Member Reviews

Great list! This download includes excerpts from a wide variety of Romance sub categories. In total, just under 400 pages

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What an excellent preview of upcoming romance releases! I love the excerpts too! Thanks for you this!

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Romance is my favorite genre and this list DELIVERED! Ahhh I am so excited. This is a great curated list

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I enjoyed this edition of Buzz Books 2024: Romance. I love Jasmine Guillory and was excited to see an excerpt for Flirting Lessons. Some of my favorite excerpts included Swordcrossed (Freya Marske), Divine Mortals (Amanda M. Helander), and First Time Caller (B.K. Borison). I had not heard of Dating and Dragons (Kristy Boyce) and Promises & Pomegranates (Sav R. Miller), but I will definitely be adding to my TBR.

Thank you to Publishers Lunch Buzz Books and Netgalley for a free sampler in exchange for honest feedback.

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I love this for not only introducing me to new authors but for also including such a broad array of authors, characters, themes, and tropes!

This book includes: Debut and established authors; diverse characters, relationships, and authors; single and Multi POV; global authors; series, stand alones and it even includes a graphic novel!

Excerpts are tagged with multiple categories: Contemporary, Paranormal, Post-apocalyptic, Regency, RomCom, Romantasy, Sci-Fi, Sports, Dark Romance, Historical, General Adult/Adult, New Adult, Young Adult, Debut, Graphic Novel.

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This is so amazing!! I didn't know I needed this until I downloaded it. It is a great way to find new books and authors!!

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This book of excerpts is such a great way to get a sense of an author’s writing style, which for me can make or break a book. I also love that it included a breakdown of the subgenres and especially by age group. Finding out romance you thought was adult is actually YA midway through can be very frustrating! Lastly I love that this includes both new and established authors. Kimberly Lemming is a favorite so I was excited to check out a snippet of her new book. BK Borison & Juliette Cross had been on my list for a long time. And I discovered several new authors I can't wait to request as well!

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My go-to genre is romance, so this was a great resource to explore and find books I didn't know about. I love reading excerpts, they help me decide if I would really be interested in reading a book, so I enjoyed this little detail. One thing that did put me off though was that some books I was interested in weren't available through the link given, but other than that, I like the idea of this and now have more books to add to my tbr!

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This Buzz Books edition was a great resource! I will be using this to find my next romance reads! The never ending TBR!

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A good bundle of upcoming books. Not very interested in most of them but I did find a few I didn't even know about. Also a little frustrated that some of the books I wanted weren't available through the link they gave at the end of the blurb. But overall, a great way to discover new books.

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This is my favorite of all the NetGalley samplers because romance is my go-to genre. I love getting to read excerpts of upcoming books that I've been anticipating as well as learn about new books that I hadn't heard of before! There are always a handful that make it onto my TBR after this! The one I'm most intrigued by right now is "I Got Abducted by Aliens and Now I'm Trapped in a Rom-Com," it sounds so ridiculous and hilarious.

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Absolutely love this idea of putting together all of these excerpts!! "While We're Young" by K.L. Walter was my most favorite and has me so exciting to read it!!

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Thank you Netgalley!!! LOVEEEE these sample romance books , they always introduce me to new authors I have never read! Such a fabulous way to branch out and read new content!

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I always love these sample romance books because they introduce me to authors I might never had read otherwise!!

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I loved this! I enjoyed getting to read the snippets of upcoming romance books. There are a few of the authors that are new to me, and I am now interested in reading their newest releases, I am most looking forward to First Time Caller by B.K. Borison.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC to review!

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Very useful for booksellers to find out about romance books releasing soon and to decide which ones are a good fit.

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I am amazed that more publishers don't do small excerpts of upcoming books like this more often. This was a fantastic way to determine if I wanted to request any ARCS. I got enough of the story to understand if it was for me. If more publishers did this, I think it would cut down on many requests that never get reviewed or are reviewed poorly. Buzz Books also turned me on to authors who would not have otherwise been on my radar.

I would love to see this extended to all genres and monthly instead of seasonally.

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I really enjoyed this collection of upcoming books! I definitely saw some that I am interested in, particularly: Firebird by Juliette Cross, The Nightmare before Kissmas by Sarah Raasch, and First Time Caller by B.K. Borison.

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Found some interesting reads and it was nice to have previews with it. Will keep a lookout for these in the future.

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Really enjoyed this roundup of upcoming romance titles! This is extremely helpful and a great way to get an idea of what to keep an eye out for in the future. I look forward to issues of this in the future!

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