Member Reviews

I've always been captivated by Old Hollywood in all its forms. Megan Chance weaves us a tale of old Hollywood glamour, lies, espionage, McCarthy-ism and blacklists. I found this book so intriguing and a great read.

I really liked Lena's character, re-inventing herself from scratch to become one of the top movie costumers in Hollywood, all the while trying to balance a past that she doesn't want found out and a future she wants to embrace. As she climbs higher on the fashion ladder, the more in the spotlight she shines (in a positive and at times a negative way) and soon that light is shining on a past that doesn't seem to want to stay buried. When a part of her past enters into her future, she will do everything she can to protect her secrets!

This story is gripping, with twists and turns, suspense and of course fashion. There's intrigue and danger from Lena's past in Rome where a web of deception and lies not to mention murder follows her across the pond to the glitz and glamour of LA and threatens to take down the carefully built new life that she has created. Will she be able to keep the life that she loves and the person that she has become?

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I have received a free copy of Glamorous Notions by Megan Chance from NetGalley and here is my voluntary review. Glamorous Notions has it all, building yourself from the scratch, friendship, love, good old Hollywood, fancy dresses and shadows in every corner. Lena is a costumer in Hollywood. She seems to have it all, just like the novel, a good job, a heart warming love, and her great talent, in Hollywood. She also has gossip columns talking about her, not in a way that she would like and her past hangs above her all the time. With the hunt going on in Hollywood, Hedda Hopper's sharp eyes and shaky relations of Los Angeles, would she be able to hold on to her façade? Thanks NetGalley and Megan Chance for giving me a free copy so I could read this well researched novel. Wish I could see the costumes written in the novel!

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Although I wasn't entirely gripped by this read it is a pacy novel and the glanour of Hollywood had me interested.

Lena is a character I didn't know wether to love or hate but her rise to fame and the murder mystery was well written and the plot unfolded beautifully.

This was a book that I p[icked up and put down, it didn't quite draw me in but I enjoyed my reading time ..

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This was a decently written novel with a fun premise but I found my attention wandering.

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I liked the idea of this book but I grew tired and annoyed with all the pot smoking. I found myself skimming so many sections I lost interest and DNF.

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What a cover! And what an intriguing story about a costume designer (with a secret past) in Old Hollywood amid the Red Scare in the 1950s. Will keep you madly turning the pages through to the end!

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“Being a woman means you have a perspective no man has. It makes you powerful, Lena. It makes you ‘more than,’ not less than.’’

First of all, thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for providing me with this ARC!

Glamorous Notions is a captivating, fast-paced mystery following Lena Taylor, the head costume designer at a big movie studio in 1950s Hollywood. With her rise to fame, she struggles to uncover the full truth of her past in Rome, which ended in murder, while also trying to keep it buried from the public eye.

The novel's exploration of the Red Scare and its impact on Hollywood was really fascinating and adds a historical layer to the narrative. Although, the one thing that prohibited me from giving this book 5 stars was that I found myself skimming through long paragraphs of imagery that seemed to drag on. Overall it was really engaging and felt like a Taylor Jenkin Reid novel!

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an ebook ARC of this book.
I wasn't able to get very far, because of the awful husband character. I know that his terribleness is part of the plot, but he just disgusted me too much to be able to continue.

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I was drawn in by the absolutely stunning cover. It's a pacey, well-plotted saga about a young woman from a humble background, with a flair for costume design, making her way in Hollywood in the 1950s. It's a fun, light read, but also brings in a variety of historical elements from that era such as the McCarthy 'Red Scare'. I liked the afterword in which the author outlined her sources/research.

Many thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the advance copy.

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I don't think I've read anything by this author in the past, but Megan Chance’s Glamorous Notions was an engaging book that drew me in with the Old Hollywood plot. The interesting part of the plot is that it's during the "red scare" time, and that's not something I read a lot about. Lena Taylor is THE costume designer at Lux Pictures, but she has a past she's hiding, and even she doesn't know the whole extent of what her past might cause.

Thank you to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for a digital ARC of this title in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

#LakeUnionPublishing #NetGalley #GlamorousNotions #MeganChance

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Megan Chance’s Glamorous Notions is an engaging read that blends old Hollywood flair with a suspenseful tale of secrets and identity. Set in 1955, it follows Lena Taylor, a successful costume designer at Lux Pictures, who is living under an assumed identity. Her past, when she was known as Elsie Gruner, is filled with intrigue and danger from her days in Rome, where she got entangled in a web of deception and murder. As her life in LA becomes more public, her carefully constructed facade starts to unravel, making for a compelling narrative.

The novel shines with its fast-paced plot and intriguing twists, capturing the glamour and high stakes of the era. Chance’s ability to mix fashion with suspense creates a captivating atmosphere. While some characters could use more depth and a few details felt a bit surface-level, the overall story is gripping.

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If you’re ready for your next mystery read. In Glamorous Notions you will find secrets, lies, betrayal., and stolen identities.

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This is an enjoyable, light story with touches of glamour and foreign travel. Interesting premise and choice of subject matter with a broad cast of characters.
Where it worked well was in the fast-paced plot and dense storyline. The plot is complex and twisty and I liked the concept and author's inspiration for the story.
What worked less well was the depth of character and the richness of detail. The descriptions were thin at times and the characters felt superficial.

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The mix of fashion, secrets, and high-stakes drama kept me hooked from start to finish. An engrossing read that’s both emotionally rich and utterly compelling!

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