Member Reviews

This was such a pleasant read! The world building felt rich and vivid. I loved the unraveling of the characters backstories and secrets! This had me so invested through our the entire story.

Every character felt unique in their own way and every character had their own hard backstory that seemed to have a part in who they were and how they reacted to situations which felt so relatable. Also shows how a similar trauma can present in different ways with different people so that was something i liked seeing in a story! My only minus point was that i felt at some points that the characters frlt just a little flat. But it didn't necessarily bother me! It just made it slightly less easy to connect with the characters in certain parts of the story.

If you love pirate adventures, politics, reluctant partnerships, a romance sub plot and in general just amazing fast phased fantasy this book might be perfect for you!

Thank you Netgalley, Renee Dugan & the publisher for this eARC copy in exchange of an honest review

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Admittedly, due to life, this book took me a bit longer to read. That being said, I did consume about half of it using the "read along" feature where a computerized voice reads the text. Normally, I'm not able to stand computerized voices but this book was so well written that it didn't hinder how captivated I was by the story itself. Drama, action/violence, heartbreak, loss, and happiness. Found family, pirates, "royalty". Super slow burn but I actually love that it's another book with virtually no spice at all. The plot and character development throws you for a loop sometimes. Such a great story and I hope to get a physical copy when I can!

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I recently attempted to read A Tale Told by Traitors, but unfortunately, I was unable to finish it. While the premise intrigued me, I found the writing style to be rather chaotic, which made it hard to follow the plot. As a reader, I found myself constantly re-reading sections just to try and piece together what was happening, which detracted from the overall flow of the story. Ultimately, A Tale Told by Traitors wasn’t the right fit for me, but I think it could still appeal to readers who are more comfortable with unconventional or fragmented storytelling.

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Oh!my!gosh! This was amazing!

pirates, an adventure and a baker the surprising marker of a good time.
The plot kept me reading (almost too fast!) You're constantly on the edge of your seat wondering, waiting to see what's going to happen next and what each twist is going to mean for the next part of this adventure.
If you love a found family, misfits type of vibe you will love the characters in this book.

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“Some people heal by helping others. Some have to heal themselves first.”

“A Tale Told by Traitors,” by R. Dugan

I loved this book so much! I liked book one of the Tale of Wonder and Woe series a little bit more because of the uniqueness of the story tellers but this book was amazing as well. I love reading about pirates and magic. There were so many tropes that I love in this book like kidnapped, secret identity, enemies to lovers, etc. the characters were absolutely perfect, even all the side characters. The romance was tense and sweet at the same time. This is definitely one of my favorite books of the year, so good. 5 out of 5 stars.

-Secret Identity
-Enemies To Lovers

Thank you for the ARC, Netgalley.

“…a little kindness makes for a heap of loyalty. A little cruelty makes for fear… and fear goes both ways.”

“You always have to be a little afraid of what’s afraid of you.”

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This was an action-packed and fast-paced read! Very fun at times.

Unfortunately I had a hard time getting into the book. It felt over the top dramatic and unreal for the first part. Some of the character´s felt very flat, like they behaved a certain way just to make the plot go that way and not because they actually had a reason to. Especially one character. When that person disappeared from the plot the book stepped up and I enjoyed it.

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Actual rating: 4.5/5 stars

Man oh man. While I definitely enjoyed the first book well enough, I am so pleased to say the author made such great progress in their writing and storytelling skills. The plot was so adventurous and fun, with a pace that consumed you yet doesn't overwhelm you. But the details in the writing and the writing of the characters is really what pulls the reader in to care about what is happening in the story.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of this book. I thoroughly enjoyed it. This book is jam packed with adventure and the pacing that makes it difficult to put down for a second when reading. Such a good read for anyone who loves fantasy and romance done well.

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I went into this e-arc kinda blind without reading the first one. This book has kindled a new interest in pirates for me. Once you get past the chaotic writing style it's a solid read.

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This is my first book by this author and it safe to say there will be more books. This is fast paced and hard to put down. Growing up I was obsessed with pirates and this is just the book I need. This constantly kept you on the edge of your seat wanting more. The characters definitely developed as the story went on and being so many it was needed. You never know when you past comes back and haunts you and it’s how you deal with it that matters.

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So, I'll be honest, I didn't like the first book but wanted to give the second one a chance as I think the world building of the story is great.

AND BOY WAS I GLAD I DID! The author of this book improved so much and this story was so much more entertaining! This one did a great job with rebuilding the world, had great chemistry between the characters, and I love the enemies to lovers! Will definitely keep reading this series.

Thanks Netgalley and Renee Dugan for the ARC!

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Lionyra Vara lives a quiet life as a baker in Mithra-Sha, but she has a secret: she is the rightful heir to the throne of Amere-Del, a country she dreads returning to. When circumstances force her back to her homeland, she must confront her worst fears to rescue her oldest friend and fight for freedom. Enter Ryker Kassian, a desperate pirate drowning in debt, views Lionyra Vara’s arrival on his ship as his ticket to redemption. He plans to use her as leverage to settle his own and his crew's debts. However, when Lio learns of his intentions, she proposes a deal: help her find her missing friend, and she’ll ensure he gets two rewards for the price of one. As they search for her friend, their journey takes them through perilous pirate strongholds and the volatile heart of Amere-Del, where a brewing civil war threatens to explode. As they confront their personal demons and the growing attraction between them, they must choose whether to remain adversaries or join forces to challenge a ruthless regime and reshape their destinies.

This book was an exhilarating adventure from start to finish. The level of detail was so immersive that I probably could tell you what Lio had for breakfast two weeks ago. I was completely engrossed and devoured A Tale Told by Traitors in a matter of days, only to be left yearning for more once the journey ended. The story offers a rich tapestry of pirates, shifting alliances, and a found family dynamic that truly captivated me. I didn't see the twists coming, which shows just how deeply I was lost in the narrative—I felt as if I were on the ship's deck myself. 

However, I did have some frustration with Tristah. Her harshness toward Lio seemed excessive, especially since Lio went to great lengths to find her. Tristah’s actions, though understandable, felt unjust, and her lack of attempt to reciprocate was disappointing. Lio, as a character, felt somewhat underwhelming for someone with implied extensive training. Her reluctance to wield a blade after a single incident made her seem weaker than expected. In contrast, Tristah appeared to have more strength and depth. Additionally, I found the repeated references to Lio’s "soft belly" by Lucretzia a bit jarring and unnecessary. The book could have conveyed Lio's physicality in a more nuanced way without these direct comments. I get what the author was doing, I just felt it was unnecessary when she pinches her stomach.

Ryker is everything I could ask for, and the world-building is fantastic—I never wanted to leave this world. The book’s length and detail were initially daunting, with some descriptions feeling overly vivid, but I ended up appreciating the immersive experience they provided. The pacing was well-managed, and now I just want more.

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This was decent, I like the setup of the story I somewhat enjoyed the characters and the worldbuilding.
But there just was that something that felt off for me. I'm new to the romance and fantasy game and maybe that just isn't my genre

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I know that this is #2 but I need to go get #1. Thank you to Netgalley, for allowing me to read this ARC and introducing me to Renee Dugan. I downloaded it and its now 3:20 AM and here I am, writing this review because I had to stay up and finish it. I could not put it down. I had to see what happened. I was not prepared for the utter rollercoaster that this novel was. The characters are terrific, the story was not something that I expected, and the twists and turns? This is a new favorite. Hands down. Everyone needs to read it.

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"A Tale Told By Traitors" by Renee Dugan is a gripping exploration of political intrigue and betrayal. Set in a world where loyalty is as volatile as shifting sand, Dugan masterfully weaves a narrative that delves deep into the complexities of trust and ambition. The book is distinguished by its nuanced characters, each embodying the moral ambiguities of their roles, and its richly constructed world that feels both immediate and historically textured.

Dugan’s prose is sharp and evocative, pulling readers into a labyrinth of plots and counterplots where the line between friend and foe blurs. The narrative’s strength lies in its ability to keep readers on edge, questioning the true motivations of each character while unraveling a plot filled with unexpected twists. Overall, "A Tale Told By Traitors" is a thought-provoking and engaging read that offers a fresh take on the themes of power and betrayal.

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A beautiful written story! A beautiful fantasy world! Beautiful written characters!
You will be going on an adventure and you will like it ;)

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Thank you NetGalley and the author for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!

A Tale Told By Traitors, the second story in the Tales of Wonder and Woe universe, is nearly everything I could have hoped for in a book. With its dynamic characters, swashbuckling adventures, political intrigue, and heart-wrenching moments between found family, I found myself picking up to read more in every spare moment I had.

We're first introduced to our protagonist in A Story Spun in Scarlet, the first in the series. Lio is owner of The Secret Ingredient, a bakery in the town of Krylan near the border of her home country. We know she immigrated, but it isn't until she's captured by city guards for her hand in a disruption in town that we discover she is someone of great importance to the regime currently ruling in Amere-Del, a responsibility she had been running from most of her life. With her past finally catching up to her, she's dragged back against her will aboard a merchant vessel, starting her off on an adventure I could hardly predict from one moment to the next.

Every character is unique, and you find a reason to love almost every single one. I had a hard time deciding who was my favorite, but I do think Gydeon won out in the end. His kindhearted countenance and his proficiency at healing compared with what he was willing to do for Siu, gave him a level of complexity I loved. There were so many times I feared for the two of them because I was praying they'd get their deserved ending.

Everyone has experienced hardship of some kind, and as we learn of the trials and tribulations they've experienced, we come to understand how it is these people deal with trauma and loss in their own ways. The stark contrast between how Lio and Tristah's lives diverged is the perfect illustration of this. Although raised under the same tactics at the hands of Lucretzia, the complexity of their stories, of how they chose to move forward with one running and the other staying to fix the country they loved, was a great reminder that there is no single way to process or respond to trauma. You felt for them both, and understood why they made the choices they did, and neither one is really painted in a bad light for doing so (at least not for long).

The world is rich with culture and every place we stop along the way is distinctly different from each other. I'm excited to see what other stories are told within this universe and fully intend to go back to read the first in the series!

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The writing was beautiful. The story was interesting and well written. I loved the characters and the concept of the pirates and the baker who comes into her own. I'll definitely be on the lookout for more from this author.

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Thank you Wave Walker Press and NetGalley for providing me an e-arc in exchange for an honest review. My review is my own and not influenced by others.

A tale told by traitors is about a female Liondra Vara who isn’t what she seems to be. She disguise herself as a humble immigrant baker so no one finds out she is the true inheritor of the ruling regime in the neigboring country. We follow her in a quest when she has to go back to the land which she fears. On her journey a pirate will help her, Ryker, who’s only change to fix everything will be in his hands, to save his crem from slaughter.

I’ve read the first book of this installment and was suprises how much I liked that so I was exited to read this earc as well. For me this book didn’t work, where I didn’t mind the chaotic writing style in the first book, it didn’t get me in this book. There was happening too much and it overwhelmed me while reading it.

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The A Tale told by traitors is an absolutely captivating read that left me spellbound from beginning to end. The author masterfully creates a rich, immersive world where magic and adventure leap off the page, and the depth of detail in the world-building is truly remarkable.

The protagonist, is a beautifully complex character whose journey of self-discovery and courage resonates deeply. Her growth throughout the story is both believable and inspiring, making her a heroine you can’t help but root for. The supporting characters are just as well-crafted, each bringing their own unique charm and depth to the narrative.

The plot is filled with twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat. Just when I thought I had figured out what would happen next, the author skillfully surprised me. The themes of friendship, sacrifice, and the fight between good and evil are woven seamlessly into the narrative, adding layers of meaning that will leave readers pondering long after they turn the last page.

Overall, is a must-read for fantasy lovers. I can’t wait for the next installment!

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