Member Reviews

This was a great book. I really loved the message of this book and the writing was very well done. I loved that she told a lot of story that were very relatable.

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3.5 stars
This is a nice self-help book with anecdotes from the author in each chapter. I liked that the book felt real, she talks about her experiences, her pain and stands up to unpleasant situations she went through. I think that especially for women this book can be of help if in the right mood. However, as with most self-help books, they dont really tell you anything new. And that is totally fine because sometimes the same idea only makes sense the 100th time somebody explains it to you because they explain it in such a different way. And quite a few of the advice given affected me differently than other self-help books. Still, I felt like most chapters dragged. We got the anecdote, the lesson that can be drawn and then 1-3 pages was just the same information repeated. Its not a long book with 200 pages but from the content inside could probably be half. Each chapter has a summary at the end which I really liked.
Would recommend if youre up for a different presentation of self-care that is especially tailored to women. But dont expect a life-changing book.

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Toxic self-care culture tells women that bubble baths and Botox are the route to happiness and fulfillment. Though these types of self-care can fill us up in the moment, they cannot provide long-lasting nourishment. They are empty calories—the potato chips of self-care. And from them, we can never get full. In the same way, we will not feel fulfilled by reaching for the empty calorie “self-care” trends that toxic, materialstic self-care culture sells us. To fill our exhausted bodies and weary minds, to live fully and authentically, we need the kind of self-care that nourishes.

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I appreciate the lessons and messages that the author tries to send in this book, but the delivery wasn't all what I expected. Wardell shares a lot of personal stories to illustrate her points and I feel like a lot of the "lead" was buried in these anecdotes.

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A really important self-help book! The author tells a lot of stories about herself to make it relatable and I felt like I was talking to a friend while reading. I can really relate to these struggles, so this book made me feel not so alone. There are really helpful tips in here that are easy to digest (pun intended) and something for everyone who might be grappling with how to navigate self-care in a world that demands so much from us with very little chance to take care of ourselves.

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A light and relatable self-help book based on the author's personal stories. The anecdotes offer simple, practical advice that's easy to apply. The personal touch makes it an engaging read, good to give an uplifting boost in your self-care routine.

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Nourishing Self-Care should be tattooed on my wrist, as a reminder to pay attention and not numb. Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for this ARC. All opinions are my own.

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