Member Reviews

Name Not Taken has such a great setup and so much potential — but I feel let down by it. The beginning is interesting enough, if a bit jumpy. There's not enough groundwork to really establish the characters and build the tension, which makes all of the subsequent action feel a little out of context.

One of the biggest aspects I struggled with was that the author had so many interesting paths to take — is this going to be a family with deep dark secrets? A Black Swan-esque breakdown? — but didn't commit to any of them. The end felt a bit lackluster and there were no huge reveals, which also bummed me out.

That said, I'd love to read the author's next book in the hopes that it's a better fit.

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This book is masterfully depicted, with an escalating tension that keeps readers on edge. The writing is sharp and immersive, capturing the nuances of Devon’s mounting anxiety and the sinister behaviors of the Belmont family. As Devon grapples with her own doubts and the mounting psychological pressure, the story unfolds with gripping intensity. An engrossing read that delves into the complexities of trust, self-doubt, and the hidden shadows lurking behind seemingly perfect facades.

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thank you to netgalley and the publisher for providing an arc in exchange for an honest review.

i admit i had hesitations about this book within the first few chapters as it did start off as a generic "woman meets her in-laws who start causing problems in her relationship" type of thriller. that being said, things do take an interesting turn about halfway through when a certain event happens, and from there on, i was invested.

i really do love how even early on, the story makes you doubt yourself as a reader and all your initial impressions you had of the characters. in this aspect, it does well at keeping you guessing.

that being said, the reveals weren't all that shocking. there just wasn't many intricate layers to the plot for it to be particularly memorable. whilst i was able to enjoy this, i think more well-read thriller readers likely will find this quite predictable.

i also think the characters felt quite standard and weren't written with much depth. i feel like we barely knew much about any of the characters even by the end. it was just hard to really care for any of them.

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