Member Reviews

4.5 ⭐️! What a juicy and delicious, popcorn thriller! The book starts immediately with a bang, and pulls you right in and never lets you go. It’s fast-paced with enough twists to keep you guessing. I devoured it in one sitting and have zero regrets.

August and April are a sister duo that get themselves into some muddy waters. April arrives to her sister’s house finding her brother-in-law stabbed to death and August convinces her to hide the body. If you are a Freida Reader, you will definitely love this book, too. I loved the acknowledgements at the end too. 🥰

A huge thank you to Netgalley, Jenna Moquin, and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review! This publishes on August 13, 2024.

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This is an excellent horror/thriller about murder, family, and the ties that bind them together.

A woman goes to visit her sister one day and is met with a gruesome scene. Her sister's abusive husband is dead on the kitchen floor and her sister is freaking out. Together, they come up with a plan to get rid of the body and not get caught.

But things are going to go wrong almost from the beginning. Her nephew wants to know where his father is and the sisters have to stick to the story they've come up with. The same story they tell the police, the nosy neighbour, and the deceased man's brother who suspects something.

But what happens next with the body and these characters is the great edge of your seat stuff you want in a book. Lots of strange things happen, red herrings, and a few twists along the way really make this novel shine. Definitely a book you'll want to read and I highly recommend it.

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This book was so good. Definitely was a read that kept me on my toes. I read this within a day, and being a single mom that’s impressive for me. I love the point of view shifting between August and April. I just never saw that twist coming!! Will be reading more :)

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Twists and turns galore will keep you intrigued from the first page to the last! Finished in 24 hours!

April and Auggie are sisters with a rocky past and a rockier present. But sisters are always there for each other no matter what…right?

Thanks to NetGalley, Jenna Moquin, and the publisher for this ARC!

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Another spooky read just in time to get those halloween vibes flowing! This book is action packed and there was never a second that i was bored. It gave page turner (or scrolling) a whole other meaning. If you love thrillers then you don’t want to miss out on this one by Jenna Moquin. Thanks to netgalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Holy cow! This book starts out with action, that is non stop. Guarantee you won't want to put it down. I thoroughly enjoyed the writing style of this author, even though it's a thriller, I giggled a few times. Jenna's writing style is almost poetic at times, for lack of a better word.
Thanks Jenna Moquin and netgalley, for the chance to read an advanced copy of this wonderful book.

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The Cemetary Spot is first book I’ve read by Jenna Moquin. It did not disappoint! I couldn’t put it down and had my attention from beginning to end! I will definitely be reading more of her books! It was so good! Thanks to Freida McFadden for suggesting it and to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!

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April, known as Ape, becomes entangled in a web of deception after being entrusted with the task of concealing her brother-in-law's death. However, upon realizing they were watched, April begins to doubt the loyalty of those around her. The pivotal question: can she truly trust her sister, August?

The story captivates from the prologue onward, maintaining a compelling pace. It is primarily told from the viewpoint of insomniac April, weaving together present events with the backstory of her sister, August.

Unfortunately, and completely personal preference, the nicknames Auggie and Ape proved distracting. It was challenging to connect deeply with the characters due to these monikers, which occasionally undermined the seriousness of certain scenes.

The narrative could benefit from further exploration of character depth, particularly regarding who else might have witnessed the sisters' late-night actions and what repercussions await them.

Despite this, the book was an enjoyable and straightforward read, filled with unexpected twists. Readers are led to believe they have unraveled the mystery, only to be surprised by the final revelations.

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🔪 quick read
🔪 can’t put down
🔪 𝓂𝓎𝓈𝓉ℯ𝓇𝓎 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉ℯ𝓇
🔪 so much suspense

This is a thriller that you won’t want to miss out on! I enjoyed the characters and the story!

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I learned about this book from a recommendation by Freida McFadden. I was able to obtain an ARC from NetGalley. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to read something that was recommended by one of my favorite authors. I found the plot to be very engaging. I began reading it this morning, and finished it just before midnight. The book had several twists some I didn’t expect and a few I did. My prediction turned out to be correct in the end but it was still an enjoyable story.

“The Cemetery Spot” is mostly told from the point of view of April (who is nicknamed “Ape”). April arrives at her sister Auggie’s house to hang out one night and discovers that her abusive brother-in-law has been stabbed in the back and is lying in a pool of blood, deceased. Auggie is in a panic and begs Ape to help her dispose of the body once she realizes she cannot do it alone. Ape is fiercely loyal to her sister, (especially after an incident that occurred when they were teenagers), so she agrees to help Auggie out. The sisters quickly hatch a plan and get to work. After a bit of research, April thinks she found the perfect spot to bury the body. But someone else saw them. Will the sisters be able to keep the secret? You’ll have to read to find out!

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