Member Reviews

This was a story full of ups and downs. The situation that Ella is in was such a hard one to read. To come from such a difficult background, I couldn't imagine it. I totally understood her need for anonymity and wanting to help other children in need.

Jake is such a stand-up guy, I applaud him. Every action he takes makes me like him even more.

The only character that I didn't like was Cam. Why was he such an annoying teenager?! Maybe it's just the teenager phase, but I every time he came onto the page, I wanted to yell at him.

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This story didn't really grab me on the onset. When the romance wrapped up, the book continued to go on about sport - and I think most sport romance readers are reading for the romance, not the sport. ;) Not a bad book just not one for my tastes, I think!

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i dnfd this, i just couldn’t get on with the writing i feel like the plot wasn’t that great but it wasn’t bad, i don’t think i got far into it to judge it majorly

for my first arc i had a good time!! thank you so much to netgalley and the author for the opportunity to read this for an honest review in advance!!

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Excuse me, wow is a understatement this book ATE I was hooked and couldn't put it down finished withing a day. Absolutely beautiful writing and loved character development

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This was a cute redemption romcom to read! I love Jake and Ella work together as they reconcile their past with one another. It was a quick read for me and I did enjoy every moment!

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I loved look what you made me do. This spicy 🌶️ sports romance is a really good arc read!
I enjoyed the FMC and MMC love story! The other characters in this book is also good!

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3⭐️ Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for an advanced copy of Look What You Made Me Do.

Ella had to return to her hometown of Trently to bury her mother. Her mother was very well liked by the men in town and Ella had to deal with that stigma her whole childhood. The only one she felt who understood being judged by what your parents do was Jake who is an rx NFL star and they have an unforgettable night together while she is in town. Then two years later there paths cross again and the attraction between them is undeniable. But they need to keep it professional because Ella just hired him to create a football team for her failing school. Can they both get over the trauma of there past and make a future together?

I enjoyed this book. If you enjoy sports romance and spice this book is definitely for you!

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Such a great redemption story between Jake and Ella.

Ella is the principal of a small-town school under threat of closing. She has challenges with guardianship of her troubled younger brother and she’s trying to make something of herself and get out from under the shadow of her mother Rachel. Jake is also struggling. He’s a retired football star now running a bar and having a pretty close brush with alcoholism. These two grew up in the same town and share the same hardscrabble wrong-side-of-the-tracks upbringing. It’s steamy 🌶 🌶 and there’s a real connection between these two - they definitely scratch each other‘s itches but it’s more than that - if they can get out of their own way enough to explore their feelings.

There’s lots to enjoy - found family, loyal friendships, eccentric oldies, dogs, high school football, the power of the tarot, gossip and comeuppance, and so it goes. These side characters and events give it texture and depth, and make this such a a satisfying redemption romance. Author Amy knows what she’s doing and I enjoyed all the drama as Ella and Jake stumbled towards their happily ever after.

Thank you NetGalley, Boldwood Books and Amy Andrews for the ARC.

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I’d like to start by saying that first person is not my favorite. But this small town romance was an easy read. I like that the main characters can relate on a family childhood trauma level and it definitely binds them. The story was simple, enjoyable, light and fun. I wouldn’t say it was life changing but worth the short read! There’s very little spice but I absolutely love sports romances so they’re a good time for me, and this was no exception.

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Unfortunately I did not finish this book.

It all felt a little too rushed for me. I didn’t click with the characters and it was generally just a struggle.

Thank you for the opportunity to read this.

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I appreciate NetGalley for providing this ARC in return for my honest feedback.

This was my first time reading Amy Andrews, and I'm definitely interested in exploring more of her work in the future. This book was a warm, comforting read with just the right touch of heat. Although it touches on some tough issues, it doesn’t delve too deeply into them. The story follows Principal Ella and former NFL player Jake as they team up to save their hometown school, all while dealing with their shared past in Trently. I was cheering for DeLuca High from the beginning. The aunties in the story were absolute gems, and I would have loved to see even more of them!

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This book was an easy-to-read romcom. Started off a little slow, but eventually picked up. You have Ella (a strait-laced teacher/principal) and Jake (a bad boy football star) who both came from the same small town with twisted past.

This was a light and fun read. If you need a palate cleanser, then definitely give this one a try!

Thank you NetGalley and Amy Andrews for allowing me to read this ARC.

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I've been a BIG fan of Amy Andrews for a while & when I heard she wrote a new sports romance book, you better believe I pursued reading it.
Thank you, #NetGalley, for allowing me to read Look What You Made Me Do by Amy Andrews. I
voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book on #NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own, but please add this fantastic romance story to your TBR list.
Ella & Jake both come from a small town with family histories their not exactly proud of. Fast forward a few years in a new setting as they've both grown in adulthood where they need each other to heal from their pasts as well as save a school from being shut down. Some drama, some passion, friendship, family issues, & a bit of romance wrapped into this cute sports romance story by Amy Andrews.

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This is a very much aiming at the Swifties with the book even being set in Kansas and the both the title and log line on the cover being Taylor Swift lyric references. I will admit though that as both a Taylor fan since speak now OG version and a Chiefs since 2019 that this is why I wanted to pick this up and see how it handles both or whether it is just a cash grab. My main issue with it was that I feel like it needed to commit more to actually then following or trying to replicate their story more as it used all those things of the cover to hook you in but then the actual story did t follow through for me. I didn’t mind the actual plot if the book and it was easy to get through but the whole time it just felt like the outside of the book and inside of the book were 2 different things. I think I would have rated it higher had it just been marketed as a football romance without all the swiftie hints on the cover.

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Thank you to netgalley for providing this arc in exchange for an honest review.

Amy Andrews is a new author for me but I would love to pick up more from her :)
This book was a nice cosy read with just the right amount of spice! While it does deal with some hard hitting topics it doesn't go into great detail.
Principal Ella and retired nfl player Jake come together to save the school while both fighting the past from their shared hometown of Trently.
I found myself rooting for DeLuca high right from the start. The aunties of the story really took the cake and I would've loved to see more of them!

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Look What You Made Me Do by Amy Andrews is an easy-to-read romance featuring a bad boy football player and a strait-laced school teacher with a twisted history together.
Despite their differences, sparks fly as they navigate their contrasting worlds, clashing past and present.

The story starts off a bit slow but gradually picks up pace, blending humor and heart.
It’s a light, entertaining read, great palate cleanser romcom

Thank you to both the author Amy Andrews and Boldwood Books for an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I have a hard time critiquing this book because although it is cliché much of the time, isn’t that why we read romance novels? I enjoyed the characters and their unique personalities. I am a teacher so I appreciated a teacher/principal main character and can definitely sympathize with her mission. However, the premise of starting a football team and having games scheduled all in the span of three weeks was a bit far-fetched, as was the result of the first game. As a realist, I struggle with unrealistic plot lines, but again, ROMANCE NOVEL. This book has a really lighthearted feel while also touching on more serious, personal issues. It’s steamy, but the romantic relationship doesn’t dominate the entire book which I appreciate. Everyone loves a jock with a dark past who is also a nice guy so I would say this is a solid pick for romance lovers.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Amy Andrews for the Arc.

Although this was advertised as a cute “ strangers to lovers” romance, it wasn’t quite. The couple knew each other from highschool ect.
I found the bullying and … for lack of a better term “ slut shaming” to be a bit much. And quite off putting to be honest.
And for me, the Taylor swift references were a bit much ( she’s everywhere these days…. I don’t need it in my romance books).
Over all, cute story, but, it wasn’t it for me. I found the writing to be mediocre, and the focus on her mother’s history to be a bit off putting.

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This book wasn’t what I expected to be and depending on the reader that may be a good or bad thing.

Despite the title and the main male character being a football player you’ll find little to no blondie in sight. Which is fine however I think it may be a little misleading to a certain audience.

I had a hard time with a main character who had a lot or problems and hurdles to overcome but I still somehow felt like I didn’t know her.

The beginning you’re given little context as to why the events are unfolding the way they are, you’re not sure what she is running from confused about why THIS man? You slowly get this answers later but by then I was already confused and not feeling an emotional connection to Ella.
I love the idea of two more mature characters who have pasts and both have a mural feeling of being misunderstood. I liked some of their banter and there were moments of good chemistry I just wish that could have been sustained throughout.

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Many thanks to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for this ARC. All opinions are my own

Dear Reader,
For the proud Swiftie, this book is a delightful read. Where else would you find these tropes:

🏈 A Corona-loving golden retriever MMC who's the former tight end for Kansas City
🏈 A nerdy school principal FMC that gives off smart but neurotic librarian vibes
🏈 Burbon chugging sassy old ladies from the circus
🏈 A whole bunch of stray dogs

Ella is the principal of the small town run down Deluca High. When her school is under threat of being closed down due to budgetary issues, in swoops Travis Kelce Jake Prince, a disgraced NFL tight end who wants absolutely nothing to do with coaching a high school football team to save the school.
Jake's the anti hero from Ella's past, and Ella has been nothing but trouble since she walked back into Jake's life.
But as Jake reluctantly takes on the role of Coach and slowly but surely gives Deluca the big reputation it needs to stay afloat, Ella knows all too well that resisting him will be next to near impossible.

Soon Deluca is on a winning streak, and based on Aunt Iris' tarot cards, Jake and Ella have to put their pasts and fears aside if they have any chance of fulfilling the prophecy.

This book was a quick-paced rom com that checked all the books for a made-for-tv feature: humor, quirky and lovable cast, cute love story and a satisfying end. One of the issues I had was that this story was based in the US but the language was very British/Aussie (mate, footy, etc). While there was nothing groundbreaking in this book, it was a very enjoyable and satisfying read!


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