Member Reviews

A small town with lots of drama forces two of its own out and they find their way back, but this time she is a principal and he is retired from the NFL making him free to coach the new high school team. While they weren't exactly friends as kids, they never lacked chemistry and it is still intact with even more sparks. Jake and Ella have tried to run as far from their past, but it continues to follow them wherever they go. Together, they can accept and move on from their parent's shadows and find love and the family they knew they deserved.

Ella grew up in a small town where her mother was scorned for her line of work. Growing up, Ella felt that shame, and yet she was strong enough to keep going with her kind and compassionate heart. But it made her work harder to prove herself worthy of love and acceptance. After the death of her mother years later, she wanted to shed her good girl image, so on the day of her mother's funeral she walks right up to the town bad boy and propositions him in front of everyone. Jake tries to be a gentleman and put up a fight but they give in and leave with a memorable with the best one-night stand.

Two years later, they are reconnected in Inverbero. She is the new principal of a failing high school and has about one school year to turn it around or it faces closing. Jake is retired from the NFL and a new bar owner, and he adds the role of head coach of the newly formed football team to his plate. They still have great chemistry and Ella wants to keep things strictly professional but it's hard for either of them to forget their memorable night together.

It's really beautiful to see these two damaged souls find peace and love with one another. For most of their childhood, they had to live in the shadows of their parents and were judged by the entire community, but they never judged each other. It's hard to see that those past traumas carried into the life of Ella's brother Cam, but it was sweet to see how Jake was the male role model Cameron deserved. But don't say anything about his woman because he will set you straight. It was so fulfilling to see them get the happy ever after that they worked so hard for. Amy Andrews is one of my go-to romance authors and she kicked the game-winning field goal with Look What You Made Me Do!

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Thank you NetGalley for the arc!

Look What You Made Me Do was very interesting and intriguing read and I really enjoyed it although I’m not a huge fan of third person point of view.

Although it may have felt a bit rushed I still enjoyed this story, as well as the characters and what all they have dealt with especially Ella who has to suffer from her mother’s actions. Jake who’s a ex football player was like Ella in a way when having a trouble life considering the problems his dad faced.

I enjoyed reading about the journey of finding themselves after everything they’ve endured. I’m glad they were able to do that together! It was really refreshing to branch out and read a story focusing on a different age group than the ones I typically drift towards, or an author I’ve never really read.

Overall the storyline and plot was good and I’d definitely recommend this book to those looking for a quick and easy read.

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I definitely consider myself a fan of Amy Andrews and was excited to read her latest book. It took no time at all for me to be drawn into the story and I always love a good fictional representation of found family, even if I wanted more of the side characters and less of the never really dealt with past traumas of the heroine. The romance with its initial push pull was enjoyable. I didn’t love the way the story was resolved however. There were too many loose ends, questionable motivations, and a speedy resolution that felt rushed. Not my favorite Andrew’s but still glad I read it.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Another enjoyable read with great characters that feel like real people, “Look What You Made Me Do”, by Amy Andrews, shows leads dealing with emotional scars with a blend of resilience and vulnerability that makes them very appealing as human beings.
Jake and Ella both have baggage and experienced trauma, and are still dealing with it. The way they face it, with doubts, fears and courage, is admirable.
I liked how they’re both so strong and protective, despite their psychological wounds. The attraction and chemistry are explosive, of course.
The fact both leads have a difficult family background they overcame achieving their dreams is also interesting.
Amy Andrews writes with humor and energy and her characters show these attributes, too.
Her characters feel realistic and vibrant and are relatable. I liked that the heroine is a teacher. Cameron is the typical surly teenager, needing attention and unconditional love.
Watching the general involvement in the high school project is compelling.

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“She made one last appeal. "Please, just send me away."
"Shit, Ella," he muttered on a groan as he lifted a hand to cup her face. "I can't."

"I love it when you use your bossy teacher voice, Ms. Lucas, ma'am."

This is exactly the book I needed to spark my love for summer romcom!!! Did it had a specific summer setting? Not really. But did it have the summer vibes? Absolutely !!! A nemesis to lovers story, with a math nerd turned school principal and a bad boy, ex-football player, who stopped playing. They had a one night stand. They are back in closed proximity to try and save her school with his coaching. At the same time she is trying to salvage the relationship she has with her brother whom she didn’t know existed because she moved out of her house because of her mother’s occupation. It was messy, complicated, funny, intriguing and spicy !!! Loved it from the bottom of my heart !!! It gave me chills and tears and emotions I didn’t know I had to give her until this moment. Ella is a great leading character in a romance story and despite some bad choices she might have had, she still feels so relatable to me!! And Jake … I fell in love with him from page one and he has had my heart in a tight grasp since. No way I can get it out. Despite some frustrating moments, I enjoyed their dynamic very much. And when it came to the third act break up … it didn’t bother me as much as it could have.

“Because, despite everything - the competi-tion, the school and their newly minted professional boundaries - she really, really wanted to do him on her desk.”

"I wish I didn't want to kiss you so much."

“That he always wanted to be the guy who fixed things for her.
Of course, she didn't need him to ride in and rescue her but that didn't stop him wanting to be that guy.
Her guy. Her first call. Fixing her shit would be his love language from now.”

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This was a lovely book to read. It was a good mix of both funny and serious and I loved how the main characters really pulled together to make a difference.

It was good paced and once I started I couldn't stop.

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Ella and Jake - what a pairing! I loved the way they were able to overcome their complicated pasts and make something new. The ups and downs of their building relationship had me hoping they would find their way and the plot did not disappoint. I am such a sports romance fan and this fit so nicely in that genre without overdoing it. Would definitely recommend to my romance girlys

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This was just such a great story; it deserves every one of the five-stars I’m giving it. This was such a well-done story, there is so much to the story that will hook you, the hero who doesn’t see himself as a hero, even though he really is, to the baddies that will make you want to boo, you will know who I’m talking about don’t you worry. But it was the strong women in this story who made it, there are so many its too hard to pick a favourite. Honestly my heart broke for Ella and Cameron and everything they have been through, living in a small place can be hard when you have a family that not everyone sees eye to eye with. This story warmed even my cold dark heart, so do yourself a favour and pick this beauty up.

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I really loved this !! It hooked me right from the start, it created intrigue, romance and curiosity all within the first chapter.

Both the characters felt really well thought out with purpose and unique storyline’s, will definitely be reading more from this author

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This was a quick and easy read. Ella is a teacher who got thrown into being principal and Jake was a football player who returned home after retiring. When Jake becomes the coach for the football team at Ella's school, their relationship develops as they are spending time together. I enjoyed the chemistry between Jake and Ella, but the ending seemed too rushed. After everything else comes to light (trigger warning about SA and slur shaming) the ending is wrapped up quickly.

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I knew I would love the main female character, Ella in the opening chapter. Good girl gone bad? The sass, confidence, hidden anger was something that had me wanting to read the whole of this book in one sitting to see what would happen. Jake...where do I start with him?! What a sweetheart and I just thought to myself, he's so cute! After finally giving into Ella's demands to forget her grief, us dear readers find ourselves a few years later with Ella and her BFF Rosie. I absolutely adore Rosie and her antics. Reminds me of my own bestie! Of course Jake makes a reappearance and you'll just have to read the boon yourselves to find out what happens...
A sweet enjoyable read. Perfect for a cosy night in

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thank you net galley and the publishers for the arc of this book in exchange for an honest review!

it had the potential to be a fun, lighthearted romance but it didn’t quite deliver the story didn't pack the punch I was hoping for sadly
ella and jake had some cute moments but their relationship fell flat for me

the pacing was difficult, some parts dragged were others felt like they sped over the important parts which made it hard to stay fully invested
overall is a quick and easy read if that's what you're looking for but that's about it

fyi its a republished book from 2013 which has been changed and edited to fit a more current audience with the taylor swift references which did its job as that was the reason it stuck out to me as a fan

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TW: slut-shaming, discussions of SA of a background character

So. I have mixed feelings about this book. On one hand, I kind of enjoyed the story between Jake and Ella. The push and pull, bickering, banter and chemistry. It was all there. Plus all the Taylor Swift references (that were WAY more subtle than the description would have you believe, I promise - like the fact that Jake, the football player, wears number 87). But, the heavy topics this book tried to tackle blindsided me. I wasn't ready for any of it.

The main character is slut-shamed throughout the entirety of the book, either because someone learns about her mother (more of that later), or because people from her past judge her. Her mother was a hooker and everyone assumed that Ella was the same. So they slut-shamed her, called her names, turned her life into hell, even now, 19 years after graduating high school. They all judged her. All except the MMC, of course.

And then there was a minor character (MMC's best friend) being almost raped by her then-boyfriend when they were younger. Again, there was no trigger/content warnings, nothing. It was all out of left field, for the shock value I guess? To make the stakes even higher? I'm not sure. And I'm not sure if the blade attitude of this girl "what happened, happened I put it in the past now and I don't care if the media goes after my daughter if i reveal it" was the way to go.

Aaaand Ella's mother. She's dead now, but the way they handled that... I guess the author tried to be woke and show that sex workers are just people blah blah blah but they way she did that was just inconsiderate imo. Because that character left a letter to her daughter. In which she told her that she was good at what she did and that she enjoyed it. Because that's what her daughter wanted to hear, right? But that's not all. That character tried to justify it that she only spread live and what can be more pure than that?

You, lady, (the character and the author I guess for trying to justify it in that way), are delusional. You weren't "spreading love". You had sex with both married men AND school boys for money. There was nothing noble about this. Stop trying to turn it into something it wasn't. You. Had. Sex. For. Money. With. Married. Men. And. School. Boys. Your. Daughter's. Classmates. For. Money. You didn't "spread love". You spread something, but it sure as hell wasn't love. And you didn't care that your children were judged and BULLIED by the entire town for your actions! You admitted you liked pretty things and having sex. That was enough. The whole "spreading love" was bullshit and you know it.

Aaaand now I'm angry.

The ending was rushed. The author tried to wrap it all up in a neat little bow but it felt forced and rushed. I'm glad that the characters ended up together but for a romance there was too much horniness and less... Well, romance. Sure, they were attracted to one another. But in love? I don't buy it.

Also, the book made it seem like the MCs were strangers who only met 2 years prior, spent the night together, and now we're thrown together by life. That's not true. They both grew up in the same small town, went to the same school (he was 2 years older than her), somehow he ended up at her prom and they kissed, and two years prior they simply slept together. After knowing each other since they were kids. So it wasn't really strangers to lovers the book description tried to sell.

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Ella Lucas escaped her bigoted small-town and her mother's less than squeaky-clean profession. She's Principal of Deluca High School, but things are looking bleak because student numbers are falling and the district wants to close the school. She's going to need a miracle. Two years ago she buried her mother and discovered she had a teenage half-brother, oh and she might have propositioned local bad boy Jake Prince.

Jake lived in the same small town, his Dad was a drinker and a gambler, so he knows exactly how Ella feels, he got out by virtue of playing football (American), but was booted out at the height of his career after a scandal. Co-incidentally, he's recently bought and refurbished Ella's favourite bar where she meets her friends after a hard day.

When Ella's friend recognises Jake he suggests they could get Jake to set up a football team at the school, if the team does well the district would find it difficult to close the school. At first Jake is reluctant, until he discovers that Ella is Principal of Deluca school where his friend Trish's daughter also attends - he knows she loves the school and he will do what he can to keep it open. After all, what else has he got to do with his time and his money? It doesn't hurt that Ella still has that smokin' schoolteacher look either.

If you love a small-town, opposites attract, plucky underdogs, romance then this is the one for you.

I understand that this is a rewrite of an Australian rugby story first published a decade ago.

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley.

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Ella is constantly living under the shadow of Rachel, her mother. Upon Rachel's death Ella rides up on her bike and rolls into the bar where she know she will find Jake.

Upon her mothers death, Ella finds out that she has a teenage brother she new nothing about and is after one thing to make people think that she is the person they claim her to be Jake.

Jake is also living under the shadow of his father. He happens to be in town at the same time of Ella and even though he knows she is grieving he is no saint.

Two years pass and Ella finds herself struggling to keep her brother in check, her job as a fill in principal and the school she loves from closing. In strange twist of fate her neighborhood bar is purchased by a new owner who revamps everything and low and behold -it jake.

There are several memorable characters, namely Rosie, Ella's dear friend and her boy toy Simon who happens to be from a rich bureaucratic family. In addition, their are Rosie's two former circus family aunts and a herd of stray dogs
To save the school, Jake offers to coach a football team. A last ditch effort to save the school as there is always some how money for sports.

The cast members are quirky and fun, but some of the story was a little bit too predictable. It was a cute, quirky story, and a different read. Not too much detail in the romance and sex end of the story.

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I really like Amy Andrews writing. Have read books by her before. This one did not disappoint. Great chemistry between the two main characters Ella and Jake. Old high school friends meeting up years later. Wonderful development of their relationship to a HEA. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of this novel. All opinions are my own.

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This was *interesting* to say the least! I picked this up because of the Taylor Swift of it all - I’m a shameless Swiftie let’s be real here however this is a 2013 release that has presumably been extensively edited and molded to somewhat reflect the Taylor/Travis relationship

I’m very curious what the original version of this book was - and insanely curious if Jake was a NFL player and, if so, what his shirt number was.

This was a cute romance, it isn’t hugely related to Taylor Swift bar the title, the fact Jake wears the number 87 short and some small references here and there and it’s clearly to get the Swifties to pick up this novel!

It was fun, not the best novel I’ve ever read, but fun enough and I do need more NFL based romances in my life.

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Nope, not good. teeters too much on a Hallmark movie romance story.
Not enough of a pay off to hold attention.

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My son plays high school football and I love cheering him on. I'm also a daughter of a former teacher and education is important to me. I expected this book to be an entertaining read that combines those things! The cover is fabulous but overall; the story was slow. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Don’t be fooled by the cover. This book is deeper than it leads on. Both Ella and Jake are from the same midwestern small town and by chance end up in the same bigger midwestern city. Both are trying to escape and not repeat the choices that each parents’ had made. Additionally, Ella is the high school
Principal trying to save the school and Jake is the recently retired pro football player slash new bar owner. She convinces him to help start a football program to help the school. This quick-read, closed door story is well done and entertaining. Four stars!

Thank you Boldwood Books for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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