Member Reviews

This book will appeal to many who may not expect to love it as it covers police procedural details while also focusing on thrilling crime from the perspective of the perpetrator, I found the level of detail absolutely fascinating and it did not detract from the pacing of the plot as it unrolled.

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this eARC.

Harry Giller’s “Evil Knows No Bounds” is a gripping crime thriller that delves deep into the dark recesses of the criminal underworld. The narrative follows two hardened criminals, each driven by distinct motivations—one seeks revenge, the other is in it for the money. This dual perspective adds a layer of complexity to the story, making it a compelling read.

Giller’s background as a former police officer shines through in the authenticity of the procedural details and the realistic portrayal of the criminal mind. The plot is meticulously crafted, with twists and turns that keep the reader on edge with its relentless pacing.

One of the standout features of this book is its character development. The villains are not just one-dimensional bad guys; they are fully fleshed out with their own backstories and motivations. This makes their actions and decisions all the more chilling and believable. The moral ambiguity of the characters adds depth to the story, forcing readers to question their own perceptions of right and wrong.

The setting plays a crucial role in the narrative, with the gritty urban landscape serving as the perfect backdrop for the unfolding drama. Giller’s descriptive writing brings the scenes to life, immersing the reader in the world he has created.

“Evil Knows No Bounds” is a crime thriller as well as a psychological exploration of the lengths to which people will go when pushed to their limits. It is a testament to Giller’s storytelling prowess that he can weave such a complex and engaging tale while maintaining a high level of suspense throughout.

For fans of crime fiction and psychological thrillers, “Evil Knows No Bounds” is a must-read. It is a dark, intense, and thought-provoking novel that will leave a lasting impression. Harry Giller has proven himself to be a master of the genre, and this book is a testament to his skill and creativity.

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An interesting book with lots of devious characters. I found the book to be a bit too drawn out to fully hold my interest so took a little longer to finish. That sa,the actual story is very cleverly written and comprehensive in detail.

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Thank you for the opportunity to preview Evil knows no Bounds.
This book is hard to describe but it is a very interesting and intense crime thriller. I liked this book a lot.
Hardened criminals concoct a plan to frame a man they despise. With the help of other local criminals they do just that.
The plan is to frame a man for crimes by Impersonating him and ensuring he goes to jail for it.
So an intricate plan is created with the help of local organized crime lords to hatch a plan against this man they hate. But secrets and lies are part of this game and soon this cat and mouse game becomes completely complex with lots of characters and moving parts.
I must say this is a good book and well worth reading
4.5 stars

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What a crazy ride this story takes you on! I was totally hooked immediately and just kept thing OMG as things just got crazier. I would say this is for sure a must read!

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I wish I could say I loved this book but unfortunately I did not. I felt it dragged on too much and it wasn’t until I was halfway through that it finally grabbed my attention. Once there, I did end up enjoying although I did have to skim some.

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Wow! I was pleasantly surprised by this book. This is a story about a couple criminals that conspire to commit a crime while sharing a cell. As I started this story, I wasn’t sure I was going to enjoy it. It didn’t exactly get my heart racing with suspense. Instead, it was a slow and steady building of an intricate story. I look forward to reading more books by this author in the future.

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A series of horrific crimes are committed including drugs and prostitution, instigated from behind prison walls while drawing two men together. One a hardened criminal with thirty years left to serve of his sentence, a man who is after revenge from those he believes have betrayed hm and then we have another, newly released from the prison system, but brutal to the core especially when it comes to women, this one is after enough money to set himself up for life, a life where he no longer lives behind bars.

The scheme set up by these two men seems to be, in their minds, infallible but then how many times have criminals with this mindset forged ahead, only for them to spectacularly fall. To achieve any of this, these two require financial backing to get things over the line, so are both now further entrenched in the murky underworld after setting the gears in motion, the plan now involving a thug named Harris, a very shady character that expects any money he invests back tenfold.

The police feel like they are constantly on the backfoot as each crime is meticulously planned and executed, they always seem to be two steps behind, and frustrations are high. Another mysterious criminal element is operating in the background, run by a man named Cooper and they are moving way faster than the police, they also are not ones to be reckoned with.

From the beginning it is obvious that the author has a police background, everything is authentically and realistically portrayed from the fast-paced actioned plot that moves along at a cracking speed to the well-developed characters that take us in behind the inner workings of these criminal groups. A thoroughly enjoyable book and one that I read in an afternoon.

Thank you to Netgalley the author and publisher for an advanced copy of the book, all opinions are my own.

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This was such an interesting read, keeping my hooked from the beginning!

For much of the book, we see through the eyes of the criminal and experience his planning and methods. Apparently there’s a lot of footwork that goes into being a criminal mastermind!

There are a lot of characters to keep track of, some with similar names, which was a challenge at times. Overall everything came together and made perfect sense in the end.

Thank you to NetGalley, Harry Giller, and Troubador Publishing for this ARC!

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Crime novels are a favorite genre of mine. Evil Knows No Bounds is the the latest that I have read. This was a thrilling read.

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Thank you to Netgallery and the publisher for this ARC. The publication date is the 28th Aug. This is first book I’ve read this author and I’m now a firm fan! A creepy read that ramps up the chill factor all the way to the end!

The book was fast- paced, twisty and had many heart- thumping moments that left me desperate to read more! I’d highly recommend this book 😊

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 stars!

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