Member Reviews

The Serial Killer Guide to San Francisco was a fun murder mystery read.

We follow Capri, a serial killer tour guide and the granddaughter of "Overkill Bill". Attention is brought back on "Overkill Bill" when a copycat killer strikes in San Francisco. Then attention zeros in on Capri when her ex-mother-in-law is also killed by the copycat. She investigates both the decade old murders, and current ones trying to find the truth.

This book is sort of run of the mill amateur detective stepping on police toes, but Capri's unique tie to the cases is a nice spin. I also thoroughly enjoy Capri as a main character. I do feel at times the story and investigation was slower than what I wanted. Also there were some convenient plot points and characters, such as Ryan, the crazy talented hacker who for some reason works for the tour guide group Capri owns.

The audiobook was excellently done and the narrator is one of my new favorites.

3.5 stars

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Thank you @macmillanaudio @minotaurbooks and @netgalley for the ALC and eARC!

What a fun and exciting mystery! I was hooked immediately and loved the premise of the story and the flawless execution! I was bamboozled by the crime until about 80% in and couldn’t believe I missed it - that’s what happens when the story is rich and engaging. This was a satisfying and fun mystery and I’d love to see this be a series!

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Thank you Macmillan Audio for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own. 
A perfect book to read/listen to if you're looking for a light, palate cleanser read. The story is interesting and engaging as a fun story to have on as you work, because ultimately you don't have to pay 100% focused attention. The narration is also very easy to follow and clear, though the banter feels stiff and disingenuous. A great beach read to turn your mind off.

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I loved this book. I felt like I was living in a real episode of a true crime podcast and on a tour of San Francisco at the same time. The narrator brings the character alive as you are trying to figure out if the main character grandfather was a serial killer. I loved the blend of real true crime stories, incorporation of fun tourist destinations in San Francisco, and trying to figure out the mystery at the same time. Give this audiobook a chance! You will not regret it.

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The Serial Killer's Guide to San Francisco by Michelle Chouinard presents a compelling premise—Capri Sanzio, the granddaughter of a notorious serial killer, leads tours while investigating a copycat murderer against the backdrop of San Francisco. The atmospheric setting, combined with the intertwining of past crimes and a modern mystery, offers an intriguing setup.

However, the execution doesn't fully deliver. The pacing is uneven, with some parts of the story dragging. While the plot has potential, it often feels predictable and lacks the gripping twists and surprises that could have made it a more thrilling read.

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to listen to this book.

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This book was enjoyable!
If you go into wanting a true crime podcast, this ain’t it.

The plot was well developed.
I liked hearing the little tidbits of San Francisco true crime lore sprinkled in.

The BAD:
When everything was revealed at the end, it did make sense, however, I would have liked to see some breadcrumbs sprinkled through the rest of the book that would help lead the reader to the culprit instead of us just waiting until Capri revealed it all.
Capri was really concerned about this super hot police officer. Ma’am, some has died, please simmer.

Homegirl literally said “this is an unsafe situation. I should make a very important phone call rn when I’m compromised by thick fog that anyone could use to sneak up on me. That’s fine.” Sure Jan.

Thank you Macmillan’s ALC program for the audiobook!

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The Serial Killer's Guide to San Francisco by Michelle Chouinard has an intriguing premise—Capri Sanzio, the granddaughter of a notorious serial killer, giving tours while investigating a copycat murderer in the city’s shadowy corners. The setting is atmospheric, and the concept of intertwining a personal connection to a past crime with a present-day mystery adds layers of tension and intrigue.

However, while the setup is strong, the execution fell shirt. The pacing felt uneven at times, with some parts of the story dragging, especially as Capri's investigation took off. The plot had plenty of potential, but it often felt predictable, lacking the kind of gripping twists and turns that keep you on the edge of your seat.

That being said, the audiobook narrator absolutely saved this experience. The performance was engaging and brought life to the story in a way that the writing alone didn’t quite achieve. The narrator's pacing, tone, and ability to differentiate between characters added much-needed excitement to the slower parts of the plot. If anything, the narration made me stick with the story longer than I might have otherwise.

Overall, The Serial Killer's Guide to San Francisco is an entertaining listen, but it could have benefited from more complexity and stronger character development. If you're a fan of true crime-inspired fiction, this may still be worth a try. Three stars for an interesting concept and fantastic vocal performance, but a slightly underwhelming mystery.

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🎧 Book Review 🎧 We all have our strange family skeletons from the past. My family owned a circus with pink elephants that made the cover of a magazine. Capri Sanzio’s family has actual skeletons in the family history…her grandfather is famed convicted serial killer William “Overkill Bill” Sanzio. Why run from the unsavory truth that is your grandfather’s reputation and not your own own when you can embrace it and own it? Capri runs a lucrative tour company of serial killers around the Bay Area and still holds hope that her grandfather might be innocent. When a copycat killer is loose in the city and she is strapped for cash to pay for her daughter’s college, she decides to put her journalism degree to use and finally dig deep into her grandfather’s notorious case once and for all. We are all in for one great story when Capri winds up way deeper than she could have ever dreamed in this active crime investigation, including being a prime suspect. The Serial Killer’s Guide to San Francisco is a wild ride for crime lovers to novices whose interest is just piqued by the genre. Michele Chouinard has written a wonderfully fun book that is about as twisty as Lombard Street and as delightful as Ghirardelli chocolate all rolled into one unputdownable novel that Stephanie Németh-Parker breathes life into flawlessly as an audiobook.

Review will be on instagram closer to publication!

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A fun read with a killer (pun intended) setting. I really enjoyed how the main character's job, as a tour guide specializing in serial killer tours of the bay area, was interesting and integrated into the plot without distracting from the mystery. The relationships in the story were complicated in the best way—divorced couples, money complications, strained family dynamics. I can see this being the setup for a great new series.

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This was a pretty fun mystery.
Our main character Capri is the granddaughter of a serial killer who lived in San Francisco. He maintained his innocence until he died. After being divorced for 10 years, Capri's ex-husband's extremely rich mother Sylvia cuts off her daughter Morgan's school tuition money because they need to learn to "stand on their own 2 feet." The next morning, Sylvia is found dead, murdered in the same way Capri's grandfather "Overkill Bill" murdered. Capri inserts herself into the investigation trying to find who killed Sylvia as well as researching Overkill Bill for a podcast and book she wants to write to raise money for Morgan's tuition.
The characters in this book were well thought out. I felt like everyone had a part to play that was important. Capri was very headstrong. She really wanted to find out who killed Sylvia even if they didn't get along great while she was alive. She also was determined to prove if her grandfather was guilty or innocent. And of course she wanted to help provide for Morgan even though I think she was 24. The policeman who investigates is the typical guy who is exasperated by Capri trying to insert herself, but is also helpful. Capri's ex-husband's family is the typical rich people more concerned about their reputations than anything else. I liked the relationship Capri had with her 2 employees at her tour company. They were so helpful and supportive of her.
The plot was really engaging, there was always something we are learning something to move the story along. It was paced well. The only thing I would have liked to be added into it was the actual podcast episodes that Capri writes. It would have been so fun to have that acted out in the audiobook.
The narrator of the audiobook was great. She had a very pleasant voice that was easy to listen to and I felt she really brought Capri and her story to life.

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Aside from knowing it was a thriller and the title itself, I had no real expectations going in—which is often my favorite way to approach a book. Right from the start, we’re thrown into family drama and a mystery that needs solving. While it’s labeled as a thriller, the tone is refreshingly light, almost playful at times. I could easily see this being adapted into a comedy-thriller film, and I mean that in the best way. Sure, the plot follows some familiar who-dun-it tropes, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I couldn’t put it down, even though I had a good sense of how things might end (though not exactly who was responsible, but definitely who wasn’t). It’s a fun, easy read that kept me entertained throughout. I highly recommend it, especially if you're looking for a great "palate cleanser" between more intense reads.

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4 ⭐️

the serial killer guide to san francisco is a who-dun-it murder mystery that had me laughing all while keeping me on the edge of my seat and guessing along with our main character, capri sanzio. she is infamously known because of her grandfather, who was allegedly a serial killer and was found guilty. growing up, she became obsessed with true crime and started a tour business of all the famous san francisco serial killers. when she finds herself in the middle of a murder investigation of a copycat killer.

i really enjoyed this, and being a bay area native, it was fun to feel like i was walking the streets of san francisco with her and trying to nail who the murderer was. it had me laughing just because there were many times i could just relate to capri. the family drama, the who-dun-it aspect, and the way the story flowed was all so enjoyable. i highly recommend the audiobook, i flew through it and the narrator did a fantastic job as well.

thank you to netgalley and macmillan audio for the opportunity to listen to this ALC in exchange for my honest review.

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Leading tours of San Francisco landmarks associated with serial killers might seem like an odd job, but as the granddaughter of a convicted killer, it makes sense for Capri Sanzio.

Decades after the murders her grandfather was found guilty for (but steadfastly proclaimed his innocence), a copy cat killer has started to prowl the streets of San Francisco. While the victims of the original murders were sex workers, the latest victims are society ladies.

As if a copy cat of her grandfather’s crimes wasn’t enough, one of the victims is Capri’s former mother-in-law, Sylvia. And after arguments over tuition payments come to light, Capri and her daughter find themselves at the top of the suspect list in Sylvia’s murder.

I enjoyed this twist on a cozy mystery and hope this becomes a series. The supporting characters were fun and I would love to learn more about them. I also loved the hint of romance between Capri and one of the detectives. The narration was fantastic; Stephanie Nemeth-Parker is a new favorite.

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The Serial Killer Guide to San Francisco by Michelle Chouinard
Narrator: Stephanie Nemeth-Parker
Rating: 4 stars
Pub date: 9/24

Thank you so much to St. Martin’s Press for my advanced copy and to Macmillan Audio for my complimentary audiobook! #macaudio2024
Capri Sanzio leads serial killer tours around San Francisco, which makes sense since she's the granddaughter of "Overkill Bill," a notorious serial killer. But Capri’s always believed her grandpa was innocent, even though she’s never dug too deep into the case—until now.

When a copycat killer starts imitating Overkill Bill’s crimes, and Capri’s ex-mother-in-law becomes the copycat’s latest victim, Capri decides it’s time to finally investigate her grandfather’s case. And since Capri and her daughter are the police’s prime suspects, it might be the only way to clear their names, along with his.

The book is fast-paced and kept me hooked from the start. Capri’s story is relatable and stressful, and I was completely invested in finding out what really happened. Mixed in with the story are some chapters that share facts about real-life serial killers, which tie into the plot. This added an extra layer of intrigue to the story and kept things interesting.

If you’re into mysteries, true crime, or family drama, this book is a fun ride. Capri’s journey to uncover the truth is filled with twists, and the mix of fact and fiction really makes it stand out. Definitely worth the read!

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This book was totally not what I was expecting given the title but it was a really fun story. Capri is the granddaughter of a convicted serial killer who maintained his innocence until his death in prison. Capri always thought he was innocent and decided to use her research into the case to build serial killer tours around San Francisco. When her ex mother in law gets murdered using the same style as her grandfather's supposed murders she got to work figuring out what happened. I really enjoyed the pace of this book and the variety of characters. When the ending came I was completely surprised by who the murderer was and thought the climax of the story was so gripping. I was happy with the way things turned out for Capri and her family but I can't say too much about that without giving away any spoilers.

The narrator for this audiobook was fantastic and kept me listening along the way.

Thanks so NetGalley and MacMillan Audio for a copy of this enjoyable audiobook.

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Macmillan Audio ALC
I will never get tired of books where people insert themselves into an investigation and try to solve a murder. What I really liked about this book was how the author came up with such an interesting premise. I loved Capri's job of giving tours around San Francisco based on murders and doing it in a way that honored the victims. I also liked the familial link to a serial killer and what happens when families disagree on their family member's guilt. I thought the characters were so vivid and I suspected so many of them. I liked how the plot was busy and needed paid attention to, yet it was never too much - just an interesting viewpoint. I enjoyed the narration. It made Capri come to life and I rooted so hard for her. This felt a bit darker than a cozy, but it definitely had similar vibes. Can't wait to see what this author does in the future.

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Fun and suspenseful whodunit - the granddaughter of a
Well known serial killer who now runs serial killer tours in Sam Francisco finds herself at the center of suspicion when her ex-mother in law and an associate are murdered by a copy-cat killer. Having always believed her grandfather innocent, our FMC leans on her detective skills to figure out the clues to keep herself and her daughter clear of allegations.

I wish we’d gotten more of the tours, more of the podcasts… even a perspective like the true crime til-tokkers of today would be a fun integration into this story, but it was a fun read regardless!

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for the audio ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was an interesting and engaging read for me. I really enjoyed the premise with the FMC setting up tours of serial killers after having her own unresolved personal ties to the serial killer Overkill Bill. When a copycat pops up, the FMC has the perfect chance to dig deeper into her family history to see if her grandfather really was the guilty party. I can’t say how realistic the story is in terms of actually being able to solve the decades old murder, but the story kept me hooked. There were also plenty of clues to figure out who the copycat was before the big reveal. I found it especially fascinating to dive deeper into the elite families of the area and seeing who was blackmailing whom among other things. I also appreciated how Chouindard also dove into the family dynamics and impact Overkill Bill had on th4e familial relationships. I read this via audiobook and would recommend it. It was a great experience with the narration by Stephanie Németh-Parker.

Overall Rating: 3.5⭐️

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Capri has a booming serial killer tour business. Her fascination with murder mysteries is because her grandfather was a convicted serial killer. Capri always believed her grandfather was innocent. When her ex-mother-in-law is killed in a copy cat murder, she is the number one suspect. This is the story of how she puts the pieces together and exonerates herself. Audio was provided by Netgalley for a honest review. I highly recommend this mystery in a mystery.

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I got an ARC of the audio of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I enjoyed the book. Cozy mystery/thriller. Love the San Francisco setting. I liked the characters and their development. I feel like there was a few dangling plot points bc they were intended as red herrings. Spoiler (the French heritage society, various driving scenes, how is the financial fraud being handled and paid out?, what is her husband doing?

It felt like this might become a series? I would pick up the next one and would recommend to a friend as a cozy suggestion.

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