Member Reviews

I am a sucker for a second chance romance! I love when exes are pushed together in a circumstance like in this book. There were aspects of the plot that didn't feel balanced to me but I thought it was a good read.

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Jazz and Theo were each other’s first loves, and they both thought they would be together forever at Jamieson Creek. One day, Theo suddenly moves away and breaks Jazz’s heart.

15 years later, Theo signs up for a stay at Sunrise Ranch to recuperate. Unknown to him, it is managed by Jazz. For six months, they have to work together on the ranch, with the cutely-named animals thus giving them a chance to forgive and heal together. It helps also that we have “one tent” for them to keep each other warm.

When the truth of what happened 15 years ago is revealed, I couldn’t help but cry for them – Jazz, Theo and Blair. Oh my, I loved Valley for being the good friend that she is, totally not afraid to preach the truth to Jazz and always ready to call her out when she is wrong.

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I enjoyed this book but was left wanting more. I liked both the female main character and male main character, but didn't feel like I had enough information on their initial relationship to be fully invested in their second-chance romance. I would have loved to know more about their past to get a deeper understanding of why I should care about them getting their second chance at love. The beginning of the book was kind of slow and while it did pick up around halfway through, I still didn't feel overly invested.

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3.5 stars

Okay, this book gave me a mix of feelings. Some chapters really caught my attention, and Theo and Jazz kept me hooked at times. I think the second chance aspect was well developed, but I feel like something was missing for me to truly love it.

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I received this book as an arc reader for an honest review. This book follows Theo and Jasmine (Jazz) who were together at the age of nineteen but Theo leaves without a goodbye and they don’t speak for years, all of a sudden Theo is back in Sunrise Ranch and they now have to figure out how to be around each other again. I found this book okay, I was never very invested in the characters or rooting for them! I feel they were both dealing with extreme complex family issues which weren’t delved into a lot so I felt it needed more of that to actually make me care for the characters. The secret that Jasmine was keeping was quite predictable and I felt it was kinda brushed over quite quickly. I feel like when they finally have sex, then all they seem to be doing is having sex afterward, I wanted to feel like the characters actually wanted each other besides that feeling of lust. All in all I feel like there was a lot more than could have been done with the characters to bring the rating up for me.

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I have mixed feelings about this book, I liked the story and the second chance was well done in my opinion. I really liked Theo character I have nothing to say about him but Jasmine is a no no. She was mean for no reason and she was pissing me of. I didn't like how the book was written, I don't really like when a book is written in the 3rd person, but it might just be me so...

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Second chance at the sunset ranch

2.75 ⭐️

Why the hell did the author think it was okay to talk about bowl movements in this book 🤨
And some of the those metaphors and similes were unnecessary.

The chapters were short which I loved. But that did mean the romance felt undeveloped, the plot moved to quickly. And I felt like they was no real development in their relationship

Apart form the writing the plot had potential, parts of the story were cute and very heartwarming, where as others just gave me the ick and made me mad.

jasmine- was meant to be guarded and hurt from the past, she came across as a mean and self righteous person. She made arguments out of nothing for example Theo and jasmine were having a nice moment together when she suddenly without warning got angry at him FOR NO RESON!! But then everything changed at the 50% and I started to understand the pain she had gone through since Theo left, but she was such a annoying fmc

Theo- awww this man, I hate when the author writes the man as perfect and the fmc as annoying, but Theo did it for me, he was the perfect Mmc. The way he dealt with things that was thrown at him were amazing and inspiring.

This book is second chance and to be honest it was done pretty well. The character fell in love when they were 18 and 19 then Theo went away never to be seen by jasmine until 15 years later when he arrived at her ranch. I felt like jasmine didn’t really have a reason to hold a grudge against Theo, she found out why he moved away pretty quickly in the novel, but she carried on hating him, you found out why jasmine held this grudge not Theo fault more jasmine and her guilt, saying this I did enjoy this second chance as they didn’t really have this huge argument to get over it was just a lot of miscommunication.

I did really like this book, I was shocked at the plot twist the book takes at the 50% mark did make jasmine hurt seem more valid, and make me like her more as a reader. But over all nothing to come home about, I definitely think they is room for improvement but it’s a solid second chance romance, just not for everyone.

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This book had me hooked from the start and I was very invested in the mc’s story. I liked how the author incorporated the things we learned about in the prologue in a great way. It was a cute story that I’m glad I got to read.

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This book was about Theo and Jazz who met when they were nineteen and then Theo suddenly disappears. Years later they meet again.

I thought this book was ok. But that was it. It was just ok. There were some parts that i really enjoyed like Theo earning Jazz' trust slowly and Jazz with her friends. Some lines that were written were really good like-

"Silence does not erase the pain; it just means you bear it alone."

But there were few things that i didn't like. For example, the way Blair? And Jazz were shown together.

Overall, this could be a better rated book for someone else, considering there was nothing too huge wrong with it but personally, it wasn't the best for me.

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Wow this was such a good read!! I absolutely loved this with all my heart!

This was so so much more than romance and was completely built up of tension, chemistry and romance. There was always something in the story to keep you reading more and more and that’s what I love in a book!

I wish there was more to this book because I did not want to stop reading it! My favourite book so far this month!

Thankyou NetGalley for this arc

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Si no les gusta la falta de comunicación no disfrutarán de este libro.

Jazz y Theo fueron novios hasta que un día él desapareció y ella no volvió a saber de años después.

Ambos sufrieron a manos de sus papas por lo que tienen traumas y es lo que hace que la historia se ponga complicada especialmente por ella ya que intentara alejarlo a toda costa.

Odie como se manejo lo de Jazz y Balir, sentí feo por él.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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