Member Reviews

Five years ago, Detective Jena Campbell succeeded in imprisoning the notorious Leviticus Killer, but in doing so, she also confined her own deepest secret. This revelation was never intended to see the light of day; it was a truth better left to decay alongside the man who had wreaked havoc on countless lives.

The tranquility of her life is shattered when a mysterious figure, identifying himself as Azrael, emerges on social media. He issues a chilling ultimatum: unless Leviticus is released, he will unleash ten plagues, resulting in ten deaths over the course of ten days. This threat compels Jena to confront her past, a door she had hoped to keep firmly shut.

Burdened by the weight of her knowledge, Jena seeks assistance from the only person capable of helping her track down Azrael before he can strike again—the very man she had condemned. As she delves deeper into this precarious situation, Jena discovers that the true horror lies not only in confronting the killer but also in facing her own inner demons.

While I found enjoyment in J.D. Barker's Behind a Closed Door, my appreciation for Heavy Are The Stones was less pronounced. The narrative itself is predictable, intertwining biblical themes with modern technology, particularly virtual reality, and an American-style approach to detective work. The action sequences often mirror the frenetic pace of American action films, characterized by relentless movement and minimal introspection.

The characters, too, leave much to be desired. Jena is portrayed as a self-assured individual willing to sacrifice personal relationships for her career, yet Mason, her partner, consistently forgives her transgressions without consequence. This dynamic feels repetitive and uninspired. Although Jena harbors a secret that the serial killer exploits for blackmail, this trope has been explored extensively in other works.

Despite these criticisms, many readers will find enjoyment in this novel. The narrative offers an abundance of action, psychological twists, and inventive murders, catering to fans of authors like James Patterson.

While the story is engaging, it ultimately lacks depth, rendering it a readable yet superficial experience.

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Heavy Are the Stones by J.D. Barker Dread, danger, anxiety, and heart-pounding moments with violence and horrific acts that were not easy to read. Unfortunately the dread of reading these passages won out and couldn't finish the book. Jack was left dangling far too long. Yes, JD Barker writes addictive, thrilling, dark, creepy, brilliant, complex, hard to put down horror thriller novels, however this one was too heavy, vicious and violent for me. Most assuredly, many of Mr. Barker's and Ms Daigle's fans will enjoy the book.
Thank you to the authors, Hampton Creek Press, and NetGalley for the opportunity to preview the book.

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A true JD Barker book. Serial killer, cop, religious fanaticism gone violent and deadly game of cat and mouse that reminds of Hannibal and Clarice. I loved it and devoured it in a day!

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This was a great book. An absolute page turner. My only complaint is the repeat references to prison staff as “guards” this happens in almost every thriller I read. The staff are called officers. They’re not “guards” and it takes away from the whole book because it makes it appear the author didn’t do any research. Aside from this complaint the book was very good. I am giving 4 stars vs 5 because of the guard references.

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My thanks to Hampton Creek Press, J.D.Barker, Christine Daigle and Netgalley.
Well, I suppose I'm the asshole who didn't much care for this book!
It's gotten great reviews from everyone else, but I just wasn't impressed.
I don't believe that Barker wrote too much of this story. Why? Because it didn't have all those gut wrenching twists and turns that Barker is known for.
What I've noticed from previous Barker books is that he's subtle. He slowly ratchets up the tension and keeps the reader on their toes. This book? No toes involved.
I'll just say that the stoning aspect was terrifying. The pain and terror involved was really well written.
Yet? I'm still not convinced that Barker "wrote" this book.
Maybe he's now doing the Patterson thing. You know...let someone write a book, help them a bit, and then claim it as yours.
That just might be how Barker builds his publishing empire. I'm down with it, I'd just like a bit more clarity on exactly who is writing what.
Good book.
Not to get exited about.

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Thank you to the authors, publishers and NetGalley for this advanced copy! I was thrilled to receive this and couldn’t wait to read this book!!!
The writing was a little different from Barker’s typical style, but I did enjoy the characters and plot. I’m still a little confuses by the ending…perhaps there is a second book in the making…? Let’s hope!

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J.D. Barker has long been a must-read author for me. In his newest novel, Heavy Are the Stones, he teamed up with author and neuropsychologist Christine Daigle to bring us a riveting thriller cleverly crafted around the ten biblical plagues of the Old Testament. The characters -- well drawn and in some instances frightening enough to give nightmares -- feature a tough and intuitive female detective pitted against not one but two serial killers. With a complex plot that has lots of twists, this book is not to be missed.

Thank you to Hampton Creek and NetGalley for providing an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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When detective Jena Campbell is called to the governor's mansion, she has no idea that his missing son, Jack will be the beginning of a reign of terror. Jena handled the Leviticus killer case, and now someone will go to great lengths to ensure that he receives a get out of jail free card.
Azrael has kidnapped Jack and plans to take 10 lives in the next 10 days unless Silas is released from jail. I did guess early on the identity of the killer (yeah me). I was still flipping pages though to see how many would perish, and if Jena could figure out Azrael’s identity. This was a quick and engaging beach read.

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I enjoyed this book for the most part. I love my serial killer-themed reads, and the storyline and action here did not disappoint. The fast pacing and tension had me glued to the pages. With that being said, there were some issues with the prose that distracted me enough to not give a 5-star rating. Descriptions were a bit lengthy and unnecessary at times. I found myself skimming through these parts. No big deal, but the setup was somewhat confusing with the news stories and reports showing up in the middle or right before the end of a chapter. I got the hang of this after a while, but some of these interruptions didn't really correlate with the chapter I was reading. Maybe it's just me, but if others comment on this as well, I recommend that these blips be given their own chapters in order for the story to flow better. I also have to admit to getting lost in some of the biblical meanings and techy lingo. This is simply my own ignorance shining bright and of no fault to the authors. I'm not the religious type, but fanaticism always fascinates me and the way that Azrael's plan unfolded truly blew my mind. It was absolutely terrifying! My review may sound nit-picky, but I really did have fun reading this one. Still trying to wrap my head around the thought process that went into it. I would definitely recommend, especially if you are a Barker fan!

Thank you to Hampton Creek Press for granting me early digital access in exchange for my honest review!

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Detective Jena Campbell captured the serial killer nicknamed "Leviticus". Five years later, a new killer "Azrael" demands his release by kidnapping the governor's son, and threatens to assassinate him after killing the jurors who convicted the notorious murderer.
With the unmistakable style of J. D. Barker we find a thriller with the gruesome details that the writer knows so well how to create.
Although almost from the beginning I have suspected the identity of Azrael, the characters, both good and evil, are so well shaped, the plot is so intricate and the murders so terrifying that it manages to keep you engaged in reading without stopping for a moment.
The pace speeds up with each of the murders until an expected final confrontation that leaves you breathless.
The ending, although closed, gives hope for more books with Jena and the rest of the characters, which I would love.
Definitely a book that will delight both fans of the author and lovers of a good thriller.

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Wow. I just finished this at warping speed! I feel like I just finished an action packed blockbuster film. I literally blew through this sucker.

Jena Campbell is a detective in Pittsburgh who out away the infamous ‘Leviticus Killer’ , a serial killer who righteously murdered his victims. Five years later, someone is committing horribly gruesome crimes. The murders of the jurors who gave his conviction.

The new killer kidnaps the governor’s son and demands his release from prison. However, why would Jena or the governor release a murdering psychopath back into civilization?

As the clock ticks down, Jena and her team are fighting a race against time to save the governor’s son and the rest of the jury.

I felt like this was a mix of blockbuster movies that I’ve seen GONE WILD! The killings are quite brutal so be prepared for that. If you are a fan of J.D. Barker’s work, you already know the drill.

The issues I had with this one was the culprit is quite obvious very early on. No mystery there. What held me captivated was the connection to the infamous killer and the acts committed to the current victims. Regardless, I still enjoyed story and hope you will too.

Many thanks to J.D. Barker (one of the best), Christine Daigle, Hampton Creek Press and Netgalley for the opportunity.
Release date November 26, 2024

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Review Copy

HEAVY ARE THE STONES is a joint venture between my favorite J.D. Barker and Kindle Vella Favorite Christine Daigle. It's a 300 page (appr0ximately) serial killer/cop novel.

Has JD done it again? Of course he has! It's my belief -fwiw- that he stays up nights plotting murders, revenge and otherwise until he comes up with the 'perfect crime'. Then it's time to write.

STONES tells the story of the Leviticus Killer and the plan to bring down the ten plagues. How's your Old Testament? There's murder and excitement as we race to the finish. I'm so glad I was offered this book to review.

Thank you J.D.! Awesome read!

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A threat of biblical proportions, J.D. Barker style! In the beginning I was intrigued and I wanted to know where this book would lead me. At the 50% mark, this book kicked into high gear, and it became a pulse pounding, thrilling, page turner that had me fully invested!

Detective Jena Campbell put the diabolical "Leviticus Killer" behind bars. But there is now a new threat, Azrael, who is using social media to spread his vile beliefs taking ten lives in ten days. The stakes are high, and Azrael seems to always be ten steps ahead of Jena. As she attempts to save his current victim, she must make some difficult choices.

I enjoyed the character of Jena and thought she was well drawn. I appreciated how the author's showed not only her thought process but how the investigation and her past decisions weighed on her. I found this to be very realistic and believable. The 'bad/evil' characters are truly sinister.. They were also very well drawn and gave readers characters to boo and hiss at.

J.D. Barker always comes up with unique and intriguing books. He wrote this gripping book along with Christine Daigle. In this book the writing duo combine very relevant topics ranging from social media, gaming, social outcasts, policing, targeting, taking responsibility, stalking, and those who use/twist religion/bible verses as a means of committing atrocious acts.

This book does deal with violence and horrific acts and will not be an easy read for some. But if you have read a book by J.D. Barker, then you know what you are getting into. This book also has a nice amount of tension, mounting dread, and danger. There are some shocking scenes and moments which kept the action moving and my heart rate accelerated.

I found this book to be well written, well thought out, brilliant, tense, and chilling. This book slowly grabbed me and once it had me in its grasp, I was fully invested. I also loved how it ended, and I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that there will be more to come!

Let's hope none of us ever learns jut how heavy those stones are.

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I adore Barker's books so knew I'd race through this one too and it's just as creepy and dark as I imagined! Jena is a Pittsburgh police officer when Jack, the 19-year-old son of the governor goes missing. Jack is a "gamer" but with no social media presence so Jena isn't sure how anyone knew how or when to find him. The book alternates between her and Jack who is being held chained in midair and tased when his captor--he's nicknamed him "Shadow"--tortures him into playing a wild video game that seems to be enacting the Plagues in the Bible. So be prepared for some gruesome and wild scenes that are like nothing you've ever even imagined in your wildest nightmares! Barker and Daigle know how to spin this tale to keep you on the edge of your seat until you can breathe after the final page!
Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

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I really enjoyed this and flew through it. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC!

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Thanks NetGalley and Hampton Creek Press for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. I loved Barker’s Fourth Money series, and I was excited to read this book. Like his other books, this one is fast-paced, graphic at times, and full of some good twists. I wondered if it could have been shortened a bit, but I appreciated how the book held my attention until the end. Definitely worth checking this book out when it’s released in November. I wonder if it will have some sequels like The Fourth Monkey.

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Thankyou for the opportunity to read an advanced readers copy of Heavy Are The Stones by J D Barker and Christine Daigle in exchange for an honest and unbiased opinion.
Well, I honestly have to say, I am stunned!
This book was one hell of a roller-coaster ride. Just when you think you have worked out the ending, a well timed plot twist has you rethinking it. I certainly didn't pick the ending. But, with J D Barker, I never have.
Definitely well worth reading. Not on a TBR pile, but the minute you get your hands on it. And please, don't start reading if you know you have things to do. Heavy Are The Stones deserves to be a binge read.

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Engaging, twisty, and thrilling! Could not figure out the culprit to save my life but it didn't stop me from flipping the pages all night!

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