Member Reviews

The supernatural mystery aspect of the book didn't fully resonate with me. While I can appreciate the creativity behind the premise, I found that the supernatural elements sometimes overshadowed the characters and their development. The mystery itself was intriguing, but I felt that the supernatural twists made it harder for me to connect with the story on a deeper level.

Overall, I would rate Dearest three stars. It's a well-written book, but wasn't quite to my taste. Fans of the genre may find it more appealing, but for me, it was a mixed experience.

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Dearest written by and narrated by Jacquie Walters was a lot and not really my cup of tea. However, Jacquie Walters does a good job narrating.

I 100% thought the story was going a different way than it did. I was definitely surprised by it, but not in a good way. I really did not enjoy the ending and was pushing through at the end just to finish.

Thank you to NetGalley and Hachette Audio for advance listen in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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by Jacquie Walters

Thank you so much Mulholland Booksamd Hachette Audio for the gifted copy and audiobook!


A new mom in need of help opens her door to her long-estranged mother—only to invite something much darker inside—in this "fast-paced and frightening debut" (Rachel Harrison) about the long shadows cast by family secrets, perfect for readers of Grady Hendrix or Ashley Audrain.

🍼 My thoughts:

I don’t think any review I write can do this book justice but I will try. I stayed up really late trying to finish this and woke up really early so that I did. If I wasn’t reading it, I was listening to it!! The painstakingly accurate depiction of a new mother shook me to my core. The accuracy is undeniable. I am well aware that everyone experiences things differently or are similar but tweaked but my goodness… it is hard to explain what new mother experience is like because you can never explain the exhaustion, the phantom cries, the brain fog, you literally feel like you are going insane. Well that was my experience anyway. Didn’t I turn that toy off? What is that smell? I just need a quick shower to wash the important parts… is the baby crying?! I just stepped in the shower. I swore I turned that toy off. Engorged breasts, constant leaking, and sleeping when the baby sleeps is non existent (literally one of the worst things you can say to a new mom, just don’t say it).

But in this story… let’s just add a husband who can’t help because he’s deployed, an imaginary friend, a complicated mother relationship, oh and we can’t forget… The Night Hag. So if the above didn’t terrify you enough… these things will. I don’t want to spoil anything and I won’t but the paranormal aspects of this plus the resonating mom stuff worked so well for me that this might actually be a favorite book of the year. I NEVER write long reviews but look at this thing. Not to mention I am writing a review immediately after I close the book?! Who am I?? It was a fever dream of a book and in the best way possible. I really thought I knew how it was going to end but I was wrong and I am so happy I was wrong. Like I said, my review will not do this book justice but geezus it was GOOD. I’ll let you know when I stop thinking about it because I am pretty sure it’s going to live rent free in my mind for a long time. I swear if this is the authors debut… I can’t even imagine what this author’s career is going to look like wait… yes I can. I’m imagining a very very successful writing career. The first book I finished in September was an absolute banger… this month’s TBR has big shoes to fill. We are officially in the ‘ber months, friends and Dearest should be at the very top of your TBR this spooky season…. it’s out September 17th!!

infinite stars… 10/10 recommend both the audiobook and physical book… just read it.

Happy reading 📖 🍼

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I loved this book! I think motherhood is a topic not discuss enough and horror does a great job of showcasing the dark reality that plagues many women postpartum.

My first book by the author and I'd definitely read more! The narrator is also the author and that's really cool! I'm sure she was able to add just the right tone.

Definitely recommend reading Dearest! I was also reading Madwoman by Chelsea Bieker at the same time and both novels have some similar themes so check that one out as well.

Thank you to NetGalley, Jacquie Walters, Hachette Audio and Mulholland Books for the opportunity. I have written this review voluntarily.

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Flora is trudging the road of new motherhood. Her husband is deployed, she is alone and starting to feel desperate.

She and her mother have a complicated relationship, but she needs help, and it’s her only option.

Thus begins Flora’s decent into madness.

For fans of Ashley Audrain and Freida McFadden, hold on tight this is a creepy one.

Pub date: September 17, 2024

Thank you NetGalley for this audio ARC for my honest review.

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If you’re looking for a hauntingly disturbing story, you’ve come to the right place! My mind was feeling the whole time! Parents can identify with Flora and her struggles to know if she’s sane while in the throes of new parenthood, but when she begins hearing voices and seeing her childhood imaginary friend things get out of hand. The narrator did a great job though I would have appreciated some more intensity.

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This audiobook was something else! What a wild ride!

Flora's husband is deployed, and shes struggling with what her family is calling the baby blues. Her mother comes to help, and everything begins to spiral. The end of Part 2 had my jaw on the floor. I was addicted to this book after that shocking revelation. The twists gradually became more shocking.

As someone who has had bad idea while my husband was overseas, I had no village, and my postpartum depression was tough. This book really hit home, and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

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I loved the first 90% of this book! It pulls you in and keeps you guessing. I did not like the paranormal factors in the last 10% of the book. To me, it was disappointing because I was looking for something more real.

Overall, it was a great story.

I received a copy of this book courtesy of NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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✌🏼Two for Friday ✌🏼
I’m hopelessly behind on book reviews as usual so today I will be doing mini reviews for two books!
Dearest is out about a new mom who is struggling raising her newborn on her own. When her mother arrives things start to go crazy and she wonders if her mothers is trying to take her baby. This was a 5 star for me and it out in September. I killed this in a day, and I loved wondering if Flora was losing it or if there were darker forces at play. This one is such a blast and I can’t recommend it enough!
Serial Killers Guide to San Francisco was a 3 star read for me. The premise was awesome it followed the grand daughter of a serial killer who claims he’s innocent. She decides to look into the case to earn money for her daughter’s school. Then her ex mother in law dies in a similar way to her grandfathers murder MO and she tries to solve it. It felt like 2 books in one and I wish it stuck with the first premise. I didn’t care much for the mother in laws murder case and thought it was ridiculous how she “solved” who was actually the serial killer in under a minute of looking. This one has potential but fell short ultimately.
QOTD- what are the last two books you read ?!

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4.5 stars rounded up.

I honestly had no idea this was a horror type book until nearly the end. By that time, it was too late to alter course, lol. However, I’m glad I didn’t because I thoroughly enjoyed this twisted, psychologically gripping book about a new mom, her dead mother and her imaginary friend.

This book literally made me uncomfortable, that’s how carefully woven the story was. It built layer upon layer until I was full of anxiety! By then, Flora had devised a plan to get herself out of the horror that had unfolded.

Excellent, and at times, funny, audio!

Advance reader copy provided by Hachette Audio and NetGalley but all opinions are my own.

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My favorite type of horror is the one built off the every day life. What happens when the happiest time of your life isn't what you thought it would be?
Dearest takes postpartum to a whole other level and I was sitting straight up, jaw open the entire time. It felt claustrophobic, desperate, and manic at times.
I had to pause this multiple times because I was listening while eating and just couldn't do it. and that NEVER happens.
This was fast paced, the drama was thick, the storyline so insane, and the imagery had me so queasy.
Horror at it's finest and truly a fan of her work. I can not wait to pick up a physical copy and continue reading Jacquie's work.

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Dearest deals with some complicated themes, predominantly postpartum depression, grief, and grief born guilt, in a symbolic way. Whether or not it does this well is subjective, of course. I felt it was creative, but I wasn’t wholly in love with the device the author employed.

That being said, let me assure you that this isn’t a story you will easily predict the outcome to. It takes incredibly surprising turns, even leading to an audible gasp inducing moment for me. I was nervous that the author was using one of my least favorite literary tactics at that point. To my relief, I was mistaken. And the story continued to shock me as it continued.

I felt, however, a bit uncomfortable with the deeper examination of the more specific postpartum psychosis. I truly believe that the author was aiming for a sensitive portrayal, making an effort to show that a woman is not solely the product of this debilitating state. I liked the objective, but didn’t feel at ease with all of the details.

If I could have separated myself from this more analytical perspective, I would have simply raved about how creepy and engaging Dearest was. Those things are still true. But I cannot force myself to disconnect from the implications. It’s been challenging to even formulate this review, as I feel my own thoughts are as complicated as the themes addressed, but I cannot divulge too much without ruining the story for you.

I am immensely grateful to Hachette Audio and NetGalley for my copy. All opinions are my own.

Dearest will be out on September 17, 2024.

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4.5 rounded up - DEBUT horror novel that I think is about to be huge on booktok. Thank you Netgalley for the ARC.

With paranoia, creepiness, and drama riddled throughout, this book is so wild and endlessly entertaining.

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This one was CREEPY and I loved every second of the audiobook. Hachette Audio knocked this one out of the park and shoutout to Walters (who narrated as well) for giving me nightmares with this one.

On the surface, Dearest is about motherhood but it dives into so much more. This one explores the secrets we tell (to others and ourselves) and how they can cause a ripple effect. I felt for Flora as she navigated new motherhood on her own, finally reaching out her estranged mother in desperation.

Unfortunately for Flora, things only got worse when her mother showed up. The downward spiral in this one is STRESSFUL and I highly recommend! Check this one out if you like horror, family drama, babies, and suspense!

**Thank you to NetGalley and Hachette Audio for the ALC of this eerie title!!**

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4.5 ⭐️ You know what I love about rules? Breaking them! I don’t like reading horror or supernatural and I don’t wanna read about infected nipples - and yet this was a ride!

New mom Flora isn’t coping with her newborn. With her husband deployed, she asks her estranged mother for help

This supernatural domestic horror is a big step out of my comfort zone and I don’t know what’s more freaky - the bugs, the haunting or the constant focus on Flora’s infected nipples

The audiobook, narrated by the author, definitely added to my enjoyment. What a talent! The activity cube scene is hilarious - I really recommend a listen

I enjoyed the fast pace of the story. Once I accepted there was going to be a lot of nipple talk, hauntings etc, I went with it. Having never had kids, this was the perfect balance of keeping it real and entertaining enough for non breastfeeding, exhausted mothers

I’d love to hear from mothers that have read this because imo it’s a fantastic metaphor for those first weeks with a newborn

Massive congrats to debut author Jacquie Walters for this spooky, page turning read

Thanks to Netgalley and Hachette Audio for access to this audiobook ARC in exchange for my honest review

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Flora is a new mother trying to balance it all by herself as her husband is currently deployed and she doesn't have many people to rely on for help. Having reached a breaking point, Flora reaches out to her estranged mother for help. But as things don't seem to get better in any way, she soon starts to wonder whether she can trust her, or her own mind for that matter.

This was such a great debut novel, with very interesting, well-developed characters and a chilling, captivating plot that made it difficult to ever put the book down. The writing is great, and the pacing was just perfect. It took some twists and turns that I would have never anticipated, but it all wrapped up perfectly and I truly enjoyed it a lot; every reveal came just at the perfect time, and it all worked perfectly to keep you hooked just enough to want to keep going and see where it all would go. It did feel a bit rushed towards the end, but it still made sense in its own twisted way, and I still really enjoyed it. I still can't wrap my head around it being a debut novel, and I will surely keep an eye out for this author's future work.

I listened to the audiobook, and I absolutely adored it. The narrator — who is the writer herself — did such a great job with it; each character felt very easily distinguishable and she did an incredible job showcasing every different emotion. I truly loved it, and I would definitely recommend the audio version.

Many thanks to Hachette Audio & NetGalley for the ALC. All opinions are my own.

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Flora has welcomed a baby girl into her family, and she’s settling into parenthood. There’s just one problem; her husband is still deployed, and she’s struggling to keep sane figuring things out by herself. Things look hopeful when Flora reaches out to her estranged mother, and her mother shows up on her doorstep, ready to help out. However, Flora’s mom seems to want to replace her, and things get quickly strange and terrifying.

I have a mental list of books that start off in a relatively normal way, and descend into “WTF” territory. To clarify, it is a positive list, and I’d be happy to share it. No spoilers, but Dearest has joined these esteemed ranks. And the last line made me scream!

I’m sure parents, especially mothers, who struggled to keep it together in the weeks after giving birth will deeply relate to Flora. There are some truly moving sections about breastfeeding, and the relentless pressure to do things “the right way”.

It turns out not only is Jacquie Walters an accomplished author, she is also a very talented actor, and gives a phenomenal performance of this audiobook. I love when authors narrate their own work, but this is next-level brilliant.

A really strong work about the horrors of parenting, family, and womanhood.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Jacquie Walters & Hachette Audio for the audio galley of Dearest in exchange for an honest review.

Books by Mulholland are usually big hits with me, so as soon as I saw this eerie cover & read the synopsis, I knew I needed to give it a go.

This was one of those stories that makes you say "What the F@$K did I just read?" Don't get me wrong, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

This was a bit different than what I had anticipated by the synopsis. It was soooooo weird. Flora's mother breastfeeding Flora's baby was creepy AF & I could feel every bit of Flora's rage during that scene. I did get a little confused toward the end regarding whether everything Flora experienced with her mother was real or all in her head, but I think that was the author's intention - to make the reader go "Wait - WHAT?!?"

This story was definitely 100% original, which automatically gives it a bump up from me. As for my final feelings? I'm still not really sure. I didn't dislike it, but I also don't really know exactly where I stand on how much I did like it. It was an odd one that I still haven't wrapped my head around, which likely means the author accomplished what she was going for.

I am rating it at 4-Stars because I don't think it deserves less than that, but based on my still unresolved feelings, I can't rate it any higher.

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This book was the BEST form of birth control ever! 🫠 The first half of the book has basically scarred me for life by going into extreme detail of all the things I never cared to learn, the body horror of what can go wrong with your body as a new mother. 🤢 It does have my favorite kind of FMC, unhinged. If the last 40% of the book hadn’t been an improvement I would have given a less than 3 star rating. Warning - this book definitely has a very specific target audience. Now excuse me while I go pour bleach in my ears to try and forget the first half of that awful story 🤪.

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Jeepers Creepers, this book didn't tip toe, it plowed through what-did-I-just-read territory!?! Seriously, I wasn't quite sure the entire time I was listening to the audiobook what to make of it, yet I could not stop thinking about this book when I put it down. Plus, the author narrated the audiobook and did a fabulous job! This book takes being a new mother and motherhood to a whole new level. She had me questioning if Flora is experiencing postpartum psychosis (different from postpartum depression and involves hallucinations) or some other mental health diagnosis, or was something sinister happening? One thing is certain, exhaustion can really mess with one’s mind.

Flora is a new mother whose husband is deployed. When her daughter comes early, Flora must care for her newborn while experiencing lack of sleep, breastfeeding issues, loneliness, and misses her estranged mother. Thankfully, Flora's mother shows up to help but will it be the reunion she hoped for??

Wowza! Bizarre books begin to go delve further into the mother daughter relationship; bizarre things begin occurring at an alarming pace. Is Flora in danger? Is she a danger to her daughter? Is what is happening real? Is she hallucinating? I couldn't help thinking repeatedly, this woman needs help! When her husband suddenly appears and wanted to tell him “Get her help now!" But does she need help or is something else at play????

Again, this is a strange one that I had a hard time rating. Hats off to the author for creating a unique and unsettling book which kept this reader thinking about it even after finishing the audiobook.

*This book does touch on motherhood, difficulty breastfeeding, exhaustion, family secrets, and mental health.

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