Member Reviews

I had the opportunity to read the ARC of this book in return for my honest review. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to do this!

I give this book 3.5 stars. While it was a cute little love story, I found myself struggling to really get into it. The narrative frequently flashed back from the past to the present, which added complexity but sometimes interrupted the flow. The story is told from a third-person perspective.

One character I wasn’t a fan of was Piper’s mom; she came across as rude and unsupportive towards her daughter. There wasn't much spice in this book, but it does explore the relationship of a couple who, after parting ways for various reasons, find themselves stranded on an island eight years later due to a plane crash. Overall, it’s a sweet story about love and second chances.

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Oh man, I don't even know where to start. This seems like such a good idea for a book, I really wanted to like it. I enjoyed the slow unfolding of the story as we time hopped from past to present day and eventually learn about how the FMC and MMC went from becoming friends to dating and then to becoming estranged "enemies" as adults. I liked that Piper was able to find her voice after the plane crash and stand up to her parents about the direction her life would go. But I hate the main characters so much that it ruins the book for me. Piper is kind of an idiot, and Wyatt is a walking red flag. Piper could have made the decision to stay in the hospital with Wyatt after the crash but is bullied into going home by her mom. I think it says A LOT about how Piper is really feeling without actually saying very much at all that Piper didn't insist on staying with him. Like maybe her gut is telling her Wyatt isn't a good idea, that he's not good for her. And then there's Wyatt. I didn't like how he treated Piper when they woke up and the cooler was missing, or how he decided to break up with her as teenagers. He just didn't seem like a very likeable MMC overall. And even though there was a HEA, I feel like if we were to get an update 10 years after this story ended, they would be broken up because the two of them aren't very compatible and this relationship doesn't seem like it's meant to be forever. Which ruins the book for me.

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This was a great debut! I’m always hesitant to try debut authors but honestly I’m so glad I gave Crash Landing a try.

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This book sucked me in based on the cover because I am a huge lost fan, and also a huge fan of childhood friends to lovers and second chance! It had all the things I adore. It was so much fun! I loved the dual timelines, I loved the island setting, I loved our girl piper! I really wish I liked Wyatt more but he was just ok. The friends were fun, the family kind of sucked (pipers mom!), but it was necessary to see pipers growth. Super cute story and love the cover!

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This was a cutie!! Why aren’t there more “stranded on a desert island with your ex” romances?? Probably because it’s pretty cheesy and can be boring at times… but overall, this was really fun and I enjoyed the time jumps.

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4⭐️ arc review - Thank you to NetGalley and Avon and Harper Voyager for sharing this digital reviewer copy with me in exchange for my honest thoughts.

WOW! 🤩 I am so impressed with Annie McQuaid and cannot believe this is her debut novel. When I initially read the description for this book, it instantly went on my TBR whether I received an advanced reader copy or not. My favorite element of this book was the sprinkle of the past that explains the current actions of the characters and how they have grown over the years apart.

I loved Piper and Wyatt's story and was immediately grateful that although he broke her heart in tremendous fashion as a teenager, Piper was able to see his WHY and decided to make decisions for her future for HER. There's something special about a second chance, forced proximity, plane crash turned survival story.

I cannot wait to read more from Annie in the future!

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I enjoyed this book. It was quick. I like how chapter would alternate between past and present. I find Piper’s mom to be quite annoying. Thank you for the arc Avon.

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Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I’m rating this book a 3 out of 5. It had an interesting enough premise, it just didn’t stick out as one of my favorites. It’s a good paced book that’ll get you out of a slump and it’s a cute rom com. I liked the flashbacks and I thought they were correctly placed and not just thrown in for the sake of it, each one had meaning. If you need an easy to read fun romance this is the one.

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This was a cool concept for a book and it was executed well.
I like a past/present POV and the characters were likeable throughout.
This book had big feelings with some mild spice sprinkled in.
Thumbs up

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What a cute debut! I wasn’t sure what to expect with this book, but I enjoyed the second chance romance.

On the way to her best friend’s wedding, Piper Adams hits a snag. Her flight has been cancelled and all other flights to the Bahamas are fully booked. At the airport trying to figure out what to do, she runs in to Wyatt Brooks, her former high school sweetheart and the last person she wants to see, who is also headed to Allie’s wedding. Wyatt, however, is the key to getting to the wedding (through his friend’s plane). En route to their destination, Piper and Wyatt’s plane crashes on a deserted island. Told in two timelines, past and present, Piper and Wyatt do all they can to survive and work through all the heartbreak from their past.

This book was the ultimate forced proximity with two people who “loathe” each other stuck on an abandoned island. I really liked Wyatt’s character, but it was hard for me to connect with Piper. She felt very one-dimensional at times, but I did appreciate her character growth towards the end.

I will say, I much preferred the “then”chapters in high school to the now chapters on the island. Their slowburn romance from friends to something more was chefs kiss. The pacing was also a tad bit off in places, but the story was very much enjoyable overall. I look forward to reading more of this author’s work in the future!

Thank you to Netgalley and Avon for the ARC!

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Thank you to the Publisher and Netgalley for an opportunity to read the ARC of this book.

Crash Landing contains some of my favorite tropes:
❤️Second Chance Romance
❤️ Forced Proximity
❤️ Angst
Piper and Wyatt were friends growing up and became much more their senior year, each other's first loves ❤️ . They spent a summer together and Wyatt was off to boot camp whereas Piper was off to college and later medical school. Her mother was quite upset with her daughter daring Wyatt as she didn't see him as being good enough for her. Wyatt breaks her heart right before he leaves and Piper never forgets the heartbreak.

Nine years later Piper is off to her high school best friends carribean destination wedding when her flight was canceled. Shescrecently started dating a fellow med student that jer Mother approves of. She runs into Wyatt on her way there as he's also invited. He offers her a ride in his single engine plane and Piper sees it as her only chance to get to the wedding on time.

Their plane crashes in the ocean and they find themselves stranded on a deserted 🏝. Thankfully they find some food snd fresh water.

Wyatt and Piper are forced to dog up the past and help eachother survive. Wyatt asks for a second chance but Piper is hesitant to let go of the past hurt he caused even after knowing the real reason he broke up with her.

The story is in 3rd pov from Pipers perspective and flashes from past to present.

I enjoyed how lighthearted some scenes are but are interspersed with angst and heartache.

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Piper is the maid of honor at her best friend’s destination wedding, however, at the airport she learns her flight is cancelled and there isn’t another one until the next day. While contemplating what to do, she sees her former boyfriend, Wyatt, who broke her heart years ago. He also is the cousin of the bride and is heading to the same wedding. Wyatt has the use of a small plane belonging to a friend and offers to take her with him. She accepts his offer, only because she is absolutely desperate to get there.
As Wyatt prepares for take-off, Piper sits as far back as she can in the small plane. Although it’s very uncomfortable to be closed in with the person she never planned to ever see again, because of unexpected stormy weather, the plane crashes into the sea, and they end up stranded on a deserted island in the Caribbean.
Their unexpected adventure begins, as they are forced to work together to find food and shelter. As the days go by, and they begin to be a little friendlier to each other, Piper reflects on whether they could ever have a second chance.
Each day they encounter new challenges as well as many unexpected circumstances as they strive to just survive. This is a fascinating story, that once I got into it, was nearly impossible to put down. The characters are strong, loveable and unforgettable as they learn together how to maneuver through each new situation.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. All comments and opinions are my own.

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This book was hard to put down! I had so much fun navigating the relationship between Wyatt and Piper. If you are a fan of second chance romance with a close proximity trope, then this book is for you.
Wyatt and Piper were once the best of friends turned lovers when they were teenagers, but after a breakup they didn’t speak for eight years. Until, one of their mutual friends is getting married and they are both stuck at an airport together when their flights get canceled. Wyatt offers Piper a ride in a charter plane that he can fly, she accepts his offer after deciding she has no choice. Next thing they know, they are crashing on a deserted island.

I got this ARC from NetGalley, all opinions are my own. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to read this book.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Annie McQuaid for an ebook in exchange for an honest review!

Rating: 3/5 Stars

This was an adorable story and was fun to read. I wasn’t a huge fan of Wyatt, which is why it is a 3/5 Star. Beyond that, I did have a good time and it was easy to binge.

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This book was okay. It was very dramatic, and if it wasn’t for the spice, it would lean more YA. I think if someone is looking for a soap opera book, you’d enjoy this.

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Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for a review.

I was worried about reading a book about a couple that gets stranded on an island. This is obviously a rom com but I was worried about what dangers were gonna be on this deserted island. Don't worry...this is such a fun read, and even when there are dangers I really loved Piper and Wyatt's relationship as they tried to survive on the island.
Any story about people stranded on an island feel as realistic as a story of people trapped in space but I loved the way the author used this device to force Piper and Wyatt to reconcile their drama. I wished we had more of the backstory in the beginning and then getting more details with the flashbacks, because when we first meet Wyatt we don't know why seeing him is so devastating other than a regular break up and that was not the vibe at all.

Piper Adams is completely, totally, one hundred percent over Wyatt, the former love of her life. At least, that’s what she tells herself. After he broke her heart, she stopped taking risks and focused instead on building a perfect—and perfectly safe—life. But bumping into Wyatt at the airport on the way to her best friend’s destination wedding wasn’t part of the plan. Neither was a canceled flight nor Wyatt’s offer of a ride on the tiny plane he’s flying to attend the same event. Desperate to make it on time, she accepts his offer, but things go from awkward to full-blown nightmare when their plane crashes in the Caribbean, stranding Piper on a deserted island with the last person she ever wanted to see again.
At first, rule-following Piper clashes with adventure-driven Wyatt, but as the days tick by, she can see the boy she once loved has grown into a man. A man who makes her laugh, knows his way around a fire, and is annoyingly hot shirtless. A man she could love again. As the chemistry still simmering between them boils over, Piper begins wishing Wyatt was more than just a survival partner. But for their love to survive a second chance, she’ll have to not only trust Wyatt again, but also learn to trust herself and find the courage to let go of her carefully curated life for the chance at something far greater—if they can survive the island long enough for rescue.

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I will devour a romance book with a survival storyline and this debut was a quick, cute, and fun read.
This one was a bit different than I've read before. Our MCs, Piper and Wyatt, ex-high school sweethearts crash land on a deserted island on their way to a mutual friend's wedding in the Bahamas.
Not only are they fighting for survival but they are fighting with each other as they go through what went wrong in their relationship and why they didn't work out all those years ago.

While I dislike going from past to present, I think it is necessary to understand the dynamic of their relationship and get an idea of the outside forces that had a hand in their ending. I just wish there was more focus on the present, were supposed to see how while they both have grown and matured their feelings for each other have remained the same but I wasn't feeling it. I would have liked to see more angst. I would have also liked to see more character growth, I felt like Piper didn't stick up for herself to her mother enough.

I recommend this book if you enjoy, second-chance, friends to lovers, forced proximity, survival romance.
Thank you NetGalley, Annie McQuaid and Avon for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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What happens when you and the guy are stranded on a deserted island after a plane crash? Find out in Crash Landing.

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So, I loved the show LOST, even though the producers fell on their tooshes when putting together the finale, but nonetheless. I’m always drawn to stories of survival and add in a dash of romance and I’m sold!

Single POV with then and now story line, Piper and Wyatt who were once high school sweethearts and then enemies, reconnect on their way to a close friend’s wedding. And then survive a heckin pane crash. Piper, who has always tried to be the perfect child to her parents realizes that they may have had more to do with her and Wyatt’s breakup than she had thought. Wyatt just thought he was doing the right thing. As they walk through memory lane AND fight to survive at the same time, they just might realize that the connection they had is still there.

In the end, this life-altering event seems to wake Piper up and makes her realize that she only gets one life…no do overs. Finding her voice and going the path she chooses is so heart warming and I love how the story ended. I highly recommend this book! Mark your calendars!

Thank you NetGalley and HarperCollins!

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This was a cute, fun debut novel.

What would happen if you were going to go to your best friend's wedding and got stranded on a remote island after a plane crash with your ex? Um. Hello, that is like Lost, but with a spin of Bachelor in Paradise.

Piper and Wyatt have so much history, and they grew up so much throughout the book.

I think some areas deserved more time, and some parts I think were a little predictable, but who doesn't love a HEA?

Piper's mom was a character I was not a fan of, and I really wish there was more resolution between all the characters and her. Lot of build up for nothing to really happen in a way.

Thank you NetGalley and Avon and Harper Voyager for my ARC.

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