Member Reviews

3.5 rounded up

This was a funny modern Jewish Pride & Prejudice retelling filled with messy family drama, lots of laughs, a disaster main character, misunderstandings and a swoony Darcy esque male lead. I enjoyed this but not quite as much as I was hoping to. Perhaps listening as an audiobook impacted a bit of my enjoyment since I didn't love the narrator. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital and audio copy in exchange for my honest review. Recommended for fans of Bridget Jones' Diary and Jane Austen retellings. Overall a solid debut and I look forward to reading more by this new author!

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Thank you Net Galley and Hachette Audio for the advanced reader copy. The narration was great, The actor did a great job. The storyline was not for me.

The main character, Rachel, was a pretty horrible person who acted like she was out to save the world, except she had no morals and was incredibly annoying. Most of the characters in this book were awful, except Rachel’s love interest, whom she hated, for absolutely no reason. She would be enraged at this great guy who was kind, generous and saved her family member’s life, Though her best friend that betrayed her, she forgave instantly without even blinking an eye, I am all for forgiveness, but why did she hate the kind millionaire? Because he was rich and donated tons of money to great causes and repeatedly bailed her and her family out of messes? (Which made me disappointed in his character.) Her family members were even more annoying than Rachel. I don’t mind a flawed character that grows and develops and learns from her mistakes, but Rachel did not seem to change and it was very unrealistic that this wonderful guy would fall instantly in love with such an awful person. I wanted to scream at him, “run!”

I felt like this is another author wanting to press immoral lifestyles onto readers. To make it seem like it is acceptable to cheat on your husband and betray your friends is really disappointing. So many young authors are trying to normalize and romanticize bad behaviors and I am getting pretty tired of it.

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This was a fun, slightly unhinged and silly telling of Rachel's life, her group chat and her dating life as she turns 30.

I didn't find Rachel as insufferable as I probably should have, and I think the secondary characters all had a hand in lessening the blow of her chaos and inner monologue.

The audiobook narration was really well done. The narrator created a perfect representation of Rachel and her bright, exuberant energy.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Audible Audio for the advanced audiobook.

I liked the premise here, as a contemporary retelling of Pride and Prejudice (it was fun to catch the moments that mirrored the original novel). That said, this book felt like it was leaning too far into the humor, which made the characters feel less three dimensional and the plot feel thinner than it could have.

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I caught on that this was a Pride and Prejudice retelling pretty quickly, and if you know me, it’s that I think Pride and Prejudice is extremely overrated (Emma is by far the superior choice). With that said, it was fun and silly and sweet…but with a verrrrryyyy immature and obnoxious FMC. I couldn’t connect to her at all and I hate the insta-love with almost no interaction that all P&P retellings have, but blame P&P for that one. The Jewish mom was hilarious and unhinged and I loved the sisterhood of the friend group. I was just missing that connection to the main character

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Fun, flirty, and laugh out loud funny, Rachel Weiss's Group Chat gives off Bridget Jones/Pride and Prejudice vibes and it is adorable! I really enjoyed listening to this story! The characters are charming, the story line was sweet, and it deals with such topics as opening yourself up to love in unexpected places and finding your true self.

The real gem of this story is the narrator. I listen to a lot of audio books, but it's rare to find someone who actually "acts out" the characters and their quirks. This definitely made the story a lot more fun for me!

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Unfortunately, this book was a miss for me. I got excited for the Jewish representation but found the FMC to be so unlikable and self involved, that my excitement wavered quickly. I could see how this book may be more relatable to a young single person in their 30s, however it was not a good fit for me.

Thank you to NetGalley for this advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

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I'm afraid it's a for me. I couldn't even finish it, tbh. It's just... bad. The internal dialogue (and external too, for that matter) was way too cringe, characters trying too hard to be funny when they're really not. I tried reading some reviews in the hope that they'd give me a push to keep going but I've seen several people mention that the protagonist mocks sexual assault, and that was the final nail in the coffin. It is mind-boggling and extremely frustrating.

The narrator did a good job, though.

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🎧🎧 Book Review 🎧🎧 Here’s the thing, I’m pushing 40 with teens and tweens and I’m not even a cool
Mom, I’m a totally boring, not cool mom. But a decade and a half ago, I feel like I would have been living in Rachel Weiss’s group chat (perhaps not as funny as she is) and this book was beautifully and hilariously nostalgic. Those single days were no joke and I remember laughing at the absurdity of it all at the time. Alas, those days have passed and the friendships have faded with time but the lessons have lasted and I would not have traded those days for anything because they were monumental. Lauren Applebaum writes a comically relatable single ladies’ anthem that will reach the ears…and hearts of women of all ages that connects us all to such a pivotal point in our life- whether we are heading toward it or looking in our rearview mirror.

Review is on Goodreads and will be on instagram closer to publication date and on Amazon when published!

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

What a good book! I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. This is a first by this author but will not be my last! I listened to this in one sitting because I just couldn’t put it down.

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Rachel Weiss’s Group Chat is a story of finding yourself suddenly in your thirties, questioning if this was where life was meant to take you.

I drawn in by the bright cover as snappy title. Whilst I found some of Rachel’s choices bordering on hateful/cringe, I appreciated her character arc and overall growth. The Pride and Prejudice references were fun, and Rachel felt like a bit of a homage to Bridget Jones. The romance took second seat to Rachel’s personal journey, but I did enjoy the character of the main love interest.

The audio production was excellent, and I think the narrator did a wonderful job of softening Rachel’s character and portraying her true extroversion. They perfectly captured the friendship dynamics, and the slight sneer of Rachel’s mother.

Thank you Hachette Audio and NetGalley for this audiobook. Opinions expressed are my own.

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Overall I really enjoyed this book! I laughed a lot and really into reading books with 30-somethings who are trying to figure out their life. I'm not a Pride and Prejudice person, so I can't speak to that, but I loved the pacing of it all. Wow yeah I just so enjoyed this and how much I laughed at it!

Thank you NetGalley and Forever for sending this book for review consideration.

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I was not a fan of Rachel. She came across as egotistical and self obsessed. Most of the group chat with her friends was about her. When there would be radio silence it was unusually one of her friends having a hard time and not wanting to discuss with the group. Only when she was made aware of the issue did she want to help and felt guilt about not being supportive. When she meets Christopher she immediately dislikes that he’s a cocky millionaire and tech bro. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Not only has he purchased a mansion for his parents. When he declares his love for her she throws it in his face that he’s doing nothing with his wealth. He not only anonymously creates a scholarship fund for her spoiled sisters he creates a nonprofit and helps clean up a disaster that has made her sister get demoted. Not the book for me. Thank you NetGalley and Hachette audio for this free advanced copy. I am leaving this review voluntarily

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Rachel is fine still being unmarried, but her mother sure isn't and she desperately tries to set Rachel up with the son of her new neighbors, Christopher, who Rachel doesn't really like.

This started out very strong, but it kinda went downhill the more it went on. It was fun and entertaining at times, but the main character was insufferable and hard to like most of the times. She does gets at least more self aware as the story progresses, which was appreciated, but still. Overall, I guess it felt like it was a bit all over the place.

I listened to the audio for this, and the narrator did a great job keeping me entertained all throughout, it truly did a lot to get me through the book.

Many thanks to Hachette Audio & NetGalley for the eARC. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you Netgalley and hachette audio for the free ALC. I sometimes wonder what the point of certain books are? What's the message or what does the author want us to take away. Not sure what this books message was seemed like nothing really kept it together. Another book duped into reading based on cover.


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Thank you to the publishing team and to Hachette audio for review copies. This will be a short review, I just could not tolerate the main character at all. I was all in years ago for the messy chaos of Bridget Jones, I adore all things Pride and Prejudice and the vibes... but Rachel was not quirky chaotic somehow endearingly fun... she was obnoxious and her early behaviors in the book, including mocking someone for assault, were not fun to read and she was not someone I could root far.
I will credit the voice acting though as I felt the narration truly captured the spirit and tone of the book.

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This was such a good listen. If you are looking for your next great read, pick up Rachel Weiss’s Group Chat! You’ll love it!

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Overall this book was just okay with me. It is an easily forgettable book. I didn’t connect well to the characters. I struggled with the main character’s personality. I feel like the storyline was well written though.

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Thanks NetGalley for the ARC of this audiobook. I thought this book would be amazing. I’m the same age of Rachel and thought this would be relatable. I was so wrong, This book had the most immature characters, super obvious main characters and really unreliable storyline. The only thing that I related to was the location of the book.

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Special thanks to NetGalley and Hachette Audio for the ALC of Rachel Weiss's Group Chat.
The narrator, Dara Rosenberg, did an exceptional job!

Expected publication is September 24, 2024

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