Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this and think it is really driven by the characters.

Even though it is multiple PoV, Fig is the main character of the book. She's very likeable, although it's quite annoying that she gets rescued every time she gets in trouble.

My favourite character is definitely the dragonet, though. He's awesome and I love his sarky little quips! He also brings more depth to Fig's character.

It's an interesting book with some decent worldbuilding. I like how everything has been set up to lead into the next one, and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next.

My biggest complaint was the pacing. At times, it seemed a bit slow and was just going from one place to another without a lot happening. I mean, there was action, but it was quite repetitive in some ways. However, it was still a good read that I enjoyed. 3.5 stars rounded up.

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this is going to be a series so left me start with that... That remind me a bit of Merlin the series, a mage and a king, so if that's something you like the book is for you.. also another book with dragons so yeah that makes it better.. High fantasy, action, politics, magic, myths.. I can't say much otherwise I will spoiler and I have so much I want to say.. You should read it and if you like fantasy like me you won't be disappointed

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Standard story line fare that pushes no boundaries in either magic or characterization. Yet, this novel is well written with characters that you root for without being dragged into the deep mire of ugly deaths and visceral renderings. More of a light fantasy YA read that is more positive than negative in approach.

The MC is a hoot, and taketh no shiteth. Where this novel lost a little ground was the YA to the core story line and the blushing, crushing etc. At about the 75% mark, the novel loses traction as the movement stalls and we get immersed in juvenile team recriminations. There is also the constant handy plot devices that rescue the crew from certain deathly situations.

This is setting up for a series, and although I like the MC, these novels have a lot of growing up to do.

Rating: 3.5/5

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Flames of Gold
Author: Liz Delton
Release date: 27th August 2024
Rating 5 stars Cawpile 9.14

This book I had an absolute blast with this book. I am currently being drawn into books with a group of characters who each have a unique pull to the story. I blame my love of dnd with world building and a bunch of characters. This book felt like a dnd campaign each of the characters had a role even though we had our main character who we know we are rooting for but I found myself rooting for the party as a whole. Each one of them had their place.
I adored the world and I am itching to find out more about it as we move throughout the series, it was complex and something that will suck you in. I found myself sitting here just reading the book and not wanting to put it down I needed to know what was going to happen.

I adore Fig who breaks the social norms of the mage expectations although can come across as spoiled I know that this is only going to grow into one of the most kick ass mages there is.

Dev has my heart he is such a good soul and I cannot wait to see what is in store for him more.

If you want a book that has solid world building, politics, magic, that dnd party feel then this book is for you. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for allow me to read this. I cannot wait to tell everyone one who I know to read this series.

Review will go up on instagram 13th August

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Such a good book. Yes it is a really amazing story. Flames of Gold is a book that you want to read not only once but several times because it has so much details and the author really knew how to put everything together.

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I received this book as an ARC. It follows a FMC who has abandoned her “home” to live a free life. As we meet her former friend and begin our journey through the story, additional characters pop up and continue through the story.

At first, I was annoyed that more and more POVs were introduced, but realized that we really only get other POVs for their intro to the story. I both liked that (I don’t really enjoy multiple POVs) and disliked it (I don’t really think we need to have an intro into them like that if we aren’t going to get their side anymore).

I think that the story has an interesting premise but got lost in the details. A lot happened throughout the story and yet, at the same time, nothing was accomplished.

I don’t really like the FMC and the whiplash from her anger to self loathing and back. I think that there is a serious lacking in her history that needs to be delved in to, as well as Dev.

I will be picking up book 2 when it comes to see what happens next and hopefully get some additional insight into their histories.

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