Member Reviews

**4.5 stars, rounded up

This book kept me guessing until the very end, and I was so invested to hear the conclusion of both Luna and Marcus' stories and how it caused their lives to collide. I'm honestly not usually a fan of romance stories, and since it wasn't tagged as romance on Goodreads, I was a little worried when it started veering that way. I think this is one of the only heterosexual romance stories I've read where the romance didn't feel forced, the two MCs have great chemistry, and them getting together just made sense - two people who have lost someone they loved so soon being able to find solace in each other.

I thought I would be more upset that we don't really get a full conclusion to Marcus' story, but I quite honestly think it was better that way. I can probably guess any number of reasons that led him to do what he did and I didn't need it spelled out for me. I definitely recommend for people to pick this up when it's published in September!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Had a slow start but it picked up pretty quick and then I didn't want to put it down. I enjoyed the dual story lines and couldn't see how the two went together until closer to the end. Supernatural plus dark witchcraft, mystery and suspense; a slow burn romance with a bit of spice!

I had a great time reading this book and would recommend to anyone who likes supernatural and witchy vibes with a touch of romance.

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I received this book via NetGalley this is my review of it. Good storyline, good characters although to me personally it was very predictable. A good read.

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A romance with mystery, suspense, and a hint of the supernatural. I kept trying to think ahead of the story, guess who's who, figure out motives. This will be a fall/October hit.

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I loved the sound of this book but was disappointed when I read it. Unfortunately I found it a little slow and predictable and I just didn’t get on with the writing style. I think the idea was great but I just couldn’t get into it enough. Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read this ARC

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I DNF this book after reading the first couple of chapters. I found the fact that every noun had to have an adjective descriptor to be a bit repetitive for my taste. There are other ways to explain things, and not even noun needs a descriptor. However, I love the premise of the book. I would've continued reading if not for the previously mentioned issue. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a fun witchy book

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A thoroughly entertaining gothic tale set in 1880s England. I enjoyed the pet raven, the mysterious scratched messages, the romance and the echoes of 'The Return of Martin Guerre' and Daphne du Maurier's 'Rebecca' ("What if the first Mrs de Winter was a witch?" is the essential premise). I feel I shouldn't write much more as it risks spoilers, and the twists and turns of the story are part of the pleasure.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance copy.

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In The Ravenswood Witch by Jenni Keer the protagonist finds herself on the run after being falsely accused of a crime. Just as she nears escape, she breaks her ankle and is rescued by Marcus, the master of Ravenswood Manor. To avoid suspicion, Marcus convinces the constable that she is his long-lost, eccentric wife, Luna Greybourne. Grateful for the sanctuary, she agrees to pretend to be Luna while she recovers only to discover that Ravenswood Manor is steeped in dark secrets and eerie happenings.

The novel combines romance with supernatural elements, creating a thrilling and suspenseful read. As the new "Luna) navigates her unsettling surroundings, including mysterious servants, a secretive husband, and rumors of witchcraft, she is drawn into a web of intrigue and danger. With its Gothic atmosphere and layered narrative, The Ravenswood Witch offers a captivating blend of historical setting. romance, and spookiness, keeping readers engaged and guessing until the end.

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This story follows our female protagonist, who is on the run after being falsely accused of murder. In her desperate escape, she literally bumps into Marcus Greybourne and ends up breaking her ankle. Marcus takes her back to his home, where he offers a mutually beneficial arrangement: she pretends to be his missing wife, Luna, allowing him to continue receiving her monthly inheritance and the FMC to avoid capture by law enforcement.

While the premise held promise, the execution fell flat. The book is very slow-paced, with the narrative only picking up slightly around the halfway mark. Unfortunately, even then, it failed to fully engage me. One of the most frustrating aspects was the FMC’s and Marcus' insistence on addressing her as Luna, even in front of people who knew her real identity. Their shared delusion only made me dislike them even more, making it even harder to connect with the story.

The ending was also very predictable and lacked the impact it seemed to be striving for. I can see why it's marketed towards fans of "Jane Eyre" as both feature gothic elements, the "mad" wife, and forbidden romance. However, it ultimately failed to capture the depth and intrigue that make classics like "Jane Eyre" so compelling.

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The Ravenswood Witch is such a good book.
Loved every single second of this incredible story.
I rated this book 4 stars because I loved the plot and storyline of it. So good.

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What a great book to read and prepare for the upcoming season! The Ravenswood Witch is such a refreshig read of manor tellings, and this one did not dissappoint. I personally loved the main character, and her portray of the ‘wife’. I especially enjoyed meeting so many different and unique characters, especially the fact that I really didnt know who they really were from time to time. The plot felt excently paced, (which to me is fast) with the right mix of suspense and supernatural factors. Also, I didnt guess correctly at the end, which is new to me, and is why I’m giving this book ALL the stars. Absolutely loved it and will be ensuring everyone gets a chance to read this.

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"Magic is only real if you believe in it"

A young woman on the run collides with a mystery man and is offered a chance at escape, if only she will take up the mantle of his missing wife.

I loved this twist on a Rebecca-esque gothic mystery. The unsettling, dilapidated manor and Bran the raven companion could not have been more perfect. Some of the plot twists felt predictable, but I was genuinely surprised more than once. I do feel it's maybe a little longer than necessary? But it was still a very enjoyable read.

Review will run on Goodreads starting 8/20/24, in perpetuity

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Jane Eyre vibes but make it dark and witchy. The Ravenswood Witch starts off with a female heroine who takes on the identity of Luna Greybourne in order to avoid capture. As she spends months impersonating being the wife of Marcus Greybourne, the very obvious question of what’s happened to the real Mrs. G becomes important and critical. Witchcraft, murder, rituals, and a second concurrent plot all make for a sinister mood while bringing in similar Eyre elements.
A solid ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ read for those who also enjoy gothic vibes and Jane Eyre retellings. Grab it on September 30, 2024.

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Within the first couple pages I was hooked! I fell in love with the main characters and was kept in my toes by the twists throughout.

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This book is the perfect read for the coming season, with a gothic, spooky atmosphere and a sense of mystery that makes it very hard to put down!
I really enjoyed the story and characters and was frequently thrown by the plot, up until the very end.
The writing by Jenni Keer is wonderful!

I also loved how the story subtly made you think about good and bad and the grey area in between. How no person is one or the other and things aren't always what they seem. About how to forgive (yourself and others) and move on from the past.
And ultimately about learning to trust and love again.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC.

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Imagine being charged with a crime that you didn't commit and having to flee for your life only to break your ankle at the edge of freedom. That is the reality for the female lead in this novel. Luckily, Marcus, the master of Ravenswood Manor, convinces the constable she is his eccentric wife that no one has seen for ten years. Given a place to heal and relax, "Luna" is more than happy to fill the role of Marcus' wife for the time being. However, things at Ravenswood Manor are not what they seem; spirits seem to lurk, and rumors of a witch in the woods circulate. Is the new "Luna" safe?

It is a fast-paced and thrilling read about finding love even in the darkest of times. This novel had me second-guessing every character and their actions and wondering who the new mysterious "Luna" was; I didn't get it right, by the way (lol). Perfect for readers who love a good romance with just a hint of supernatural and suspense.

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I requested this book on a whim. I hadn't heard of the author, but the description sounded so compelling that I couldn't resist. Witches and hauntings and strangers with mysterious pasts? Yes, please.

The Ravenswood Witch is a dark and broody gothic novel that keeps the reader riveted throughout. I don't want to rehash the book description, so I'll just say that if you're a fan of classic gothic novels, you'll probably like this book. Despite some anachronistic language in parts, overall it really captures the classic gothic vibe from the late 19th century that I believe the author was going for.

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I received a temporary digital copy of The Ravenswood Witch by Jenni Keer from NetGalley, Boldwood Books and the author in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

While running from law enforcement, a young woman collides into Marcus Greybourne, breaking her ankle. When confronted by the local constable, Marcus claims the young woman is his rarely-sighted-in-town wife. He asks her to continue the charade to ensure his wife's inheritance and in return, he won't ask questions on her identity or past. The young woman willingly agrees and assumes the identity of Mrs. Luna Greybourne. Unfortunately, there seems to be foul-play and witchcraft at foot, not to mention - where is the real Mrs. Greybourne?!

The Ravenswood Witch was an okay novel - I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it, although I am leaning towards the latter than the former. This book just didn't excite me.

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The Ravenswood Witch
by Jenni Keer
Pub Date: Sep 30 2024


The year is 1885 and a young woman is on the run, knowing if she’s caught, she’ll be hanged for murder. Moments from a safe haven, she collides with a gruff stranger, falling and breaking her ankle.

To her surprise, the man – Marcus Greybourne – convinces the local constable that she is his reclusive wife of ten years, Luna. He carries her back to the neglected and crumbling Ravenswood Hall, promising if she agrees to maintain this charade, he will keep her safe until her injuries have healed.

But the house is haunted by shadows and secrets. What’s more, the real Luna Greybourne is missing, without trace. Scratches and marks made by her around the house suggest witchcraft; and indeed Luna is known locally as the Ravenswood Witch; her reputation in tatters, like the wallpapers of the padlocked rooms she’d destroyed.

As strange happenings in the house continue, outside the screech of a raven echoes across oppressive woods that seem alive with dark magic. And the woman who is now pretending to be Luna can’t help but fear she’s escaped the noose for a far more terrible fate…

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A desperate young woman is running for her life, when she collides with a tall stranger, Marcus Greybourne, falling and breaking her ankle. He promises to care for her if she masquerades as his absent wife, Luna. She is in no place to argue so she accepts his assurance that he will care for her and decides to assume Luna's place as the mistress of the house. As she settles into the house, Luna is distressed at the signs of witchcraft etched into the walls and floors and discovers that Luna is known as the Ravenswood Witch. The villagers fear her and have a list of wrongs she has performed against them. Luna is concerned as to the fate of Marcus's wife and the sinister goings on in the dark woods that border his property. Jenni Keer has managed to write a disturbing and spooky story which leaves you questioning everyones motives. A good page turner.

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