Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this book! I don't read a lot of second chance romance books and this one held my attention from start to finish. I liked the past and present timelines.

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I was initially drawn to this book by the cover art and the synopsis, which was different from the typical second chance romance story. I really enjoyed the beginning and middle of the book, coming together and finding a way to work as a team while reigniting attraction, but the ending fell flat for me. I also enjoyed the dual timelines and seeing how the relationship had progressed from childhood.

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Piper's flight to the Bahamas for her best friend's wedding gets canceled, so she reluctantly takes a private plane with her high school sweetheart, who broke her heart years ago. What will happen when the plane crashes on a deserted island? This book is a coming-of-age, second-chance survivalist romance and was so much fun to read. I am not a big romance reader and I do not love the 'pining over high school love' trope, but I could not put this one down.

There are two timelines, and I found myself invested equally in both. I also loved that the two main characters met and bonded over reading books. I did have to suspend disbelief on a few things, and the dialogue didn't always match their age, but overall, I think this was a good debut novel.

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon and Harper Voyager for providing me with an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Loved it - cozy romance with a brilliant premise and a reminder why second chance romance is my favorite trope.

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Did I get bored with this book? Yes... Did I still read it all and end up loving and kicking my butt over the happy ending? Also yes.
The book is about Piper & Wyatt, ex-lovers, who haven't talked in 8 years but run into each other at the airport on the way to their best friend's wedding. Their flight gets canceled and Wyatt offers to fly them, jump to the main part... the plane crashes and they get stuck together on the island, with minimal food or water. The time jump scenes seemed messy to me and were hard to follow but I enjoyed the scenes of Piper and Wyatt on the island together. Also - Piper's mom gave me major "the notebook" vibes like Allie's parents, IYKYK.
The book seemed to drag on for me, I couldn't get into it as much as I hoped but of course, I was happy everything worked out. I'm a sucker for multiple POV's and I think that's what this book needed. Overall, solid 3.5/5.
If second-chance romances are your thing, check it out when it comes out on April 1, 2025.
Thank you, NetGalley, the author and the publisher for an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This romance was an adorable romantic getaway. I personally love books, especially romances that help readers escape the mutiny of everyday trials, and allow the reader a respite into the characters world, and romance. A standout romance that had me kicking my feet with glee and swooning. Piper and Wyatt were next tier couple goals. I loved the forced proximity meets second chance romance Tropes, they were chefs kiss. Perfect for lovers of the Film Six Days and Seven Nights.

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Second chance romance books are one of my favorite and this book made it to the top of my favorite second hand romance.

The jump from timelines were easy to follow. The characters were enjoyable. You’re rooting for both of them and sometimes that’s hard to do.

My only con would be not having Wyatt’s POV

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I enjoyed this book. It was a fun read. I really liked Wyatt. I wanted more from his point of view. I don't read a lot of second chance romance trope books and this one impressed me. The story was easy to follow even with the past and present timeline.

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This book was so good! The second chance trope is one of my favorite and it was done so well! The book was so entertaining and funny. I would highly recommend!

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I love love love the concept (am I the only one fascinated by plane crash survival books?). I also love second chance romances, so this is a match made in heaven.

What would have knocked it out of the park would have been Wyatt’s POV. I think if we had his perspective, it would’ve added more emotional depth and given us more of an understanding of his character. I would’ve traded in the flashback chapters for his POV, as I don’t particularly like flashback chapters.

I didn’t care for the references (designer brands, for example), which I feel date the book and don’t add anything. The dialogue can be a bit unnatural as well. I think this book would work best for readers who are fans of old-school rom-coms.

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Second chance romance at its best. Loved Piper and Wyatt‘s characters from the start, even if you want to smack them for wasting years of being together. But that’s what makes this such a great book. I was hooked from the very beginning and never stopped. Jumping back-and-forth from high school to the present was fun and engaging.. Annie McQuaid is amazing author and I am definitely looking forward to more of her work.

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I knew this book could go one of two ways: it could either be poorly developed, highly unrealistic, and borderline embarrassing to read, or it could be improbable but possible, featuring strong main characters who can make the most absurd situation feel a bit more realistic.

This book fell more toward the latter, though there were still a few issues I had with it. First of all, I'm not a huge fan of the miscommunication trope. So much heartache could have been avoided if the main characters were open and vulnerable with each other sooner in their relationship (rather than opening up only after a devastating plane crash left them stranded on an island). While I know that would've made for a short story, it could have also laid the groundwork for a stronger relationship between the two.

Second of all, while I think the author did as good as a job as anyone could, the premise of the book just felt... wrong. I was too thrown off by the idea of them surviving a plane crash to really enjoy the romance (which is a super dark thing to admit).

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a digital copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I don't know, y'all. This one just wasn't for me. It read like a YA even though the MCs were AT MINIMUM in their mid-20s. I didn't buy the conflict between them and the instantaneous lust after crashing on a deserted island didn't resonate with me. A plane crash was an interesting concept to force proximity, but it didn't impact the character development in a believable way, and the internal/external conflicts didn't ring true, even with the time hopping between their first teenaged romance and the "now." The FMC was a doormat, the MMC was the epitome of strong and silent and not in a good way.

This one wasn't for me. 2.5 stars.

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This was a really cute debut book! I’m excited to see what Annie writes in the future. I’ve never read a plane crash romance before that’s for sure, and I really enjoyed it. I also love when books flash back and forth between past & present. I enjoyed this story!

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Read if you love:
-Second Chance Romance
-Forced Proximity
-Dual timeline

I couldn’t put this book down, I finished it in one sitting. Adding the survival aspect to the book made the book have such a fun twist. I loved their love story and would pick up anything by this author in the future.

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon and Harper for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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After a delayed and canceled flight, the only way to get to her best friend's destination wedding is to board a private plane with ex, Wyatt. Surviving a crash landing, the pair need to figure out how to survive and deal with their past.

Being compared to Carly Fortune's Every Summer After, which I absolutely adored, I went in with high expectations. It started off cute and I enjoyed the premise at the start. The then pov really lacked in fully engrossing me in their story. I felt it really lacked details on the relationship before they ever started caring for each other in a romantic way.

Being stranded on that island and the crash wasn't even the most unbelievable part. I was able to process that. But something just didn't work. It was boring at times and the characters seemed two dimensional. It was ok. I finished this a week ago and couldn't think of what to write for the review so I put it off. Oops.

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Solid romance story from debut author. Wyatt and Piper were close friends turned bf/gf in high school until he suddenly breaks up with her. Fast forward 8 years when they run into each other on the way to a wedding of another friend from their hs group. Cancelled flights lead them to taking a charter plane which crashes. Still harboring hurt feelings, Piper must figure out how to survive with Wyatt. Not the most original story and very predictable, but enjoyable. Pick up at your library.

Thank you Avon and Harper Voyager for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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This second chance romance had me glued to my kindle! ✈️

Piper is on her way to attend her best friend’s wedding in the Bahamas, but a crash landing leaves her and her ex deserted on an island together. Will their old feelings get in the way of their survival?! 🏝️

I can’t believe this was Annie’s debut novel! I really enjoyed the storyline and pacing of this book. We get past chapters explaining their relationship mixed with current chapters on the island. And the right amount of romance was given 🩷

This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Crash Landing will be published April 1st.

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Crash Landing is a solid debut rom-com from Annie McQuaid that I could not put down. This is a second chance, forced proximity story that was full of adventure, some angst and really heartwarming moments. This was an easy but entertaining read perfect for a day on the beach! I predict Annie McQuaid to become another household name in the Romance genre and I can't wait to see what other stories she has to tell!

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The interesting premise drew me in and I really wanted to love it, but the execution was lacking a bit. I did like the idea of the alternating chapters between the present and the past, as we got to see more insights and aspects of their relationship. Though I wished there were more scenes of the present and how their relationship developed over time. At times, it was hard to believe Wyatt and Piper’s chemistry. I think a dual POV would have benefited the story, instead of third person. It definitely has potential to be more, but overall, it was a nice, sweet second chance story. A promising debut novel- I’m looking forward to seeing the author’s future works.

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