Member Reviews

This was a great read about two childhood friends turned lovers turned strangers who were brought together again by incredible circumstances.

I truly enjoyed seeing how Pipers character changed throughout the book, going from always obeying her parents to finally obeying her heart! I love that she finally chose herself in the end and it was all she needed for happiness.

Wyatt as well had tremendous growth throughout and it was wonderful to see them both work together when stranded.

I felt the dual timelines were done so well, I enjoyed both of them and finding out how the past was affecting the future was so essential for the storytelling.

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4.5 stars

Drama! Angst! Tension! Being stranded on an island!
If there’s one thing I love it’s a romcom where some one almost dies (it just adds some excitement, ya know?) and this book gave me that. Piper and Wyatt are estranged exes/former best friends who become stranded on an island together after a plane crash on the way to their mutual friends wedding.
This is one of those books where you definitely have to suspend your belief for the sake of the romance but it’s still a good time. For the most part, piper and Wyatt had almost too easy of a time surviving on the island. They were there for a week eating pretty much just papayas and entertaining themselves by ??? doing something? Don’t get me wrong, there’s definitely some higher stakes situations but for the most part they were just chilling. This did give them the opportunity to have some conversations about their past and what went wrong. I thought they had really good chemistry and could definitely feel their connection.
The past chapters were cute but didn’t really do much for me. I liked that you got to see the beginning of their friendship/relationship but they didn’t add a whole lot of depth to the story (at least not for me)

All in all I had a good time reading this and would definitely recommend if you like second chance romance, forced proximity, or want a romcom with a life or death situation

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon for the ARC!

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Not sure how I got here, reading my third plane crash book in a row, but it's safe to say I may not be flying anytime soon. I love a book like this, where I know exactly where it's going (in terms of romance and who's going to end up together) but the journey to get there is surprising. I really loved Piper and Wyatt's characters, how their relationship developed through the story with the callbacks to their relationship in high school. "Crash Landing" definitely had some twists and turns and was a, I didn't use a bookmark because I read it so fast, read for me!

Thanks to NetGalley, Avon and Harper Voyager for the ARC!

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first and foremost i just wanna say thank you for allowing me to read this book in advance. it’s my first ARC and i’m so appreciative of it!!! what i did like about this book was the flashbacks, i think it did help to tie in a lot. i loved the friendship aspect of the book as well, because to me one of greatest things in my life are my friends. also the cover to this book is beautiful!!

what made it a bit difficult for me to connect with the book was that it felt a bit too unrealistic, and i did not feel the chemistry between the MC’s. it felt a bit rushed unfortunately for me. i wish we could’ve gotten to know the characters before jumping right into the crash. :( with that being said i think this book has a lot of potential and i think it will definitely find its crowd!

again thank you Avon or Harper Voyager for allowing me to be apart of this!

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This ARC from @netgalley has so much potential and is a new and refreshing story premise, but this book fell short for me. Exes Piper and Wyatt find themselves stranded on a deserted island after their plane crashes on the way to their 4. Forced together after 8 years of avoiding contact, they finally have to talk about what happened so many years ago and decide if they still have feelings for each other.

Unfortunately, the chemistry wasn't there in the writing, and the flashbacks to their teen years would have been better in a paragraph of them reflecting rather than taking up half the book. The characters felt stuck as teenagers who still hadn't learned how to communicate and kept making the same mistakes with each other.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher. This story was well written. I enjoyed the first half more than the second. The chemistry was just okay for me.

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It was cute and light as expected. I enjoyed the book, but hoped for a bit more character development.

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Crash Landing had a lot of promise. I loved the idea of the plan crash and Piper and Wyatt being trapped at a deserted island alone together. I loved the dual narratives to give more of a real backstory to their dynamics from teenagers to now. However, I felt as if the story was too dialogue heavy. There was a lot more telling than showing. I would’ve liked more of Pipers own narrative and her thoughts, some more tension and loss between Wyatt and Piper that isn’t just told to us, but felt. Overall, it was a cute story.

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I don't typically love second chance romances but this was better than most. I liked the two timelines that this story gave us for context as well as the super unique plot and survival aspect. It gave this story such an interesting overarching story that you won't find in other contemporaries. Unfortunately, I didn't love all the cliches and the reasoning behind the couple's initial breakup . Still, a fun escapist romantic read. 3.5/5⭐

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This was a super cute easy read! I loved a good enemies to lovers and the fact that it’s a second chance romance as well made it even better. I honestly didn’t even mind that this situation was so completely far fetched.

I really enjoyed the fact that it was dual pov and that there were flashbacks to their previous relationship. Piper and Wyatt are just so right for each other and you can tell from the beginning. The spice was plenty spicy with a great simmering tension.

I didn’t expect it to be an emotional as it was either! The trauma the Wyatt experienced and the fact that he lets Piper in right away was very telling as to the level of trust he had for her.

I definitely recommend this one and also the fact that this is Annie’s debut is amazing! Definitely a good one!

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I usually have a hard time with second chance romances, but throw in forced proximity and I’ll give it a go haha. This book did not disappoint! The characters are lovable and even though they sometimes did dumb things, I could understand their thinking at the time. There were scenes and dialogue that every once in awhile reminded me of The Notebook,
Great second chance romance!

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Plane crash, second chance, forced proximity, alternating timeline romance. Lots of potential but it fell flat for me.

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Thank You NetGalley, Publisher Avon and Harper Voyager | Avon and [author:Annie McQuaid|50926805] Author for the e-book ARC [book:Crash Landing|216269037]

I was drawn to the cover and the 'stranded on an island' concept. I really liked the overall story itself. I enjoyed the 'then' and 'now', second chance romance and friends to lovers tropes. The remote island content gave the story an environment I haven't read in any other contemporary romance, and was a fun twist.
Overall, I enjoyed it. The storyline was interesting, I enjoyed the characters (except I hated the Mom), the second chance romance, a plane crash and stranded on an island, all made it a fun read.
There was a lot of descriptive language that was smart and clever, but annoyed me in some spots where I thought 'get on with it already' and I wanted the story to move a little quicker, but overall it was great.

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This was an extremely cute stranded on an island, second chance romance! Characters were believeable, just the right about of trope and the writing was good. I read this on a plane, which was the only thing I disliked and completely my fault.

Reccommend for romance readers who enjoy second chance romance.

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A lot about Crash Landing feels like my vibe: island survivor setting plus second chance romance sounds like a great combo to me. I really enjoyed the front half of the book, but then I found a lot of it to be kind of sloppy after that. The timeline jumping was fun and i enjoyed the characters, but I don’t think the book paid off for me.

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I love a "stranded on an island together" trope and this scratched that itch. This is a cute, low spice, very quick read. I'd say it's the perfect airplane read but I think it's better to stay on the ground for this one.

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3.75 stars
This was a really fun and unique time. I normally hate second chance romances, but after experiencing some similar personal stuff I decided to give it a shot. This book had me tearing up a few times, and it also helped me feel like maybe I wasn't making a terrible mistake. (Don't get me wrong it's fiction I totally get that, but it was nice to see something positive).

I don't really love flashback chapters, but I get why we needed some to show the progression of their love. I think I would have preferred a few less, and then really explored their coming together again. I get trauma bonding can happen fast, but I feel like Piper got over things really quickly (I guess priorities are different on deserted islands anyway). I also wish, as I do with every third act breakup that the characters could just communicate, even for their first breakup. It's a trope for a reason, but I wish we could have authors come up with something new.

Other than that, this was a cute (fun?) time with a unique setting that I really enjoyed.

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once again, this rating might just be a me problem. i am just bored and this book is not holding my interest. and i don’t have the time for books that don’t interest me. i also hate dual timelines and unnecessary franchise or brand name dropping. though, someone who is not me may enjoy this book.

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DNF at 50%

I was enjoying the storyline, but the excessive descriptive language got to me! The last straw was this description “Tears glittered in his eyelashes like diamonds caught in cobwebs.” Huh? Diamonds in cobwebs?

I’ll still give this three stars because the storyline was interesting - a second chance romance, coupled with a plane crash in being stranded on a tropical island. Kind of a different premise.

Thankful to Harper Collins and neck galley for the digital ARC in return for an honest review.

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Thank you to Avon and Harper Voyager, NetGalley, and Annie McQuaid for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Piper and Wyatt start off as friends, eventually date their senior year, but then Wyatt breaks up with her right before he leaves for the army. Piper is so heartbroken she says she never wants to see him again.

Fast forward to Allie having her wedding in the Bahamas, Piper and Wyatt see each other for the first time since their breakup in the airport when they find out their plane gets cancelled. One of Wyatt’s friends is letting him fly his plane and Wyatt offers Piper a ride and she agrees to fly with him. But an unexpected storm happens and their plane crashes on a deserted island. This is where some of the book just didn’t seem realistic to me. The book says that Wyatt was in the army but it never mentioned him being a pilot so why would his friend let him fly his plane??

I did enjoy the dual timelines switching between past and present. It added depth to the characters and helped me understand them better. I liked Wyatt and his protective nature toward Piper, always wanting the best for her. But seeing how he grew up and him knowing Piper’s parents didn’t like him and that Piper’s parents wouldn’t pay for her tuition if he stayed with her, made the reason he broke up with her understandable.

I thought the book was a bit too descriptive at times. Almost a whole page was dedicated to when Piper used a radio in Girl Scouts. I understand her knowing how to use a radio was important, but that much detail felt unnecessary. And how come she knows how to use a radio but Wyatt who served in the army doesn’t?

I didn’t rate it as high because I felt like Piper and Wyatt lacked chemistry in the present timeline. I enjoyed their younger relationship more.

Read this if you like best friends to lovers, second chance romance, forced proximity, dual timelines!

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