Member Reviews

Okay, I have enjoyed the other two books in this series, but I think that one is my favorite! I didn’t know what to expect with Kalle and his roles in the other books. But I really loved his character in this book. And Edie is amazing! I love their dynamic and the honest banter between the two of them! This is an amazing third book of the series and I cannot wait for Bo’s book next!

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I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher, via NetGalley. This in no way impacted on my view.

Prince Kalle was born to wear the crown, but that doesn't mean he wants it. As the oldest prince, he is next in line to the throne of Laandia, but he would rather spend his time in his pub, rather than in the throne room. And if he was to become king, he would need a strong queen by his side. The only person he would ever trust to do such an important job is his best friend and colleague, Edie, the daughter of the castle's groundskeeper, and the manager of The King's Hat. Edie has always been by his side, and he can picture her as his queen - but will he be able to convince her of that? And will he accept that he has feelings for her that are more than just platonic?

Okay, this is my favourite book in the series! Kalle and Edie are the best couple, and friends-to-lovers is an even better trope than enemies-to-lovers. I've always wanted to know just what Kalle was thinking in the previous books, as it was clear he didn't want to be the Crown Prince, and a lot of people, Kalle included, expected Odin to inherit the throne. But Odin dropped a bombshell at his wedding, and Kalle has no other choice than to accept he will be king - but his father is healthy, and there's no point in worrying. Until King Magnus falls ill, and Kalle is left to pick up the pieces. Edie really came into her own here, taking charge, and being there for the whole family, but especially for Kalle. Their relationship really developed over the course of the book, and they are the perfect couple, ready to be King and Queen when the time comes. I'm gutted I need to wait for Royal Reluctance but I know it will be well worth the wait!

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This book was amazing! It’s the first I have read in the series, but was able to still follow along enough to enjoy the story. I loved the chemistry between Henrik and Edie! Very tasteful, yet passionate. Definitely now a Holly Kerr fan!!

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

What a good book! I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. This is a first by this author but will not be my last! I read this in one sitting because I just couldn’t put it down.

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AMAZING!! Every book in this series so far has been amazing, and this one is no exception! I absolutely loved it and I can’t wait for the next one!

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This was my favorite Laandia story so far! Kalle and Edie have such a cute and interesting dynamic it was great to see them transition out of the friendzone! My only qualm with it was that it went very quickly and didn't have a lot of time to see how their relationship was different than "just friends." HOWEVER, I am excited to see their dynamic navigating their new roles in the next book in the series!

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This is a cute friends to lovers romance. The book gave me Princess Diaries/ Hallmark Christmas vibes. Not because of the plot but it was a sweet romance with normal people and down to earth royals. The storyline was cute and characters were endearing. It’s a slow burn and no spice. If you are looking for a nice light hearted romance I would recommend!

It’s book 3 in a series so there is some reference to the previous storylines/books but can be read as a stand alone.

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In the third Kingdom of Laandia book, Prince Kalle, the heir who prefers a quiet life above his bar, faces pressure to step into his royal duties after his brother abdicates. Advised by his father to choose a partner wisely, Kalle considers top model Fennella Carrington, but complications arise when his cousin pursues Edie, Kalle's best friend and secret love. As Edie, the daughter of the castle's former groundskeeper, starts dating his cousin, Kalle rethinks his feelings for her. The story is heartwarming and filled with family dynamics, romantic tension, and natural banter, offering readers an engaging journey of self-discovery and love.

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Third book in the kingdom of Laandia and this time it is the turn of the heir to the throne, Prince Kalle who avoids being like his brothers at all costs and prefers to live quietly in his apartment above his bar in the center of the town
After his younger brother adbicate the throne, Kalle feels pressure from his family and his people to step forward. The only advice he receives from his father is that he has to be sure and choose with who to take that step, someone to accompany him and that can be his partner.
With the guests from her brother's wedding still wandering around the town and the big profile influencer and top model Fennella Carrington trapped by a storm Kalle has decided to test if there is any chance of her being his queen, just when his cousin and enemy decides to do the same and starts hanging around to her best friend and partner at the bar Edie
Edie is the daughter of the castle's former ground keeper, and has been present in the most important moments of his life, but when she starts dating his cousin Kalle he begins to wonder what his life would be like without Edie by his side.
In this island town nothing is ordinary and its inhabitants, heirs of the last Vikings, are so particular that it is impossible to know what will happen next. I couldn't really put the book down, I needed to know what was happening and with each book I get more into the royal family and discover each character with new eyes and became eager to read their book
Thanks to Holly Kerr and her team for give me a copy of this beautiful book in exchange for my honest and voluntary opinion

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Post will be shared on socials later today.

I thought this would be my least favorite book from the series, since we did not know Kalle and Edie that much, and it being the third book in the series that would negatively influence me, but I got a similar feeling as when I was reading Royal Rumble (book 1), even if both books focus on different aspects (albeit they still center about a royal romance and fulfilling one's duties).

We knew about both Kalle and Edie from the previous two books, but we knew almost nothing about them. We were familiar with the bar they they both manage, and about Kalle's royal situation: he was first in line but he didn't really want to take the crown. And that was it. Which is why I assumed I would not enjoy their story as much. As mentioned, I thought this would be a negative aspect, but it wasn't. And whilst in Royal Retelling (book 2) some scenes with other characters were a bit awkward or not as interesting, I appreciated older characters popping up here and being part of the plot. It was actually really nice seeing how their stories had evolved and them interacting with Kalle or Edie.

One of my critiques for Royal Retelling was that the romance took too long, making the first part of the book a bit dragging for me as I was not quite invested despite my original thoughts, but I have to say that even if something similar happens in Royal Rising, and the romance does not happen instantly, I did not mind it this time. Like with Royal Rumble, I did not mind it, on the contrary, it was still fun because we got plenty of scenes between the two leads.

Still, it was not only the romance that kept me reading, but the relationships with all the characters (as it is normally for me). We got some that we already knew and a couple new ones, and I have to say that I did not mind and wanted to see more of them.

I imagined royal affairs would play a bit role in the story, and while there is one key factor that drives the story, it was not as focused on that as I imagined; instead, we saw more of Kalle and Edie's story and their life managing the bar.

For me the best part of the story is how Kalle and Edie dealt with everything changing, not only their positions but also their dynamic. They have known each other for such a long time but (don't be surprised, it's a romance book after all) they are starting to see each other in a new light. This change was interesting because they're not only friends, they also work together as managers but they live quite close, so it was fun to see these dynamics slowly be altered and how they dealt with it whilst still maintaining their frienship.

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This is the third book in the Love in Laandia series. It's the story of Kalle, King Magnus's firstborn son and heir to the throne of Laandia, and his best friend since the age of 16 Edie England, who is the daughter of the groundskeeper of the castle. They've been in love with each other for 16 years and while all their friends and family can see that, they are blind to it. The story also focuses on whether or not Kalle even wants to inherit the throne or abdicate.

I hadn't read the previous two books in the series and despite the brief explanations, I did find myself confused at what had previously happened between other people in the book and don't feel like it was explained particularly well.

I really enjoyed the premise but feel like it could've been developed a bit better. The ending felt quite abrupt, it would have been nice to have an epilogue wrapping the story up. I would've liked to get to know the characters a bit better and really be able to feel and understand why they felt the way they did about each other, it felt slightly rushed.

It was an enjoyable story but there were quite a few grammatical errors in the book. This sadly broke the immersion while reading a bit as I would have to go back and reread sections to understand what was actually being said.

All in all, an enjoyable read but I reckon you would probably enjoy it more if you have read the first two books.

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I am loving this series. I did think that the slow burn was a bit too slow, it dragged in just a bit too much but otherwise it was a great read. Looking forward to reading about the rest of the family!

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The third book in the Love in Laandia series follows Kalle, King Magnus's firstborn son, and his best friend Edie England, the previous groundskeeper's daughter, who met when they were kids and have seemingly been in love for years. Everyone around them sees it, yet they don't. Friends for over 16 years, this story follows the two as they finally fall in love.

I enjoyed this book, and if you're looking for something light and fun about two best friends finally falling in love, then you will too! Also really liked that it was duel POV. However, I had a few issues with it. I hadn't read the first two Love in Laandia books, so the backstory was a little confusing at times despite the quick explanations. Additionally, there were some grammatical errors throughout the book that took away from the overall experience. I also really wanted the book to be longer so we could see them happy or have an epilogue maybe of their wedding day, just something more.

*Thanks to NetGalley and the author/ publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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As someone who is doubtful of the friends to lovers trope I have to admit that this one surprised me. The information I got made me want to read and the content itself sealed the deal for me. It was a sweet story with likable characters and so entertaining. It was beautiful well written and the dual povs were truly appreciated to completely see this story unfold. The relationship and the development felt real, genuine and meaningful. I was so rooting for them and their happy ending.

If you like the trope and a sweet and well written book this one is for you!

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I normally don't like best friends to lovers tropes but this one was good, congratulations for that.
The book had no 3rd act breakup which was a bonus and a sweet romance to boot. It was really what I needed.
Kalle and Edie had been dancing around each other for years and seeing them finally give in to their feelings was so fantastic. I loved how everyone was expecting that too and all the reactions were of finally and it's about time, it was hilarious.
Kalle didn't want to be king but he knew with Edie by his side he could do it. She had always been there for him and he loved her. If he was going to do it, he would do it with her.
Edie was afraid of giving in to her feelings (which was understandable) and was a little more cautious but in the end, she couldn't fight what she felt for him.
I loved them together and they were the cutest

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This book was amazing! I love royalty romance books and I was so happy to read this one. The romance and banter was top tier!

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Royal Rising was my latest romance read. If you enjoy royal romance stories, then you likely will enjoy this book! It was a cute story!

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Edie le dejo las cosas muy fáciles a Kalle, debió dejarlo sufrir un poco y hacer que se esforzará para conquistarla.

No diré nada del pasado de playboy de él porque Edie fue quien siempre lo alejó.

No me gustó el protagonismo que se le dió a Fenella en este y en el anterior libro, en lugar de caer bien y hacer que quiera leer su libro me provoca no querer volver a saber de ella.

¿Qué pasó con Kate y Jackson

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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