Member Reviews

I loved this book! I highly suggest this be your next read! I enjoyed it and think it’s a good read!!

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Thoroughly entertaining. Three cheers for humorous satire. This is a good story that had me involved from the beginning. I love a good, over the top crazy story and this one is it. Outrageous, smart, and just fun and easy to read. Thank you NetGalley for providing the ARC.

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This was a 2.5 read rounded up to 3. After the COVID pandemic, life begins to return to normal. This book was set in a wealthy city, with lots of women spending their wealthy husbands' money. Everything is expensive, especially the women's clothes. Twink travels the world to buy the latest fashions for these women. When Twink, a woman of mass means, tells the women they need to lose weight (not as nicely, though), a plan is devised to use a "man-up" pill to help them lose weight. It did do that, along with a few other side effects. Some parts of funny, and I really had to work through it to finish the book. The ending came in too fast, after such a slow start. Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and publisher, for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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As others mentioned, started out well but then fell flat for me. I wish I loved it more because the premise is clever and has so much potential.

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I Scream, We All Scream, a small town post pandemic orgasmic tale by KT Nala, When the story begins, we meet the people in Cranford Illinois. It is a well to do town with very Rich citizens. The book starts right before the pandemic, but mainly focuses on the interim and the after when everyone has their pandemic pounds on and cannot fit in to the clothes at Twetty’s, the most fashionable boutique in Clanford. when Tweety cannot sell any of the international fashions, she has stocked. Emma tells her about the man up pills her husband received and how felt and fit he became after taking them. They come up with a new plan and start a drug ring that the upper class women despite death and public embarrassment do not want to stop. there was nothing I love more than funny in this book had me rolling from the interesting back stories of every character in the book to the hilarious remedy they come up with this book was just so funny. I really enjoyed it and not something I expected when I requested the book. miss Nala has such an engaging writing style and except for the long length of the book. I don’t see how she could’ve improved that it seems every thing in this book was well thought out with great characters great writing a satisfying ending and an all-around awesome funny read.#NetGalley, #KatieNala, #IScreamWeAllScream,

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This was a really cute, fun ride that mixes mystery, humor and a whole lot of ice cream! When a small-town scoop shop gets tangled in a bizarre crime, the characters' quirky personalities and the suspense will have you hooked like it did me. The twist at the end? Totally unexpected and worth the read.

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Thank you for the opportunity to read this. I was given a copy to read and review from Net Galley. It was a unique story which is what I liked about it. It is not what I would normally read story wise. But there were parts I enjoyed. It was funny at times.

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This book starts off painfully slow, but stick with it, it gets better albeit raunchy. Maybe because we lived through the pandemic I am not sure, but reading a book based on that time just didn't do it for me. Will you laugh, sure, is it a book that will forever stay in my memory likely not. That isn't to say others may like it, that is the best part about books, we all have different opinions about books. As I was given this as an advanced reader copy, I believe in honest opinions of what I thought of the book.

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I loved this book, a great book for today's day and age. A contemporary story that is rich vs. everyone else and conservatives vs. modern day thinking.

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As other reviewers have said, this started out great but lost its thunder fairly quickly. I liked what the author was going for here, but this just couldn't keep my attention for long, at times too confusing.

{Thank you NetGalley & KT Nalla for the DRC in exchange for my honest review!}

*I won't be posting my review publicly because I don't think it's helpful. I know the policy says otherwise, but feel this is in the best interest of the author/novel.

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This social satire was set immediately after the Covid panic when society was slowly re-engaging. A small midwest town is the home of a legacy family who controls the social scene, now radiating from an exclusive boutique that caters to the wealthy, svelte and beautiful. A young family who made the wrong financial choices pre-pandemic and nearly lost everything during the pandemic found a way to keep their fortune and status by selling diet pills from the fashion center of the town to women who gained too much weight to be "eligible" for the boutique's offerings. The women began losing weight, but they also began experiencing very public, very unpredictable, very loud orgasms.

Very silly, very funny social satire on how easily gullible and naive society is in its vanity. This book was a page-turner for me because I giggled a little on each page. Things that are meant to be obviously untrue, but still somewhat believable as you watch other crazy things happening in society now also made this story engaging. Grab this title for something a little different, and very funny.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced digital copy of this book.

When the Covid lockdowns hit, the rich town of Clanford is caught flat-footed. The country club, the center of life for the wealthy residents is closed down and there is no where to to and nothing to do. Emma Mayfield and her family are especially hard hit because her husband has lost a lucrative job over a development deal gone REALLY bad. When the story begins, her husband Craig has been unemployed for two years and they are down to their last dollars.

So when word goes out that the Mayor is declaring Clanford open for business, in direct opposition to the state government, everyone is excited to get back to "normal". Through a contact, Emma is offered a job at the local boutique that caters to the wealthiest of Clanford's residents. But when opening day comes at the store, it is obvious that those ladies have not weathered the storm well and Twink, the store's owner is dismayed to see that these women are not going to fit into her inventory of sizes 0, 2 and 4. Desperate to lose all that weight, the ladies are offered a pill, made in China, that promises miracle weight loss - and it delivers!! By the time of the grand re-opening of the country club, they are all able to wear and show off their impeccable bodies and couture. But the pill has a few unexpected side effects, which turn out to almost ruin the town and every business in it!!

This started off slow, with the long sad story of how Craig lost a deal and almost lost his home and family. I put it down for a while, but something made me pick it back up. When the story of Twink unfolded, I was hooked. So keep with it, it gets better, hilarious and VERY naughty!!

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This could have been a fun book but it really fell flat for me. The first 25-30% started really slow and once the pacing picked up, there were chapters that would change POV with no clear indication of such.

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This book was a wild, good time. Emma and Craig find themselves in big financial trouble when COVID strikes, and in order to keep their home and pay for their baby on the way, they cook up a scheme to give their wealthy community something that has been lost on them since lockdown - their old bodies. With the help of an eccentric chain-smoking shop owner, Twink, a trusted pillar of the community, Emma and Craig kick off a journey of secrecy, money, and...orgasms? While the dialog left much to be desired, the plot was unique, fun and unlike anything I have ever read before.

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Started out great but took a turn about half way through and never recovered. I might borrow t from the library but I don’t recommend spending your money on it.

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This book has an interesting premise but falls short in execution. While there are some humorous moments, the over-the-top satire and chaotic plot feel more exhausting than entertaining. The characters lack depth, making it hard to stay invested in the story's absurd twists.

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This book....this book was like reading a ninth grade boy's fever dream. I was so intrigued by the premise, thought it would be a great satirical novel to giggle and just move on to a heavier book, but this book was so lackluster and didn't leave me feeling any sort of orgasmic way about reading. I'm sure this appeals to someone, that someone just wasn't me.

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Literally laughing out loud. This book was hilarious and a satirical take on the post-pandemic world. I enjoyed this and had no idea where it was going to go next.

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•Plot: 4/5 (Imagine if Ozempic made you super horny.)

•Characters: 2/5 (This is very much rich people behaving badly with a WIDE cast of characters.)

•Writing: 4/5 (Very witty, briskly paced.)

•Ending: 2/5 (Everything wraps up in the final 2 pages.)

Special thanks to the author and publisher for this ARC.

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'I Scream! We all Scream!' is a fun approach to a get rich quick scheme during the pandemic age. Born out of debt, desperation, and heightened vanity, the idea that a group of rich women would be inclined risk their health for appearances' sake does seem likely, unfortunately. I do wish that, once the women took their magic pills, their coming-into-their-own as it were wasn't viewed as a negative thing. There was a lot of potential for empowering messages here, so it was disappointing that the story didn't take the route. The core idea of the book is very interesting, I do wish that some other narrative decisions were made as well as editing a bit of the extraneously backstory out.

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