Member Reviews

This was a great historical thriller. It is definitely a page tuner. I was always eager to know what was going to happen next. A great representation of life in the 1920s.

Robbin’s is called in to investigate a murder at a hotel in North Carolina. He meets resistance his whole time trying to investigate. The local sheriff is more interested in catching a murderer instead of the actual murderer.

I rate this book 4 stars. Thank you NetGalley for providing a copy of this book for my review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Stephen Robbins is rather introverted but a reputation for finding missing persons and solving unsolvable crimes precedes him. It is the 1920s and he lives with his three year old son Luke and a couple who are like family to him. He would like life to continue like this.

The appearance of Benjamin Loftis put paid to that. Owner of a famous and old hotel, the discovery of a naked girl murdered in Room 340 does not do much for the image he is wanting to portray. Business is down and he wants the murderer found. Not easy in a town where racism is high, and tensions run high too.

Fast forward to Stephen’s appearance in town, his investigation which are quiet, but do not go unnoticed by the powers that be aka the local Sheriff who does not like outsiders and has got his suspect all tied up and ready for execution. The discovery of a second body and a third does not affect the Sheriff even though his suspect is behind bars, because he wants the problem to just go away. Stephen is only interested in getting justice and when nothing works because his suspect is too powerful, Stephen’s takes matters into his own hands.

A very powerful story, very realistic of conditions in the 1920s, epitomizing the hold the rich, powerful and white community had over their neighbours.

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A gripping and well plotted historical thriller. It kept me hooked and I enjoyed it.
It' the first I read in this series and appreciated the vivid historical background, the plot, and the fleshed out characters
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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