Member Reviews

The first chapter definitely hooks you in from the get go. I’ll even admit I was one of those people while reading this book that thought “I know what’s going to happen. I have this all figured out.” No. No I did not. How naive of me to think that it could really be all out there, being quite so obvious. Even when I did think I had this book figured out, I loved. Every. Single. Second. And then I got to those twists! And I literally had to reread whole pages because I’m the dumbass who though it was so simple. That last page did have me screaming though. I mean come on, honey. Really? After all that and we make the same mistake? 🤔 great book. Had a great time reading it. Overall great.

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The tag line reads a gripping thriller with a spectacular twist. Well it ticked all the right boxes.

It kept me gripped from the beginning of the book to the end. What an enjoyable read.

Thank you for the opportunity to review

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This is a fun and captivating read. It starts strongly with the death of Nikki, falling from a balcony and Victoria London's part in it. Victoria is a pop star who after the tragedy becomes the founder of sanctuary for wolves. The story continues with an interview Victoria has set up with a view to raising funds for the struggling charity. Other main characters are introduced, Allie, the interviewer and You tube contributor who Victoria hopes will help but finds herself thrown by a strange coincide. Allie is also a fan of the old Victoria life as a popstar. As is her best friend Joey, a split and intertwined timeline plays out delving deeper into hidden secrets that when revealed are a bit of a shocker. Cleverly woven and played out this is a suspenseful mystery and thriller that has you battling the threads in confusion as it all stunningly falls into place.

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It was hard for me to put down. I was on a rollercoaster of guesses and in the end my guesses still were not all correct . Definitely a book I appreciate and a writer who writes so intriguing. Highly recommend.

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The book started and ended strong. The ending in particular will be very memorable to me. I did not guess the twist at all. I also appreciated how everything tied together. I had certain questions throughout the book, but they were all answered by the end. I enjoyed reading three POVs from two different timelines. It is always fun to read from multiple perspectives, especially when it’s a story like this and I don’t know who to trust.

That said, I got bored in the middle of the book. I was slightly confused as to why the interview with Victoria and Allie had to take multiple days. I also did not feel particularly drawn to the characters, so there were times that I lost interest. I’m glad I finished it, though.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC!

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I received this book from NetGalley.

The book sounded good, and the cover drew me in. However I'm 21% of the way in and nothing has happened. Someone died, we know that. We also know that Jake is a bad man...and that's it. It's very slow going and taking a long time to get through so far.

Another thing that I find odd is that this is an interview taking place over several days. But there's so little actual interviewing happening, so why does it need to take so long? It seems unnecessary to have someone in your home for that long, especially with all of the secrets.

It's obvious that Alice is crazy, however I did not see the anti-freeze twist coming! And I like how that part was written.

It becomes obvious later in the book that Joey is actually Alice, pretending. But the twists and turns just start there! These made the book more interesting for me to read! When Victoria realises who Joey really is, she allows herself to get corners. Isn't there an event? Couldn't she have gone inside to it? Or waited with the waitress for the police? Annoying when this happens.

Overall the book was decent and I loved the twists and turns. But it took too long for the book to get going and there was too much time where nothing happened.

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Marnie Vinage's novel was my introduction to her work, and it left an indelible impression. The book was nothing short of phenomenal! True to its cover's promise, it delivered a gripping psychological journey with a twist that was nothing short of shocking. Throughout the read, I found myself playing detective, trying to outguess the narrative, but Vinage's crafty storytelling had me second-guessing every clue. The moment of revelation, delivered through a seemingly innocuous email, flipped everything on its head, compelling me to pause and reconsider the entire narrative thread. The experience was so profound that I'm compelled to dive back in for a second read, eager to unearth any elusive hints I might have initially overlooked. For aficionados of thrillers that tantalize the mind and keep you on edge, this is a must-read!

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This book was absolutely amazing! The cover didn’t lie when it said it was a gripping psychological thriller with a shocking twist. I found myself constantly trying to guess what the twist might be, but Marnie Vinge kept me on my toes the entire time. When we read that last email, it was like everything I thought I knew was turned upside down. I had to set the book down and rethink everything I'd read up until that point. I’m already planning a reread to see if I can catch any of the subtle hints that might have slipped by before that jaw-dropping reveal. Highly recommend for anyone who loves a thriller that keeps you guessing!

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I liked the idea of the book but this one is just not for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and Inkubator Books. ~I was given this book and made no commitments to leave my opinions, favorable or otherwise~

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I really liked the premise of this book but it was hard to stay engaged with it until towards the very end when it started to get really good. I liked the ending and the twist was good, although I did guess it.

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This is about an ex singer who runs a wolf sanctuary now. Gives current & past pov from the singer & 2 fan friends. One friend actually grew up to help on the sanctuary & they do an interview to help raise the donations to keep the place open. It was a medium pace book with a lot of mind blowing twists!

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This book was gripping and hard to put down. It didn't feel like everything else you see out there, it felt very fresh. I really enjoyed this book!

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This is one of those books in which I enjoyed the numerous plot twists; they made the book very interesting until the last page. The various opinions expressed made the reading quite enjoyable and, at certain times, amusing. This is the first book I read from this author and I have to say, I am quite impressed. I look forward to reading more from her.

Thank you to Inkubator Books and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review this book.

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I related fully to the animal rescue stuff and Alice's childhood, with her friendship falling apart, and then I got lost. I was just like "Okay". And I couldn't' figure out why I should care about Victoria or anyone else. I mean yeah they rescue wolves and that is cool but what else do they do? Who even are they?
I could not stay focused. This just was not a book for me. I bet other people will love it though!

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I had a hard time staying interested in this book. It wasn't very suspenseful until the very end. Right from the start, you knew who was killed, who the characters were and pretty much knew who was lying. I enjoy books that keep me guessing, but this wasn't one of them.

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Such a suspenseful book! I thoroughly enjoyed the multiple twists in this book, and it kept me guessing until the very end. It kept me entertained through the entirety of the book with the multiple POVs. If you like suspenseful books with an unreliable narrator, this is the perfect book for you!

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I enjoyed how this book kept me guessing with its dual timelines and POVs. It had me hooked and eager to see how everything would come together. Just when I thought I had it all figured out, the twist at the end totally surprised me! Overall, I found this to be a pretty good and fast-paced read. Thanks for the ARC!

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wow! what a fast paced thriller that had me captivated from the first page. Ex popstar victoria left her life in LA for a wolf sanctury. In order to get funds to continue to rehabilitate wolves, she agrees to do a interview for the first time in years. With old memories constantly at play and the reapperance of an old stalker, Victoria starts to fear for her life and question everybody. I highly reccomend this book and any other book by Marnie Vinge, I know I will be going to read her entire backlog!

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This is a really slow burn read, that I did not find myself wanting to pick up. It is not the one I ran to first let's say. It was just dull and very unrealistic in my opinion, it did not work for me.

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This book had me hooked from the beginning. It follows Victoria, a pop star, who gives up her career after a terrible accident that has haunted her for two decades, but her past comes back to haunt her.

This book had me guessing and the twist was so good! I had way too much fun reading it. Five stars!

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