Member Reviews

All Our Tomorrows is a well written novel about the connection between three seemingly unrelated women. I was engaged from start to finish. At times, it left me feeling woeful about the state of the world, but also, strangely enough, inspired to try to make it a better place.

4/5 stars!

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

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I was fascinated by the plot, but I had a hard time making it through and maintaining my interest. This book is well reviewed, so it may just not be the book for me.

Did not finish at 40%.

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Three young women, each with different problems and backgrounds, also have in common aspects like living in NY and being disappointed.
We get to know them each first, with DeBellis’ talented writing (detailed descriptions and the externalisation of the internal), and then their fates interweave at an unusual event.
I found this very contemporary, relevant, interesting.

Plot, characterisation, execution, style, mood, themes are all in the 4 and above bands.

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