hopefully a physical book will be easier. I liked that they included famous people with adhd so that the girls are able to see successful people not let their adhd feel like a burden. Thank you for allowing me to read.

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A Comprehensive Guide to ADHD
Kirsty Holmes' More Than Meets the Eye: ADHD offers a clear and engaging overview of ADHD. It covers its symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, and coping strategies. Holmes' personal experiences provide relatable insights. This book is valuable for anyone seeking to understand or manage ADHD.

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Super informational and helpful book, but a bit repetitive and busy. I think that a lot of the things in this book could have been condensed or cut out, because I found that a lot of the information I was re-reading, and I got bored quickly. The kids reading this book will get bored even quicker, unless something about this book has captured their attention. On the other hand, though, I think that this book is wildly important for both neurodivergent and neurotypical kids to help them understand and learn about ADHD. It educates neurotypical kids so that they can be effective and caring allies, while it inspires and lifts up neurodivergent kids, showing them that there are tools they can use and that they are perfect just the way they are, with their own strengths, traits, and weaknesses.
Lastly, I think that it should be noted that this book is likely for kids aged 9-12 years. Kids any younger than this reading this book will be confused, overwhelmed, and will probably lose interest. However, for older kids, this book will be such a great resource.

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The writing was clear, lively and direct. The casual tone was friendly without being condescending. And the breadth of information and suggestions was impressive for such a short book. Rosen and Kristy Holmes did a great job giving young people the information they need on this topic. I wish a book like this had been around when I was in school and ADHD in girls really wasn't understood at all.

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The book was beautifully written. The author made careful word choices that were very impactful. Overall, the book was well written and I did really enjoy it.

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