Member Reviews

I was not familiar with Laci Mosley before this book. After finding her so entertaining and funny I definitely want to check out some of her projects.

Laci gives accounts of her life from the perspective of when she has been scammed. Mixing in a famous true scam account fom history on most of the topics as well. She has a great sense of humor, can laugh at herself but also learn, be inspiring and optimistic in the way she narrates these tales.

Thank you to NetGalley and Hachette Audio for an advanced audiobook for review.

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I'll admit I did not know who Laci Mosley was before reading but now I'm a fan! I did think the book was going to be a true crime book about a scammer. But having read it now I understand why she called it that.

Laci has such a fun voice and way of sharing stories about her life. Several moments in the book had me chuckle or smile. I will definitely check her out to watch some of her work. And I plan on listening to her podcast!

Thank you to NetGalley, Laci Mosley, and Hachette Audio for the opportunity to listen to Scam Goddess. I have written this review voluntarily.

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So I was extremely stupid and assumed that this is an extension of the podcast, without thinking why it needed an extension. But once I realized this isn’t that- I had loads of fun reading this book from a very familiar voice. I mean you can’t go wrong with a memoir narrated by the author themselves, especially when they already are an expert at their craft, can you? Overall, a fun read and recommended to people who enjoy the podcast!

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I've listened to a few episodes of this podcast, and this audiobooks is a delightful companion. It leans a little too much into self-help/advice for my liking, but I really enjoyed the way the author wove together stories from her life with stories of scams. She's a fantastic narrator, obviously, and she does a good job of exploring the nuances within scammers and scamming. It's a fun, short read that doesn't overstay its welcome and encourages me to revisit the podcast.

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I have not listened to Laci Mosley's podcast. I am pretty sure she's guest starred on a different podcast I listen to, but regardless, I came to this book because of the title. I was expecting a memoir of *her* cons... that is not the case. She talks about con-adjacent lessons she's learned, but otherwise this is just a typical memoir of a C-list celebrity who is funny. If you like her podcast, you'll enjoy it. It's particularly good in audio format. However, I didn't really care about the author, and the book didn't really make me care much about her. So my rec is read this if you're a listener of her podcast, and don't if you're not.

Thank you to Hachette Audio and NetGalley for an audio ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Scam Goddess: Lessons from a Life of Cons, Grifts, and Schemes
Lacy Mosley
Self-help, Humor, Essay, Memoir
Lacy Mosley is the host of Scam Goddess, a podcast in which she educates listeners concerning frauds, cons, and schemes. When I use the word educate you may misunderstand. She educates by sharing in a hilarious manner. There is no way to listen to her and not laugh. She takes readers back to her childhood and shares stories concerning trying to get a Hispanic nanny to take her home. She tells how she would talk her mother into getting her what she wanted. The story concerning her church, and the paster was so funny and yet rather pathetic when you consider a pastor who scammed his congregation. She attended bartender school where everything was fake, a fake bar, plastic glasses, bottles filled with colored water. She had head shots done three times: the first time they made her look like the lovely Michelle Obama which wasn’t good since Laci is much younger. In her opinion a white person doesn’t know how to bring out the beauty of a black person. She is really a soft-hearted person. While she was out of town working, her “best friend” roommate moved her brother and mother in. Now it would be one thing if they co-owned the house but quite different since Laci was the only one making payments. After calling the law the roommate, mother and brother quickly left never to be seen again.
Laci speaks from her heart. Deep down inside the funny story you can the struggle she faced and conquered. She does an amazing job presenting Scam Goddess!
Thank you NetGAlley for the review copy.

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Laci Mosley is a born en 👏🏻 ter 👏🏻 tain 👏🏻 er 👏🏻 and a bitch was entertained. I always love when an author narrates their own book and Laci knocked it out of the park 💅🏻

I’m familiar with Laci’s podcast (same name, Scam Goddess, check it out!) and I guess I benefited from this familiarity because it seems the folks who didn’t know about the pod were caught off guard by what this book would be about. I guess didn’t really know either but I liked how Laci would tell us a con and then that con led us into the next scam Laci would talk about with her own life experience.

This was like listening to a 6 hour Scam Goddess episode and I was here for it. Not to get too personal but it was a tough day for me and Laci genuinely had me lol’ing at certain points. That’s talent! I don’t laugh for just anyone 😌

I’m sure the book is also great but if you have the chance to listen to the audiobook version, do it.

That’s all for now, con-gregation! 😉

Thanks to NetGalley, Laci Mosley, and Hachette Audio for this audioARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Life is a Scam, Adulthood is a Scam, Everything is a Scam!! I have been a huge fan of Laci Mosley's Scam Goddess podcast and now her first book. Scam Goddess is a witty and sharp collection of essays that dives into the world of scams, frauds, and cons with unbridled humor and insight. Based on her personal experiences and the world around her, especially Hollywood, Mosley magnificently explores how the scamming mindset and situations has influenced her life. Through her unique lens, Mosley reveals that we’re all participants in a cruel game that has been rigged against us, but with the right attitude and scam up your sleeve, one can definitely flip the script to your advantage. This was a hilarious and Both entertaining read and at times thought-provoking. Mosley provides a very helpful list of ‘scam’ tips at the end. Scam Goddess is a celebration of resilience, survival, and the art of the hustle. Let the church say Amen!!

Thank you to #NetGalley, the author Laci Mosley and Hachette Audio | Running Press Adult for a digital copy of the memoir #ScamGoddess in exchange for my honest opinion. Scam Goddess will be out September 10, 2024, so be on the lookout!!

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Scam Goddess by Lacey Mosley is part memoir, part exploration of the way scams appear in our everyday life, part other scamming stories. if you like her podcast, you will definitely enjoy this book. The voice is so strong and very clearly her. It feels like she’s talking to you, not reading you a story. I really enjoyed the memoir aspects of this book. As a listener of her podcast, I had picked up some of these bits and pieces about her throughout the years, but having it all laid out, especially in this format, made it super compelling.

The format of the book is broken up into its different themes. The book works its way through her life by exploring different categories of scams. For example, the scam of religion or family scams or acting industry scams. She uses framework to both tell stories about her life, and also stories of other scammers in this area. I think my favorite story she included was when she was cast in this super sketchy movie and all the drama that surrounded that. Mosley manages to find the balance between incredibly lighthearted, but also covering more difficult topics with the seriousness that they require.

The audiobook was a super fast listen. The whole thing was under six hours, so I absolutely just flew through it. I highly recommend picking this one up, especially the audiobook version.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for a honest review.

OMG I love the Scam Goddess podcast! This book was just as good. I loved not only hearing about scams, but hearing about Laci's journey through Hollywood and how she encountered different scams as well. You get the same energy as the podcast as she's reading her book and I really enjoyed that as well. It felt like listening to an episode of the podcast. Great audiobook!

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As a member of the con-gregation (a regular listener of Laci Mosley's podcast), I was naturally excited for the book! But I was also a bit skeptical; what new information could I, an invested para-social girly, get from the podcast companion book? Let me tell you, I was wrong for that skepticism. Mosely seamlessly weaves together memoir, true-con investigation, and, surprisingly, motivational advice that is way better than Girl, Wash your Face (will I ever get over the scam that is Rachel Hollis? Probably not).

The memoir sections are often funny, occasionally devastating, and always honest. Mosley is as open about her struggles as she is with her triumphs and the scams that brought her to both. Pairing these with another scammer story - and her commentary - works remarkably well, sorting thematically what might otherwise be a good, but expected, comedian memoir. Even the "self-help" sections, which are typically groaners for me, felt so earnest, in a way that acknowledges reality, I embraced them instead of being put off.

While I worried that listening to the audiobook might feel like an extended podcast episode, those fears were also misplaced. Mosley's narration is a fun listen, incredibly charming, and ample proof of her actor credentials. Less like listening to a podcast and more like being a guest on the episode.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the Audio ARC.

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If Laci Mosely has one trillion fans, I am one of them. Laci Mosley has one fan, it is me. If Laci Mosely has zero fans I must have passed away. So you could say I already knew this would be a five star book. Scam Goddess is an extension of her podcast by the same name—so it’s hilarious, on brand, and so much fun. It’s part memoir, part “how-to” guide, part “self-help” book. Her vulnerability is truly a gift to us all, and it was truly a pleasure to spend a few hours listening to her narrate these essays.

Thank you to the publisher for a copy of this audio ARC via NetGalley! All opinions are my own.

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Well, this was just too much fun.

Thanks, netgalley and hachette for this audio ARC, and thanks, laci for narrating your book- you are perfect and i love you.

A scam goddess for good (for real though) intersperse stories of famous scammers with her own hilarious hijinx, including going missing as a grade schooler and ending up trapped on a creepy millionaire's island while filming the most sus indie comedy/horror movie.

Full disclosure- i already knew i was going to love this book because i love the podcast, but this was something else entirely. I just loved it, and laci reading it was the best thing ever- you could tell when she particularly liked something she wrote because you could hear her crack a little laugh while she was narrating and i just love that so much. She brought so much joy and heart to the book and it felt like a friend telling you a story. Ideal.

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Laci Mosley is so freaking funny! Scam Goddess is a podcast Mosley hosts about frauds and cons utilizing her own childhood to use as a backdrop when discussing the mentality of scammers and fraudsters.

I am 100 percent positive that this book is amazing but I think that the full experience with Mosley reading might be better! Her voice is perfectly teasing yet clear and decisive when discussing past experiences in rural Texas and Hollywood.
The premise is best summed up by the statements below, but come and listen for the jokes, the comedic moments and the lyrical voice!

“You see,” she says, (quite matter of factly) “everyone’s a scammer and everything’s a scam. Some people are better at it than others, but we all do it. The system wasn’t built for people like me. Scamming saved me and has taught me how to navigate a messy and unfair world while looking out for myself, too.”

#hachette #scamgoddess #lacimosley

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Without expecting it, this was probably the best self help book I’ve read with actually hopeful and helpful advice. Maybe the best scam was the scams we made along the way. And in this book we get all the scams from Scam Goddess, Laci Mosley. Body scams! Confidence scams! Family Scams! Romance Scams! Both directly from her life and from the public realm.

I have really enjoyed Scam Goddess the podcast, but did not expect to find myself relating so hard to Laci's people pleasing tendencies at the outset of the book, a theme that repeats itself throughout. She talks about her days as an over-achieving student and how she feels that in order for people to like you, you need to have something to offer them. I had never thought about it that way and that really stuck with me, and is also part of how someone find themselves more likely to get scammed.

While I think it would be incredibly easy to become cynical in the face of scams, Laci advocates for the exact opposite. Empahsizing throughout that while "This book is about how to spot scams, but it's not about becoming cynical to the world, it's not about turning away from an opportunity to pay it forward...Everything is a scam, but not everyone is a scammer. Be vigilant, but don't close yourself off from the world and the people in it."

I had the distinct pleasure of listening to this as an audiobook and obviously Laci is an amazing narrator of her own book. I love her as a podcast host and she does not disappoint in reading her own memoir either.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and to Hachette Audio for the advanced copy of the audiobook.

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DNF at 64%, I couldn't keep listening to her after the chapter about ozempic. I get it, you're on TV. I get it, you have money now. I get it, you're in Hollywood. What I couldn't stick around for? Implying that since <i>she's</i> in Hollywood she just <i>has</i> to keep striving to meet the ridic beauty standards. But for us peasants (lol OK I'm being a lil dramatic, but she really bothered me w this) we should just say screw em and live our lives in whatever way makes us happy. But <i>she</i> can't do that. Bc <i>she's </i> in Hollywood. Did you know she also has money now? And is on TV?

Okay I'm done being petty (nobody come for me plz). I was already really disappointed before the ozempic chapter, because I was expected way more scam, way less advice.

I didn't know Laci from TV or podcasts, so maybe I'd feel differently if my expectations were at least kinda close to what I got. Dare I go as far to say as this may be mismarketed? Probably not, since I didn't finish it. But if I <i>were</i> to go that far, I'd say this is more a memior in essays than a collection of essays about scams. Also maybe I'm just silly and didn't realize "life lessons" meant very memior-y? But the word SCAM is what popped out to me first soooo

{Thank you bunches to NetGalley, Laci Mosley and publisher for the Audiobook ARC in exchange for my honest (a key word, that one) review!}

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I’ve loved Laci since Florida Girls! I’m so happy I got an ARC of this. This was perfect and totally on brand for Laci.

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I absolutely loved this! It was like catching up with an old friend, and a super funny one at that. I loved the tips and her backstory. I highly recommend. Thanks NetGallery!

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