Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this ARC!

This book was so good! I finished this fast! I couldn’t put it down! I loved the writing style and the story was great! This was a first for me by this author and it will not be my last! Such a quick and easy read.

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A delicious buttery popcorn thriller for fans of Freida McFadden.

Readers are thrown right into the deep end as we read the thoughts of somebody who is driving with a dead body in the trunk of their car.

It was a true page-turner with some genuinely spooky moments. Overall, it you enjoy thrillers that combine fast-paced action with psychological intrigue, The Cemetery Spot is well worth your time.

Thank you to @netgalley @jennamoquin and @victoryeditingngc for allowing me to read this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

#thecemeteryspot #netgalley

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Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing for this ARC!

It starts off with a bang, no waiting for it to going so that was a plus. I enjoyed the writing style of this author. It definitely kept me flipping pages but I felt it needed a little more shock value. The twist wasn’t a “wow” moment. Eugene’s ending wasn’t expected but also left me with questions.

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I enjoyed this book! This was my first time to read a book by this author & plan on reading more, I enjoyed the writing style. & the plot was good, I appreciate the descriptiveness & how there wasn’t so much back story that you get lost trying to figure it out. The twist at the end blew my mind!

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Love the twists! Never knowing who to believe! The end will shock you! Every time I had I figured out..I was wrong!

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Wow! Fans of Freida will love this book! This was suspenseful and thrilling with twists and turns and it was even humorous. I really enjoyed this one, it was hard put it down.

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The Cemetery Spot is an intense, action-packed thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat. The author has an excellent writing style, that contributes to the overall dark and gloomy plot. A spooky read, it keeps you up as you turn pages desperate to solve the thriller.
The plot is quite clever with unexpected twists, relentless tension, and surprising events. I enjoyed this book a lot, because few books combine the thriller and horror genre this well. I would recommend it to anyone who wants a gripping and chilling read.

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Ok, first off, wow! This book was pretty good from start to finish! I really enjoyed the storyline for the most part, there were some parts that I felt didn’t really fit and or weren’t tied in and or were too fantastical . It wasn’t so much of horror, minus one spooky dream. Overall, I loved the main character, and just overall enjoyed the book, and found it easy to dive into not wanting to put it down! Thanks NetGalley for this arc

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A twisty and turny thriller that keeps you guessing until the very end. Starts with a bang, as two sisters suddenly find themselves having to dispose of a dead body. From there, things go from bad to worse, as guilt and fear of being caught cause all kinds of chaos. Culminates in a great surprise ending.

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When a book is recommended to you by one of your favorite authors (Freida McFadden) you know it's going to be good! This book had so many twists and turns, and I did not guess any of them! There were time that I did want to shake April and say "what are you doing you're going to get caught!!" but that made me want to keep reading to see how it would all turn out. I definitely was shocked by the ending, and I do wish the ending had been just a bit longer so we could see exactly what happened to Eugene Whittle.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book, and now I want to go back and read more of this author's books!

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The Cemetery Spot

Did I figure out the twist in the first 20% of this book? Yes, yes, I did. Did I still enjoy reading it and finish it all in one day on a lazy Sunday afternoon? Also, Yes. I picked up this book because one of my favorite Authors Freida McFadden recommended it. This book is the perfect example of what a good thriller should be: creepy, mysterious, fun. I enjoyed all the characters and was engaged the entire time I was reading. I do think the aunt doth protest too much which kind of gave away the twist early on but other than that I really enjoyed it! I will be reading other books from this author!

Thank you, Net Galley, the author, and the publisher for an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I enjoyed this book to me it had just enough creepy to for the upcoming season. Definitely going to recommend to friends and family that also love a good creepy read

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"The Cemetery Spot" by Jenna Moquin is a fast-paced, 3-star read. April and August are sisters who find themselves in increasingly difficult situations. The book starts off with a bang, with someone driving around with a dead body in their vehicle.

Overall, the idea behind the story is very interesting. However, there were many repetitive parts, especially involving Auggie, that dragged the story along. The flashbacks to 1989 offer a glimpse into the sisters' lives as young girls, which adds depth to their characters. Some chapters are narrated by a surprise character, which brings a unique perspective to the story, but the horror aspect felt a bit forced in those sections. The ending features a big twist, but it didn’t quite work for me. While this wasn’t the best book for me, I would still be interested in reading another by Jenna Moquin.

Thanks to Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op, Jenna Moquin, and NetGalley for providing me with the opportunity to read this ARC and share my honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Jenna Moquin and the publisher for an early copy of The Cemetery Spot.
After reading and really enjoying Jenna’s book, Stalks, I jumped at the chance to receive an ARC of this title. This one does not disappoint! It will draw you in right at the start and won’t let you go until the final twist. Go ahead and add it to your TBR list now!
Overall rating: 3.5 ⭐️

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The twist towards the end was not what I expected to be. My jaw dropped and had me in awe. This is a really great book. It left me speechless.

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Thank you to Net Galley and Victory Editing for my ARC copy!

When I saw this was recommended by Freida McFadden I knew I would like it and I did! This one certainly kept me guessing all the way! It was a quick read but one full of twists. The author did a great job of keeping you interested and wondering is it this one or that one? Sometimes it even had me saying out loud, "you've got to be kidding me, really?" or "no way, stop it!" and a few other things along the way.

The characters keep you wondering if they're good, bad, somewhere in the middle, but I question if any were really very smart but would any of us really be very smart in this situation? I often read at lunch time and let's just say I think I was late punching in a few days (sorry boss). It's an easy read but it's definitely a good read. In fact I could really see this moving into a series... (hint, hint Jenna Moquin - please?). The ending was just fine and could stop there, but wow, would I like to know more about some of these characters and the other stories they could tell. This is my first by this author and I want more!

Overall a great, nail-biting, keep you guessing read.

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This was my first time reading a Jenna Moquin book and it won’t be my last time. She keeps you wondering what is going to happen next. Just when you think the book is going where you think it is, it goes in a totally different direction. I definitely did not see that outcome. This book kept me entertained and I have found a new favorite author.

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This book was one crazy mystery. It started out as what happens when a domestic violence victim does when they have had enough to a whole twist as to who committed a murder. Each character had a reason to be suspicious of with a motive then as the readers continues reading the plot twists and someone must be removed from the list. When I learned the twist, I was just as shocked as April. This author is one I look forward to reading more books by.

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How far would you go to protect your sister? Does your loyalty have its limits? April is finding out just that when she stops by to visit her sister - August (Auggie). Instead of visiting, April finds Auggie fretful with her brother-in-law, Roy, dead on the floor with a knife in his back. Of course, April is there to help in any way she can. As the book progressed, we found out that April feels in debt to Auggie and that she needs to do this.
I devoured this book in less than a day. It was such a great read that I wish I was reading with my older sister. The way Jenna Moquin sprinkles hints and red herons throughout is perfectly executed. I was hooked from the first page right up until the end. I can't wait to read more from this author!
A special thanks to Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op and NetGalley for this advanced copy. It was such a wonderful read.

I have posted links to my reviews below - on both my Instagram and personal new blog. Thank you again ❤️

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April and her sister have a few secrets! Auggie also an abusive husband and son. Very good story nice and twisted just the way I like! The story goes back and forth in time a bit, which I quite enjoyed.
I recommend this book and this author!

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