Member Reviews

I’ve got to admit I’ve struggled a little with this one. I wanted to like it being an enemies to lovers trope but if I’m honest I found the pace uneven and didn’t believe totally in the romance but most of all o found the characters unlikeable. Sorry!

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The name of this book alone immediately caught my attention! And who doesn’t love a sexy enemies to lovers/ workplace romance?? The hardest part about this book to me were the main characters. They weren’t like-able in my opinion. Their “chemistry” was surface level and I was a bit bored halfway through.

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This book started off strong and I truly had high hopes for it. The characters were smart, strong willed, interesting. Everything was well written,
I was waiting for the eventual romance between the two leads and I just didn’t feel it. Despite being told they liked one another, I just didn’t buy the chemistry. Nothing really showed me why they liked one another as much as they claimed they did, I could see why they would make a good match, but the reasons were rather boring.
Reading up to the 50% mark of the book was easy, I kept a quick pace. After that it all went down hill. I just didn’t want to finish. I managed to get myself through the end and I just couldn’t believe it. That was the most unsatisfying ending to the book. I think the end definitely needs to be smoothed out more.

*Slight spoilers*
Love?? You expect me to believe they love each other at the end. Not only that, they now want to take it to the next step. I just don’t believe it.

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I had really high hopes for this book but it fell flat. The pacing was uneven, the characters were unlikeable and the plot had some weird gaps that kept leaving me confused. Maybe a better editor would help?

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A cute idea for an office romance and I loved the lawyer aspect. This book was a slow burn with the two main characters becoming a couple in the last few pages but from that moment everything is very fast and super unreal. There was a bit to much back and forth between the love interests for my likeing.
The characters had emotional back storys and so much work experience that it doesn't really make sense with the way how they were described.

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This book masterfully intertwines the complexities of personal trauma, professional ambition, and the unpredictable nature of romance in the high-stakes world of corporate law. The narrative follows Emily Taylor, a talented New York lawyer who has spent a year healing from a tragic accident in rural England. Now, back in the bustling heart of London, she is poised to reclaim her career at a boutique law firm, all while steadfastly avoiding any romantic entanglements.
Emily’s character is both relatable and compelling. Fox does an excellent job of portraying her internal struggle as she grapples with her past and the weight of her professional aspirations. The author’s nuanced depiction of recovery allows readers to understand Emily’s reluctance to embrace love again, making her journey not just another romantic subplot, but a profound exploration of healing and self-discovery.
Enter Jack, a charismatic yet emotionally reserved partner at the firm, who seems to have it all—a successful career and a fiancée who appears to be the perfect match. But as the story unfolds, it becomes evident that Jack’s life is more complicated than it seems. His partnership with Emily on a high-profile case gives rise to a tension that bubbles beneath the surface, drawing them together as they navigate both office politics and unresolved feelings. Fox crafts their chemistry with a delicate hand, allowing the reader to feel the push-and-pull of their relationship evolve organically.
The backdrop of the law firm provides a rich setting for the unfolding drama. The challenges they face are not just legal but deeply personal, testing their resilience and the choices they make. The business trip to Bermuda adds a delightful twist, juxtaposing the beauty of their tropical surroundings with the stormy emotions they deal with back home, encapsulating the juxtaposition of personal and professional lives in a way that feels both glamorous and relatable.
However, the true strength of this book lies in its exploration of what it means to open oneself up to love again after loss. Emily and Jack’s journey is one of rediscovery—of themselves, their desires, and the possibility of a future together despite the fears that threaten to overwhelm them. Their dynamic is a poignant reminder that while the corporate world may be unforgiving, the heart often yearns for connection, even in the most unexpected circumstances. Overall, I highly recommend this book! Eloise Fox delivers a captivating narrative that blends romance, personal growth, and the thrilling highs and lows of the legal profession. This story is an enthralling read that will resonate with anyone who has ever faced the challenge of balancing ambition with the vulnerability of the human heart.

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Oh, THIS IS NOT AN OFFICE ROMANCE, I had such high hopes for you!

I love a rivals to lovers trope but this one had a few too many factors that I didn't enjoy. I found that some sections moved way too slow and others sped through without giving us much information. I also found the characters pretty unlikeable and struggled to connect with all the storylines.

Thanks to NetGalley and Burning Chair Limited for the ARC! Opinions are my own

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✨NetGalley ARC Review✨

Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC copy of This is NOT an Office Romance in exchange for my honest review.

Emily is a successful lawyer, who after taking some time off, returns to her beloved career and is immediately put on an embezzlement case with her office rival, Jack.

Jack is a successful lawyer in his own right but his personal life is falling apart. As Jack and Emily work this case, they realize they have more in common than they initially thought and begin a friendship. With the no dating colleagues rule, can they make their working relationship more?

If you like rivals to Lovers tropes, brief Russian Mafia storylines, and finding love after loss then I would give this book a try.

I have to be honest and say the plot was a little lacking and some things didn't make sense to me. The characters felt more like detectives than lawyers and Jack's relationship didn't seem as bad at the beginning of the story as I feel it was revealed later. Also, the junior that is added to their work team, why was she not punished for blackmailing Jack?

I think this book was lacking a bit of depth but it was a fast, easy read.

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I'm not entirely certain exactly what the author was aiming for here, but I don't think it hit whatever and wherever that mark was. For being the year 2024, I was surprised to find some out of date disparaging descriptors used on behalf of the disabled community. DNF.

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It's rare that I don't enjoy a book and i expected to like this one being an attorney myself. however, the writing was like reading an essay about a book. Everything was summarized and over concluded without showing the story or creating any feeling in the reader. Also, i never really bought the romance then the response really felt overblown and excessive. also, dropping the one night stand felt like a hole, although i was glad that story line wasn't pursued. But maybe it shouldn't have been there at all.

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: ̗̀➛ 2 stars

Unfortunately, this book left me frustrated on several levels. The characters were unlikable for me, and the plot was riddled with storylines that led nowhere. The romance developed too quickly to feel believable.

The writing dragged when it came to exploring doubts and uncertainties, but then it would rush through important scenes with barely any dialogue.
I struggled to finish this book because I just couldn’t connect with the characters. At one point, I considered not finishing it, but I pushed through and ended up disappointed. Early on, I admired Emily for taking charge of her life and uncovering financial fraud in Bermuda, but when she compromised her own career for Jack’s, I found it hard to believe such a strong connection could lead her to sacrifice so much. The premise initially intrigued me, but the execution fell flat. In the end, this book just wasn’t for me.

The tropes in this book:
* Office slow burn
* Dual POV
* No spice
* Mental health
* Past trauma

Thank you NetGalley and Burning Chair Limited for providing this ARC.

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I normally like most books I read and, even without any steamy chapters, I can get behind a good story. However, this book was so frustrating.

I found both characters unlikeable, the plot had storylines that didn't go anywhere, the love plot was over too short a period of time to be plausible even on the Bachelor, and it wasn't even a closed door romance - they didn't even describe a first kiss!

I found that the writing was long winded when discussing doubts and uncertainties and then would be quick to glance over important scenes with too little dialogue.

I also understand that it wasn't a romantic comedy, but some humour is welcome, especially in a budding romance - both characters seemed like boring people.

It took me forever to get through this book, because I wasn't invested in the characters at all. I thought about DNFing, but pushed through and was left disappointed overall.

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At the beginning, I applauded Emily for restarting her life as a successful attorney and reclaiming how valuable she is especially in her discovery of the bank accounts and siphoning of funds while in Bermuda. However, when she believed Jack to be far more important and not asking him to do anything to impact his career that led to her resignation, I had a hard time realizing that such a strong connection would lead her to compromise so much. The language became very flowery at the end.

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Get the tissues ready! This book isn't your typical office romance. Both main characters, Emily and Jack go through character healing and growth- touching on past trauma events before being able to decide whether they will take the plunge into a relationship. Would highly recommend.

Tropes: Office slow burn romance, Dual POV, NO spice book, mental health and past trauma

Favourite quote: sometimes the most challenging moments in life pave the way for something beautiful

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"This is NOT an Office Romance" is a romance novel by Eloise Fox. Let me start with the positives - the adorable cover, the adorable name, and the fact that it was a quick read. I also found the publisher's summary to be interesting. However, while this, for me, was an "okay" book, I cannot say that I found it really engaging. There were a number of issues I had with this story - the supporting friends seemed put there to be a way to let off steam, opposed to them being real supporting characters; the insta-lust; the main character kvetching about babysitting a millennial while she, herself, was a millennial; calling a deaf person "deaf and dumb"; working out the math of how a young lawyer had time to be a lawyer in both the UK and US and also "working in different European countries"; and the number of times I really needed to turn my brain off and just go with the flow. I pushed through with the book but found some of it difficult to read because the story just became a bit unbelievable at times. This wasn't a bad book, but I have to admit that I'll probably forget a lot about this book as time goes on (other than the numerous times "whilst" was used). Overall, this book was "okay" for me, thus the two star rating.

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Honestly, I couldn't finish this book. I read almost 62% and still felt like the plot was lacking and the writing style left me feeling very little. Descriptions felt very clinical and while the characters feelings were described  there was nothing in their actions that demonstrated those feelings. This book was the opposite of "show, don't tell". The author didn't show me anything and therefore the story fell flat.

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I am not alone when I say I love a good office romance...and this one shines!

Thank you to NetGalley, publisher, and author. All comments are my own.

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wow what an adventure this book was!
I was immediately intrigued by Emily. I can't pass up a good office romance with lawyers and oh with a feminist protagonist!
Jack and Emily definitely don't get off to a good start in their partnership, but they may or may not find common ground on behalf of their client, whose case they're working on together. Emily sure knows how to stand her ground. Oh, Jack, why did you even decide to question her... 
This was definitely the most dynamic office romance I've ever read. The plot got tangled up with each new incident You're on your toes most of the time and you want to laugh at the same time.
There is something poetic about finding the love of your life amid the chaos of life. The perfect situation for love to display one of its greatest qualities - its patience and its ability to heal. 💜

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I really had a hard time getting into the flow of this book.... The plot jerks you around to a lot of difference places and the love is a little too "insta-crush" for me. The blurb and the premise is something that really caught my eye, but the execution is off. It almost felt like inventing drama for the sake of it and yet none of it hooked me. I think this one just wasn't for me overall.

Thank you NetGalley and Burning Chair Limited for providing and ARC.

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I struggled with reading this one, so many inconsistencies, so much happening, but also not happening. This book did not catch my attention, which sucks because I really liked the cover and the idea of the plot in the synopsis.

Thank you NetGalley and Burning Chair Limited for my ARC.

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