Member Reviews

What an absolutely crazy story, and it's the author's first novel? I had no idea where this book was heading. Just when I thought I had everything figured out, the author surprised me, leaving me shocked. Usually, I'm not a fan of books with a lot of motherhood talk since I've chosen to be child-free. However, the brutally honest details about early life with a newborn just added to how shocking some scenes were. (The nipples to the belly button part - yikes!) The narrator did an incredible job of conveying the main character's intense emotions throughout the story. I'll definitely recommend this book's audio version to others because it was amazing.

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Wow? I was lucky enough to be able to read/listen to Dearest. This was a thrilling story that kept me listening until the very end.

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Fabulously twisted and viscerally maternal! Wow. This was a mindf**k and I loved every single second! Being narrated by the author was the way to GO!! Such a powerfully narrated read!

This perfectly encapsulates the incompetent feelings new moms in the face of their supposed instant ability to effortlessly keep a new life… alive. This was gratifying in that aspect. Flora was so human and I loved her!

Mixing the gory elements of new motherhood with this very terrifying anomaly of activity Flora is experiencing, we get a really unique horror read that kept me rapt!

No more needs to be said about this book besides it is so freaking good and you should check it out. But, take care of yourselves because there is some seriously intense content. Check trigger warnings!

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