Member Reviews

Before I begin my review, I just want to say that giving 1 star pained me immensely because, as a writer myself, I know how vulnerable you have to be to share your writing with the world. I am, however, very honest in my reviews of the things I read. I do also want to make sure anyone who reads this review understands that this review is colored by my own personal tastes in narrative, plot, and character development.

When originally requesting to read the arc of Stuck in the Country with You by Zuri Day, I was hoping for a cute country romance novel that would take me a day or two to read. Unfortunately, it took me much longer than anticipated to read because I was consistently frustrated. The premise of a second chance romance many years after the first encounter was enticing, but the execution fell flat for me. A lot of the background, feelings and motives of characters, were force-fed to the reader rather than shown through actions. Additionally, Genesis's family drama being the reason why the romance didn't work the first time and why she was hesitant this time around to act on her attraction to Jaxson just did not feel much like a hindrance to me. I mean, it could have been a hindrance if the family drama was more on the page rather than things mentioned like afterthoughts or because the plot needed them in the moment. I just didn't buy it, the stakes did not feel high enough, and, therefore, I just did not care about it.

Another thing that made this a difficult read for me was the transition between scenes within chapters. They were sometimes hard to follow and could be days, weeks, or months in the future with no visual cue on the page that a switch was occurring and the previous scene often ended in a way that felt unfinished. Admittedly, the visual cue being missing on the page could be due to the fact that this is an arc and final formating has not been done. Still, a lot of scenes just felt unfinished and randomly ended before we were whisked to some other moment in time/place. While I don't think every scene has to end perfectly, if the scene feels unfinished to me, it is usually because something is missing to make the scene important to the overall story. And please don't get me wrong, I can tolerate some fluff in a romance novel, but that's not what was happening here.

Considering this is a romance novel, I will touch on the romance between Genesis and Jaxson. Honestly, I just didn't believe it. I'm not saying that these two characters could not possibly be together or love each other, but I was not invested in their romance. Genesis resisting the beginning due to Jaxson being the center of her immediate family drama could have been a very interesting dilemma, but we got no real connection to her family in the book. So upsetting/losing her family or losing a man she was attracted to, but could not stand just did not seem like a big deal to me. The problems standing in their way just did not feel like problems because we're not shown the actual stakes. Yes, they're told to us, but that's not what makes story compelling. We need to see it and that just wasn't done in this book.

Ultimately, I personally would not recommend this book. It seems like the version that was shared as an arc is a really early version that needs more rounds of edits before publication.

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This book is perfect for those who love a spicy, small-town romance.

The beautiful cover caught my eye, but it was the premise of the book that piqued my interest. I love the idea of a small town and a sort of second-chance romance, especially when the characters haven't seen each other in years.

Unfortunately, I was expecting more tension and a slow burn, which this definitely wasn't. I was hoping for more build-up in the relationship between Genesis and Jaxson or some connection before the lust took over. It felt too sudden for two people, one of whom didn't even seem to remember the other person very well. The same could be said of the intimate scenes, as they felt too sudden, with not enough build-up for me to feel any chemistry between the characters to care. I also would have loved to see more of Jaxson being a dad. The ending felt too rushed, and I wished there was more closure when it came to Genesis's family drama situation. Don't get me wrong, the ending was still very cute; it just left me wanting more.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Small town romances are one of my favorite micro tropes and this book did not disappoint. Usually I don’t read synopsis of books, I just read books based on the cover. But for some reason I chose to read the synopsis of this book and I was deeply intrigued. I was interested in reading how Genesis was going to navigate being neighbors with Jaxon after their one night stand. The author did a great job creating a story that’s filled with humor, spice. You could feel these characters through the pages

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First off, Genesis is an incredibly relatable character. I loved her so much. That being said, I hated the ending. There wasn't much of a wrap-up and I wanted more of Genesis' life on the farm. The ending felt like the author was just done and wanted it to be over already.

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Stuck in the Country with You by Zuri Day is a delight. From the moment I met Genesis Washington, I was hooked. Ten years after a mistake that left her with plenty of regrets, Genesis finds herself face-to-face with her past—and he's aged like a fine wine. The tension between Genesis and Jaxson King is electric, and their chemistry is undeniable, even as they try to navigate the baggage of their history. Their journey is one that many of us can relate to, making their story all the more engaging.

Zuri Day masterfully crafts a story full of heart, humor that will make you chuckle, and heat. Genesis, with her city-girl ways, is endearingly out of her depth when she inherits a farm next to Jaxson's. The challenges she faces are real, and Jaxson's steady presence as he helps her out, both on the farm and in more personal moments, makes for a compelling read. The humor in their interactions adds a delightful layer to the story, keeping you entertained.

Jaxson is also a standout—a responsible, thoughtful father who's grown over the years. Their banter, tension, and the sizzling moments behind closed doors kept me glued to the pages. The authenticity of their connection made this story shine for me. The sizzling moments between them add an intriguing element to the story, keeping you on the edge of your seat.

This book is a perfect blend of romance, humor, and heart, with characters who feel real and relatable. Their struggles and triumphs, which mirror our own, will resonate with you, making it a book you won't be able to put down!

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This is a fantastic small town romance and it hit every single mark I expect from one. LOVED LOVED LOVED

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

What a good book! I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. This is a first by this author but will not be my last! I read this in one sitting because I just couldn’t put it down.

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Arc review. ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 I enjoyed this but I’m not a huge fan of second chance love tropes but if that’s your bread and butter then you will love this book. Now if you are a small town love kind of person I think you will love this book. I did enjoy the chemistry of the characters but would’ve preferred if they got to know each other again more, then started falling head over heels haha. I guess that comes with the instant love of second chance romance with them already knowing each other. Cowboy romance is very popular right now and if that’s what you are currently reading. I highly recommend this book. It was so cute. Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for this opportunity.

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Rating: 3.5

I was in small town romance mood when I requested Stuck in the Country with you. I think the plot was what intrigued me the most. I love the idea of her neighbor being a past partner and her arriving to the farm after living in Memphis her whole life. However, this story left me a little wanting. Wanting more scenes of Genesis running the farm or learning how to. Another thing I noticed is the story switches perspective and settings within the chapter randomly. I noticed this in scenes where they are on the phone one minute and then fishing the next. I sometimes had to go back and confirm where they were and when we jumped ahead. Between paragraphs and between dialogue I think the formatting could be restructured to help the reader better know what’s going on. My last thing was the speed and which they catch feelings for each other(…again). The intimate moments between Genesis and Jaxson felt very rushed which in turn left me very unmoved by these “spicy moments”. Sadly, this happened for all the spicy scenes for me. Then the sneaking around bit threw me off because I’m like—we all are adults here, what are we hiding a relationship for. Just my opinion, I know others might like the instant attraction, but I wanted more of a getting to know each other again before getting into bed. That and I wanted more confidence in their relationship if it was going to move quickly. I just wanted more life on the farm with Genesis and for her to maybe stand up to her “family” and their antics.

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Genesis, the grumpy heroine of this novel, inherits a farm in a quaint Tennessee town following the death of her great-uncle Cyrus. Despite their deep bond, the inheritance sparks a flurry of complications, primarily because Cyrus had biological children who believe the farm rightfully belongs to them. Loyalty to her late uncle drives Genesis to honor his wishes and resist selling the property, despite the mounting pressure.

Cyrus, the neighboring landowner and a key figure in the story, has been closely connected with Uncle Cyrus since moving to Tennessee. The relationship between Cyrus and Genesis is fraught with tension due to a past misunderstanding—Genesis harbors the belief that Cyrus had pursued her only to provoke her older brother. This unresolved history adds another layer of complexity to their interactions as they navigate the challenges of the inheritance and their own turbulent emotions

I cannot rate this book above three stars because I have issues with how the book was wrapped up. I truly do not like stories or authors that dictate what happens instead of actually writing, and showing what happens. Outside of my issues with the conclusion of the book, the general writing of this story is bland & not engaging. The same could be said for the sex scenes, there is no passion coming off the pages between these two characters. Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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