Member Reviews

Thank you for sending e-arc of this amazing book. I will add this book to my favorite. This book is truly recommendable. I love the story. Kudos to the author.

I can't explain how much I adore this world. Betrayal of storms sucks you in from the opening paragraph and doesn't release you until the very end.
Robin is kidnapped during the night by hunters representing the mysterious 'hand'. As half human half fey lf he is imprisoned with his fellow fey. During a daring refuse Robin discover hidden powers as well as a hidden destiny. But he doesn't know who to trust in the fey courts as everyone seems to have a secret, even his own father.
Alderson manages to covey Robins fear, anxiety and confusion over his new position in life expertly. I myself shared in the characters anxiety over who could ve trusted, who was going to betray him and what new secret would be revealed next. It takes a skilled story teller to convince the reader that they are experiencing the same as the character.
Robin seeks solice in his bodyguard Erix ( it doesn't hurt that he is hot af) but even that relationship is frougt with uncertainty and longing.
Overall this is an excellent new fantasy world and I am excited to find out more about the courts and Robins journey.

Adult, high fantasy. Male/Male relationships.
This novel had me intrigued right from the get go. The main character was introduced with characteristics that I love - strong, cunning, smart mouth and human...or so we think.
Very early in the book we learn the MMC's real heritage which leads him on a path which I still don't think he wants to go on. The tone for this character was consistent throughout the whole book, which was refreshing to see as the timeline itself for the whole book was not that long and it is believable that the characters shouldn't change that much in a short matter of time.
This novel is male/male romance. Male/male smut - but done so well! I am a heterosexual female and could still enjoy the *scenes* described by the author. Tasteful, yet full of passion and you still got a clear picture of... *cough cough* what was going where 😅
This book moved at a slow pace. It focused more on said MMC being assassinated rather than what he needed to do to claim his fae heritage. We get it, he is a threat to what the courts were working to do, but it just seemed to drag on until the last 20 pages.
I will admit, the villain in disguise surprised me! Even though we were warned about him 😅
The ending was a perfect way to round up the novel and leave enough suspension for the sequel.
Great book!
3/5 🌟 Stars
4/5 🌶 Spice

Loved this series! It’s really awesome to see all the updates from the indie version this book is a must read for any queer fantasy lovers out there

I really liked the idea of this book, which is why I started reading it.
But I just couldn't connect at all.
I did read it all, and I'm still confused by most of it.
It was an awkward read, and it all fell flat. The writing style is not for me.

I received this book as an ARC. I really enjoyed this story and the twist and turns along the way.
I liked the characters and their development as they faced their challenges.
I felt like there was not really any world building or discussion on why certain individuals are “dragon-touched.” However, the story is able to be carried despite those issues.
I look forward to seeing what happens in book 2