Member Reviews

I thought this book was okay. It wasn’t what I was expecting and some of it felt kind of preachy but there were some decent tips in it. I liked how at the end there were some good apps, websites, documentaries, ect to look into. I do think this book could have been slimed down a little

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An essential book to understand the impact of wasting food.
Food waste has always been one of my pet peeves. I always found there was something extremely disrespectful in wasting what people have spent time growing, cooking, and most importantly as a non-vegetarian, in wasting the life of an animal. I'm one of those people who believes in nose-to-tail, and go organic, grass-fed, open-air as much as my budget allows, because we should respect all lives.
I have also lived in many countries with a much healthier view of food than in America.
This book gave me statistics on the impact of food waste on the environment and world poverty that are truly horrifying, and show how much individuals could impact the world in enough numbers.
Many of the comments and advice in the book should be plain common sense, but education is lacking in most English-speaking countries on the issue and the impact truly is heart-wrenching.

This is not a feel-bad book, though, it's very much the opposite, it's about awareness, finding solutions and giving as many tools to everyone to correct course.

While I haven't got the same worldview as the writer - who does see a lot of what she does through a religious prism, what she attempts in this book is very admirable and I hope it will make a difference, because things very much need to change.

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Lots of good information.
Thanks to author, publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book. While I got the book for free it had no bearing on the rating I gave it.

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This book was great until the last 50 pages--when the writer began to talk about being mormon. While I have absolutely no objection to that, it felt like a swerve from the project of the narrative and hard to reconcile with the rest of the book.

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This was a much more interesting ,and sometimes entertaining , book than I had expected it to be. The story of trying to do the right thing and the challenges that came with the experience. Full of great ideas and inspiration to go on your own zero waste journey. Although this is a journey we have been on ourselves for some time , it gave me encouragement and ideas on how to progress.

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