Member Reviews

I am one of 4 kids in my family. I know how easy it is to go our separate ways. The children have varied memories of trips with their mother. She had abandoned the family when the kids were still relatively young. But those once a year trips were memories for all 4. The youngest child has called them all together to spend a weekend together. She has secrets to share. How will the others accept the secrets? An entertaining story but a bit of a sad ending.

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What a book! I will always have a soft spot for stories that follow siblings. I love the multi-POV chapters and I'm actually surprised to find that the flashback chapters were easy to follow. I'm not typically a fan of those so well done to Jennifer E. Smith for executing it well. Being a very character driven book, you connect and feel for the characters often. You would think this book would be light hearted given the title, but the depth of drama especially within familial dynamics was the lock and key for me. As an only child I often crave that kind of love only siblings understand so this book was very touching. Overall a fantastic read and I'd definitely check out more of Smith's works. 4.5/5 stars rounded up :D Thanks again to NetGalley and Random House/Ballantine for sending over an ARC!

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A truly powerful, emotional family drama! The Endicott children, Gemma, Connor, Roddy and Jude, prove that once strong family ties can be rebuilt and relationships mended. They learned that in many cases, secrets become less terrible and frightening once shared with those who love us. Their tumultuous childhood could have resulted in four down-on-your luck adults, but had quite the opposite affect - four creative and successful adults who become even better people after healing from a family fracture.

Jennifer E. Smith shared their stories in short chapters comprised of present day and memories of key events through the eyes of each of the Endicott's. Their stories tug at the reader's heart strings and creates the feeling of hope for each of the children while showing that good relationships take a lot of dedication and hard work. It was fun to read even though it brought forth a few tears. One of the best scenes is between sisters Gemma and Jude in the bathroom with a pregnancy test - truly a tear-jerking scene that sets the tone for the remainder of their story.

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What a wry title, and it perfectly represents this author's deftness in describing a family of four grown siblings who are virtually estranged from each other, and whether/if they can find their way back. Their father was distant (a workaholic) and their mother was a flake who abandoned them, only to show up every summer to take them on a roadtrip, visiting various states. Now, Mom and Dad are both deceased, the kids are grown, and three of the four are commercial successes. However, one of the girls, Jude, has several secrets she needs to get off her chest. For the first time in three years, the siblings gather together at a nice big cabin, inexplicably in North Dakota in the dead of winter. As the secrets unfold, each of the children struggles with a relationship issue. Of course, it comes to a head...and then another head...and then another. By the time this story was finished, I was well satisfied. I can't say more without spoilers, but I really enjoyed it, and would read other books by this author.

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Because of the title I expected this story to be filled with fun and laughter. It wasn’t. But it was still a good read. Four once close siblings who grew up in a dysfunctional family haven’t spoken to each other for three years when Jude contacts the other three and requests they meet her in a remote North Dakota town for the weekend. While each carries wounds from things that happened years earlier, they all reluctantly agree. Told in multiple points of view covering past as well as current events in their lives we learn what shaped each character and what eventually tore them apart. 3.75 stars rounded to 4 because although not excessive the use of inappropriate and vulgar language detracted from the overall writing. Thanks to Penguin/Random House and Netgalley for giving me an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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5 star read alert 🙌🏼

I’m going to be honest, it takes a special kind of book to get a 5 star from me, and this did it.

The story is from 4 POV, and past/present which normally I don’t love, but this was so wonderfully executed.

A long history of family drama, pain, love, and most of all: forgiveness. 💕

Highly suggest you read this, you won’t regret it.

Thanks to @netgalley for a copy in exchange for an honest review!

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Thank you to Net Galley for the ARC of this book!

Fun for the Whole Family tells the story of 4 siblings who grew up in a dysfunctional family, with largely absent parents, yet most of them turned out extraordinary. They haven’t spoken for 3 years, and this is the story of their sudden reunion, as well as many flashes back to their childhood.

I loved the idea of this book, but the flashbacks were a bit messy to me (too much time hopping) and ultimately it was super predictable, and the ending a little too perfect for me.

I did find the character development to be strong, and the characters were overall very lovable.

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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC of this book. What a wonderful fun read! I just loved this book. The multiple POVs really kept this book moving forward and it was an easy read. The characters were well done and I rooted for each one even though they weren't very likable. If you enjoy family drama and character driven stories grab this book! Now!! Highly recommend

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This is a compelling and easy read about 4 siblings who grew up with an unconventional mother. They mostly spent time with their father but their mother would drop in each summer and take them on long road trips all over the country. I loved the descriptions of the old school family road trips, from the shotgun calling for one lucky sibling and the rest riding in back to their mother blasting The Rolling Stones on the radio as they cruised from one highway to the next. Jennifer Smith writes sharp and witty dialogue, and I found myself rooting for the siblings even though none of them were particularly likable. 3.5 stars rounded up.

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I loved this. I especially loved the different point of views of the family members just to see the dynamic of one.

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I think readers who enjoy character driven novels may like this book. The plot was too slow for me to get in to, and I was not able to finish it.

Thank you very much to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group-Ballantine for the advanced reader’s copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I had the pleasure of receiving an advance copy of Fun for the Whole Family from NetGalley, and I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to read this compelling novel ahead of its release on April 25, 2025. This book is an absolute must-read!

Told from the perspectives of multiple family members, the story dives deep into the complexities of family dynamics, packed with drama, heartache, and moments that feel incredibly real. Each character brings their unique voice, allowing readers to see the intricacies of their relationships unfold, with secrets and past wounds bubbling to the surface. The emotions are raw, and the situations these characters face feel both relatable and intense.

What I loved most about Fun for the Whole Family is how it portrays the reality of how fragile family bonds can be, yet how resilient they are in the face of heartbreak. This book is sure to resonate with readers who enjoy character-driven stories full of drama, love, and healing.

I highly recommend adding this to your reading list!

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There's nothing I love more than a little family drama! A struggling author, a gaggle of famous and famous-adjacent adult siblings, grief over a passed mother who wasn't really a great mother, and the book was beautiful. I cried with Jude at the end, and devoured this like I was the fifth Endicott. Highly recommend for a book club. so so so sooo good. Thank you, NetGalley, for an ARC!

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I loved this book. Above all, it made me start plotting out my own 50 state plan for my family. I laughed, I cried, and I had a great time reading this book. It was a quick read, had a lot of depth, and I couldn’t put it down!

Multiple POV, family dynamics, fame, a meet cute, and more. This book seriously checked all the boxes and I just know it will be made into a movie someday. It was that kind of story!

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Every so often, you come across a book that touches you to the very depths of your soul. Once that lingers far past when the words are finished and the cover is closed. Fun for the Whole Family is one of those books.

The Endicott siblings have been estranged for three years, each living their lives as separately as possible. An out of the blue text from Jude, one of the younger siblings and a movie star, brings all four Endicotts together (along with a few others) for a snowy weekend in North Dakota. Over the course of three days, Jude, Gemma (the oldest), Roddy (star soccer player and Jude’s twin), and Connor (award-winning writer and second oldest) discover what family, love, and loss really mean.

I have always loved Jennifer E. Smith’s book, but I think this one was truly her best work yet. It is not a romance, or even women’s fiction, but an examination of family. Each of the Endicott siblings (and their respective families) were so masterfully crafted that they felt real. So many tears were shed the last few chapters of this book.

Above all, I think this book does a beautiful job of examining what it means to forgive in spite of it all. I could easily see this turned into a movie (wink, wink Hollywood) and despite the emotional roller coaster l went on throughout this book, I cannot wait to read this again when it publishes in 2025.

Thank you, Jennifer, for writing such a beautiful book. I hope you all consider requesting from your library or preordering.

Thank you to Netgalley and Ballentine Books for the ARC!

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Huge thanks to NetGalley for the ARC! This book had me laughing and crying. The Endicott family felt so real, and each sibling had their own unique personality. Usually, switching between past and present confuses me, but it worked perfectly here. It was so interesting to see how different life experiences shaped each sibling. A wonderful story about family, love, and forgiveness!

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This is an absolutely wonderful story!
The secrets of the four Endicott kids are revealed slowly and shockingly throughout the past and present days.
They were once inseparable as children and then things changed as tragedy unfolded. Thus creating anger, chaos and sadness within these sibs.
Life was definitely not all love and light.

Now--- with the chance to see each other again and perhaps right the wrongs,
the question becomes, Will They meet? Will things be shared? Will love and family come back together?
It is emotional, happy, sad and definitely brought me back to my own young days.
I know anyone who opens this story will truly enjoy the Endicotts and their journey.

Thank you to @NetGalley and to @Randomhouse Ballentine for this ARC and allowing me to read and provide my own review.

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Jennifer E. Smith's The Unsinkable Greta James is one of my favorite books, so I was excited to receive an advanced digital copy of Fun for the Whole Family. I loved this book and read it in less than a day. I became so invested in the lives of the four Endicott siblings that I couldn't wait to find out what happened next. I felt like each character and their story were so relatable. If you love family dramas (or have ever been involved in one), this book is for you. I laughed and cried through the book, and I am certain that this will be one of my top reads of the year. Five stars, only because I can't give it more!!

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The first thing that grabbed me about the book was the cover as this is the first thing to make me interested in a book. I was disappointed to know the book was not “fun” as the title implies. I am also one that likes to read a book based off the cover and title as I like to be a surprised about what I am reading so I rarely read what the book is about. The storyline about 4 siblings whom have been out of touch for years and reconnect and of course I don’t want to reveal the “secrets” in the book as that would completely spoil the read for others. I will admit I was surprised the book was engaging and a good family drama read. The book is emotional and you find a few times to chuckle out loud and others where you feel sad for the characters. All and all, I was looking for a “fun” book and although this book was a lot more serious in the end it was a good read!

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*Fun for the Whole Family* is a captivating novel that explores the complexities of family bonds, secrets, and personal growth. The Endicott siblings' reunion, prompted by an unexpected text from their estranged sister, reveals deep-seated issues and hidden truths that keep readers hooked from start to finish. I couldn't put it down once I started reading, as the story beautifully blends heartwarming moments with poignant reflections on love and forgiveness.

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