Member Reviews

Dr. Supatra Tovar throughout the book mentioned if you have hope that you will have better success. The book is well written and researched. The concepts were great and kept you thinking how to improve your mental health. I feel was missing a hook to keep you wanting to read it all in one day.

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No new information here but it is an easy read and a good reminder for those of use that suffer from disordered eating. The writing is a bit too simplistic and repetitive for my taste, but I do see the value of it for many readers.

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I enjoyed this book. I knew most of this information, but it was an easy read and good reminder. I think this is a good book for groups to discuss, perhaps young adults.

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Loved this reminder of social media not being real and diet culture being a very real threat to everyone and serving no real purpose and doing no good to anyone.

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Most of the info in this book was not new to me but I did really enjoy the reminder to limit social media and also to replace it every morning with a mantra. It was definitely worth it to read for that idea!

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A very detailed book written by Dr. Tovar. There are a lot of introductions and explanations about dieting and the culture surrounding it at the start of this book. After that, the book gets into what I was most interested in... deprogramming! How to quit the noise in my head. I found it to be helpful and informative. I'll be doing my best to put the words into practice. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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