Member Reviews

Raw, emotional, and often jarring in it's intensity - what happens when the one true love you have always relied on is ripped away? A journey of the self, finding strength, making connections, be they appropriate or not, to ultimately find your way.

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Ari and Morgan are childhood sweethearts, they move away together then Morgan decides to end it all.
Through the book we meet true friends, family members and new loves.
Life moves on for both characters and the book mostly concentrates on Ari. This is where I found the book strange and unrealistic (I know it's fiction).
It's an easy read.

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This novel offers a familiar storyline about heartbreak, self-discovery, and morally complex relationships, but it doesn’t do much to set itself apart from other contemporary romances. Ari, the protagonist, starts the novel reeling from the end of her decade-long relationship with Morgan. While her emotional turmoil is relatable, the plot quickly veers into well-worn territory when she begins an affair with her married boss, Wells. The dynamic between Ari and Wells is meant to be intense and forbidden, but their connection feels somewhat contrived, lacking the depth needed to engage the reader truly.

The inclusion of Wells’ wife, Leah, adds an interesting complication to the affair, but the triangle feels underdeveloped. Too much focus is placed on the affair itself and not enough on the emotional consequences or the psychological depth of the characters. Ari’s entanglement with both Wells and Leah could have been a source of real tension, but instead, the relationships come off as predictable.

The writing is decent but unremarkable, with moments of insight into Ari’s feelings. The themes of self-reinvention and the search for happiness are compelling in theory, yet Ari’s journey toward discovering who she is lacks originality. Her choices often seem impulsive rather than introspective, making it hard to invest in her growth fully.

In the end, while the novel has its moments, it never quite delivers the emotional impact or the complexity that its premise promises. It’s a quick, moderately enjoyable read, but one that ultimately doesn’t leave a lasting impression.

The publisher provided ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I found this book to be slow getting off the ground, but once I was invested and connected to the characters, I really started to enjoy this story. It was an interesting plot and the characters were well written. The timeline worked for me- I always like a past and present storyline.

Thank you to the publisher and to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Amazing book that leaves you wanting more, in all the best ways. The author draws you in to the lives of all of the characters in a way that makes you love them despite their flaws. The book ends in a somewhat surprising way that leaves you wanting to know where the lives of each character takes them next.

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"Without Ari, Leah wouldn’t be able to function in her daily life, care for her only child. Without Leah, that space Ari has found unoccupied so many times in her life would be open again."

this was a pretty interesting read! it really picked up around the second act when i got my head around the characters. however i feel like some of the characters really lacked depth, i do love reading about complicated/dysfunctional characters but didn't really feel the connection between ari and wells or the friendship between ari and summer. the time jumps can get a bit confusing and cause the text to feel disjointed at times, it also doesn't help with character development as it feels like the author is just telling us things and not showing us.

overall, i really enjoyed this read! and found at times i couldn't put it down, very compelling and emotional.

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I get what the author was going for here, but between Wells, Ari and Leah...there was a lack of character depth. I felt like I was supposed to care about Wells and Ari having an affair but I didn't care because I wasn't sold on the sexual chemistry-actually Wells had more chemistry with Khrish than both of his romantic leads. Ari basically fell into the background as I've read too many characters similar to her that are going through a millennial lid life crisis but find themselves attracted to people within reach. Leah was just...Leah. I felt the book could've benefited from cutting a few chapters where the plot didn't move.

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This novel was a beautifully written and engaging read that kept me captivated throughout. I found myself increasingly invested in the plot and characters as the story progressed, especially in the second half, which I enjoyed even more than the first. As the narrative unfolded, it became harder and harder to put the book down.

Turits has a knack for building a story that pulls you in, and I found myself wanting to read more with every chapter. The characters were well-developed, and their experiences felt relatable, making me even more immersed in their world.

However, one challenge I faced was the occasional jumps in the storyline. At times, it felt a bit disjointed, and I found myself struggling to keep track of what was happening. Despite this, the overall quality of the writing and the emotional depth of the story more than made up for these moments of confusion.

Overall, *Just Want You Here* is a compelling read that I highly recommend to those looking for an emotionally engaging story. Turits has crafted a novel that, despite its occasional shifts, is both beautiful and difficult to put down.

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2 stars.

Big thanks to the publisher and author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I had pretty high hopes for this book, especially during the first half. It was packed with tension and anticipation, and I found myself eager to see where things were headed. The buildup was really well done, it kept me hooked, and I was excited to see how all the threads would come together. But then the second half happened, and... well, everything just fell flat for me.

It felt like all that tension and buildup was for nothing because the story started to rush through things. Just when I thought things were about to really kick off, the plot sped up, and it seemed like the author just wanted to get to the finish line. I don’t mind fast-paced endings, but this one felt abrupt. There was no real payoff for all the buildup earlier in the story.

And then there’s the character development, or lack thereof. I’m all for complex, evolving characters, but there was nothing here. No growth, no change, nothing to make me feel like these characters were different at the end compared to the beginning. It’s like they were stuck in place, which made it really hard to care about what happened to them. I wanted more depth, more emotion, more of a connection.

Overall, I just ended up feeling disappointed. The book had so much potential, but it didn’t deliver in the end. I expected way more from the characters and the story. It’s a real shame because I was ready to love it.

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Well this was a weird one…

Morgan and Ari, together since high school, break up on the first page and this is all about the aftermath of Ari’s life over the next two-ish years. I immediately had a hard time remembering which of them was which because of the ambiguously genderless names. Maybe because I’ve only known boys called Ari and girls called Morgan…so that was a confusing start, but worked out because Morgan’s POV simply vanishes from the book after a bit.

Once I settled in, I read a fairly well-written account of the absolute toxic train wreck that was Ari. I honestly was liking this book pretty well, despite all the terrible choices and refusal to ever take the obvious path to happiness, but people falter after a break up. People have unresolved trauma and dig themselves into holes they can’t climb out of, and that’s real, so Ari being unlikeable wasn’t a problem for me. However, when I felt the story was finally heading towards a conclusion but then noticed I was only 62% through, I had to scratch my head. What else can happen??

Ha. What else indeed.

*spoiler-ish from here on**

The final third of the book was just hard to get through. A sort of vague implication of a possibly romantic but mostly non-physical relationship with the very last person Ari should have been near. Meanwhile, her “best friend” is just giving her all the disapproval and lack of emotional support that she has been since the story started and then is the one who chooses to blow up Ari’s life “for her sake” and THEN….the book just ends. We have no idea what happens to anyone. No satisfying feelings, so cheering for our lost girl finally coming to her senses, no a-ha moment, no happy ending…because no ending at all.

You have to have a pretty amazing book in your hands for it to end that way and be ok with it. This wasn’t. It was a good read, I finished it, I doubt I will recommend it to anyone.

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📖 Just Want You Here— Meredith Turits

Pub date: March 10, 2025
*thank you to NetGalley for the digital ARC!

My Rating: ⭐️⭐️💫

Some books are written to make you feel, and don’t always make sense, and that was this one. The story had such an enormous plot line when beginning, in the affair between Ari and Wells, but the emotions of each character were so muted that I found myself looking at the pages in absolute confusion. It was someone saying “I love you” without any depth to their inner dialogue, almost like watching a film instead and being expected to take what you wish from it, not what the author wrote.

The second half of the book had me equally confused. There were so many possible things going on but it felt like the inner dialogue of each character was saying so much while saying nothing.

That said— the book somehow sunk in and elicited emotion, especially of the time of our lives when we feel lost and confused and broken and alone. But I wish it could’ve achieved this without feeling so unfinished. The abrupt ending paragraph seemed like the author’s attempt to put their intended meaning in words, when the story should’ve already conveyed that.

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It was my first time reading from this author and I really liked her writing style! It is rare that I read books with multiple love interests, but I really enjoyed the complexity of every relationships.

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Just Want You Here was a great coming of age story that will have you believing in second chances. Don’t skip this one.

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- plot is gripping, keeping reader curious each chapter
- Gripping starting sentence
- Strong writing style
- Unique variation in word choices
- feels like telling us more than showing
- Third person disconnects story (cannot emphasize with characters)
- Repeating words/phrases (ex: "retired to his bedroom")

- leaving all of this aside a personally enjoyed this book and would read it again :)

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This book was a real page turner and incredibly addicting. I really enjoyed reading it. I preferred the first half of the book much more than the second half. I was very invested in Ari and Wells' relationship, and then very confused with Ari and Leah's co-dependent relationship. Was there a romantic aspect that I missed or was it just assumed? Great book and would recommend.

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2.5 stars rounded up. If there was more character development, this could have been a very stressful read. Ari is fresh from a breakup from her fiance Morgan, whom she has been with for over ten years, high school sweethearts. She's blindsided by the breakup and moves to Boston to get away, and becomes the assistant to a very handsome CEO. A lot of things happen in this book...death, betrayal, depression...but the characters are fairly one dimensional that stakes felt low. Thank you NetGalley and Little A for the ARC for my honest review.

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I read this book simply because it was a "read now" & I needed something to read. Thank you netgalley for offering "read nows.". This book has all the feels! It literally gutted me (but I mean that in the best way) I was so invested in Ari and Leah. I don't want to give anything away. Sometimes less is more so for this review I will sum it up and simply say READ THIS BOOK. It is by far my fav book of the year (& it doesn't come out till March 2025) I give it 5 hearings of Kathy Mead's Mac & cheese casseroles 🥘🥘🥘🥘🥘

I can't wait to read Meredith Turit's future books. I'd kill for a sequel.

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I approached Meredith Turits' Just Want You Here with a keen interest in its exploration of personal growth and complex relationships. The novel follows Ari, a woman who, after a sudden breakup with her long-term fiancé, Morgan, must navigate the challenging terrain of rebuilding her life.

Turits crafts a poignant and deeply relatable narrative as Ari starts afresh, both personally and professionally. Her new job as an assistant to Wells, a charismatic but troubled CEO, becomes a turning point in her story. The ensuing affair between Ari and Wells adds layers of moral ambiguity and emotional tension to the plot. What unfolds is not just a tale of forbidden romance, but a deep dive into the psychological and emotional repercussions of Ari's decisions.

One of the book's strengths is its exploration of Ari's internal conflict. Her journey from heartbreak to an intense, and ultimately problematic, relationship with Wells is portrayed with both depth and nuance. The psychological realism Turits brings to Ari's struggles resonates deeply, reflecting the often messy and painful process of self-discovery and healing. As someone who has studied human behavior and relationships, I found the depiction of Ari's emotional turmoil and the moral dilemmas she faces to be both compelling and authentic.

The dynamic between Ari, Wells, and Wells' wife, Leah, adds further complexity to the narrative. Leah's character, in particular, stands out as a poignant example of resilience and dedication, offering a counterpoint to Ari's turmoil and highlighting the impact of Ari's choices on those around her.

While the book's exploration of infidelity and personal redemption might not align with everyone's values, Turits' writing remains engaging and thought-provoking. The novel captures the essence of starting over and the quest for a new sense of self in the wake of profound change.

Just Want You Here is a powerful reflection on the intersection of love, personal growth, and moral choices. For those who appreciate a narrative rich in psychological depth and emotional complexity, this book is a worthwhile read that leaves a lasting impression.

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Thank you @netgalley for the ARC. Although I was hooked from first few pages and couldn't put it down, there were things missing in this book for me. I was almost surprised how fast Wells and Ari got together. It seemed artificial to me. I didn't buy how much they wanted each other. I needed more character and relationship development or a build up at least. I was also so confused with Ari and Leah's relationship. I couldn't grasp what was happening beyond a codependency? And the ending left me shaking my head. I still am unclear how it ended ? I'm not sure how to rate this book because although it had my heart rate up for most of the book, I still wanted more. Having said that, I still recommended it to my book friends !

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Adored this & would read it over and over again. I initially devoured in ~2 days! A poignant coming of age that felt so relatable and nuanced, filled with self discovery and spicy romance and fraught childhood friendship. Prose is gorgeous and many moments left me feeling weepy (in the best way) because of how deeply I felt for each character. It’s that rare kind of literary book that still keeps you hooked with enough plot and secrets and lies. Love love loved it and can’t wait for the world to read it.

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